AZWater Water Resources Committee
Salt River Project- PAB
1521 N Project Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85281
March 2, 2016 at 1:30PM
Attendance: Doyle Wilson (phone),
Gretchen Baumgartner, Doug Toy,
Tony Staffaroni, Rich Siegel, Hakon Johanson,
Doug Kobrick, Eric Braun
Meeting Agenda
1. Welcome –Intro new members: Doyle Wilson of Lake Havasu City is the newest member, participating by phone
2. Water Resources track at the annual conference (Eric): A quick update for the WR track, there was still a need for a few moderators if anyone wanted to help out.
3. Water Resources 101 update (Wally and Doug T): Something had come up and Wally was unable to attend to run through the presentation. He and Doug will coordinate to ensure the presentation is ready for the conference. They will give the presentation.
4. Site tours:
- Gilbert Riparian and Neely WRF- March 16 (Eric, Doug K): tour was fully booked
- CAP Salt Gila Pumping Plant- April 18 or 20 (Tony): Tony secured the date and prepared the advertising flyer
- Payson or Flagstaff in summer 2016- (Gretchen): Gretchen to check with Lisa Culbert and Erin Young to coordinate a tour coinciding with the Reuse Association conference in July.
- Tucson recharge/recovery- October 2016 (Wally): Wally was volunteered to plan the tour for October. (see what happens when you are absent?)
- Scottsdale Water Campus- January 2017? (Kathy): Doug K. to coordinate with Art Nunez for a tour.
5. Follow up on discussion regarding Kyle Center: Doug Toy discussed the advisory panel for the Kyle Center, that it contained a few technical folks and that the committee’s previous concerns were probably addressed by those people having a seat in the discussions. No further action needed.
6. Open Letter: Committee discussed the open letter Eric wrote for the Kachina News. Some suggestions to language were made and adopted. Committee believes that some talking points for each sector (e.g. water distribution, production, wastewater treatment, recharge) could be useful for those groups to participate in the narrative. Along these lines, a guest writer for each sector could/should write an article each quarter that connects the daily work of those groups to the resiliency, safety, sustainability story of Arizona’s water.
7. Other Items (All): Discussion of how the committee could advise the AZWater Board on legislative items. Difficult to coalesce this broad of a group around a position. Speed at which the legislative process moves makes it tough to respond. Possible for a post session wrap up with the Board? How does AZWater fit in this picture?
8. Set next Meeting Date/Time: June 1, 1:30PM