St Mirren Fans Council

Council Meeting

Thursday 4 September 2014

In Attendance: Alan Wardrop, Eric Crossan, Allan Gallacher, Alan Murray, Gary Reid, Gordian Mothersole, Margaret Tweedly, Pete Balmforth, Stewart Milton, Ian Wilkie, Mary Chalmers, Jack Paterson, Alan Doak, Sarah Murray (minutes)

Club Representatives: Brian Caldwell,

Apologies: John Allison, Tony Dorris,

Guests: Connor Watson, Louis Watson, John Clarke, Ian Laurie

No response:

Total Meeting Members confirmed as 17

Item / Action
1 / No leavers, no confirmed new members
2 / Treasurers Report
§  Balance in bank £3498.00, £975 still to be deposited. Laptop and postage paid since last meeting. Approximately £2000 to be paid to Paisley Golf Club. / AG
3 / Club Shop
§  Connor and Louis Watson attended from the shop. Lot of stock still on order, lot more kid’s stuff and female stuff, doing retro shirt – 1987 cup winner’s shirt. Due in stock in November – pre order. Suggested a pole for club Facebook site to narrow down what the fans want. Connor to circulate business cards for ideas which come later. BC in talks with JD to install a tablet in-store for direct orders. / CW
4 / New Strips
§  Confidentiality agreements all signed. Fans Council asked to vote on which strips they would like to see for next season. Discussed how to vote.
5 / Golf Day
§  16 teams, biggest problem has been getting St Mirren reps, but have pulled in some ex-players. Hoping to generate profit of £1730. Don’t need any more helpers. / EC/IW/MC
6 / Lottery
§  JP/AW to get together to design tickets, suggestions for theme to be emailed round asap
7 / Action Points from previous minutes
§  Fan Zone – has been discussed with BC, some work still to be done. Feasibility study to be done. / AW/BC
8 / Disabled Supporters
§  John Clarke and Ian Laurie attended meeting to talk about the Disabled Supporters Association and some of the issues they are dealing with. Agreed that GR would continue to attend and report on Fan’s Council meetings. Ian or John would attend the Fan’s Council meetings to report on actions. Suggestion to change meeting to before home matches at 1.30 pm.
9 – Club Update / §  Void – work has started and is doing well. To be ready by 27 September for Celtic Game.
§  / BC
10 - AOB / §  Survey – sample questions to be forwarded to BC (AW), PB then to set up survey monkey linked to club website.
§  Feedback on Scoreboard – some initial problems which are being worked through. Trying to write instruction book as was not provided. Message to go on website to explain the problems. Audio to be added shortly.
§  FC notice to be put on scoreboard and for DSG.
§  For golf day next year agree number of ex-players to be invited well in advance to allow them to attend.
§  ATM suggested for on-site. JN will discuss with her brother who works for a bank.
§  AW asked for the club to recognise that FC supported the dome. BC to sort asap / AW/PB/AGENDA
10 / Next meeting – Thursday 25 September 2014 at 7 pm