Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Infections)

Early Childhood Education Pathway; Heath, Safety, & Nutrition for the Young Child – HSN 4, 8

Read the following statements about STDs. Indicate if the statement is true or false.

1. Once you have had a sexually transmitted disease, your body builds a natural immunity and you can never get it again.

2. Condoms are the most effective way of preventing sexually transmitted disease.

3. Chlamydia is associated with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and might possibly lead to infertility.

4. Chlamydia is the most widespread of all the sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Sometimes, early in the infection, there may be no symptoms, or the symptoms may be easily confused with other illnesses.

6. AIDS can be transmitted through a kiss, a mosquito bite, or a toilet seat.

7. If two people are free from STDs and have no other sexual partners, they will likely never have any STD.

8. While a baby is in the womb, he may contract Herpes from an infected mother.

9. The genital warts caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), are treatable and the virus is curable with hard courses of antibiotics.

10. Once the chancres associated with syphilis goes away, that person is no longer contagious.

11. Abstinence means no penile, vaginal, oral, or anal contact.

12. The only 100% effective way to prevent the spread of STDs is through abstinence.

13. Most STDs are spread by contact with bodily fluids, including blood, semen, and vaginal fluids.

14. STDs are not spread through casual everyday contact, such as touching elevator buttons or using public restrooms.

15. Some STDs are spread through skin contact with infected areas.


16. The clap, or drip...most common symptom is a heavy discharge, but half of females have no symptoms

17. The silent epidemic, affecting about 4 million a year – the leading cause of pelvic inflammatory disease, causing infertility in women

18. Has three stages, recurring after the previous stage lies latent for months or years. Sometimes called the Pox or Bad blood

19. Nicknamed BV, associated with abnormal pregnancy and premature births

20. These parasites infect the hairy parts of the body, especially the groin area, laying eggs and causing considerable itching

21. Caused by a parasite, this infection is a very good reason not to share towels or bathing suits. Causes itching, burning, and a foul smelling discharge.

22. The rash from this mite is a result of the female burrowing into the skin to lay eggs.

23. Burning sensation in the groin area; lower back pain; painful urination; flu like symptoms; and small red bumps that bust open into painful blisters is the result of this non-curable virus. Can cause brain damage and death in infants born vaginally to mothers with this infection.

24. Associated with 80% of all cervical cancer. Non-curable bumpy growths around genital and anal areas. Medication or surgery can treat the growths, but not cure them.

A. Herpes II D. Genital Warts G. Pubic Lice

B. Trichomoniasis E. Scabies H. Vaginitis

C. Syphilis F. Gonorrhea I. Chlamydia

Answer Key

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. T

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. F

10. F

11. T

12. T

13. T

14. T

15. T

16. F

17. I

18. C

19. H

20. G

21. B

22. E

23. A

24. D