Teacher: E. VásquezSubject: Earth Science Date:Sept.23-27,2013
Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2013-2014
/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ GradeMonday / Focus Standard:
. S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Learn about the rock cycle. / S. What is the maijn criterion scientists use to classify rocks?
A/ They classify according to how they form. / Students will work on a poster describing the rock cycle. / Exit Slip
Is it possible for any rock to to change into another type of rock?
A/ Yes, sedimentary rock can be heated until it melts to form magma. Metamorphic rock can be weatherd and turned into sediment that becomes sedimentary rock, or it can be heated and melted and then cool til it becomes igneous rock.
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,S4A,S4Aa,S4Ab
Tuesday / Focus Standard:
S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Learn how igneous rocks form and the common types of igneous rock. / What do you think?
S. agree or disagree with the following statements
Before After
- Large crystals form when lava cools quickly on Earth’s surface.
- Igneous rock s form when cooling magma crystallizes
Complete extrusive and intrusive rock foldable as the lesson goes on
HW: Lesson Rev. 2 pg. 123 and vocabulary / Exit Slip
Classify each description as a feature of either extrusive or intrusive rocks, by placing a mark in the correct column
Dcrp Extru Intru
Form underground
Coarse grains
Form above ground
Cool quickly
Form from lava
Volcanic glass
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,S4A,S4Aa,S4Ab
Wednesday / Focus Standard:
S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Learn hoe sedimentary rocks form and identify the 3 types of sedimentary rock / Show an image of a riverbed full of different sized rocks.Q/ How did these broken rock fragments form?
A/River erodes rocks and breaks them into fragments / Prezi/mimio/Class Discussion on Sedimentary rock formation pgs125-130 / S. ISN note taking.
HW: Lesson review3 and vocabulary pg. 130 / Exit Slip
How is biochemical sedimentary rock different from chemical sedimentary rock?
A/Biochem. Forms from the action of org or their remains
Chem forms directly from water
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,S4A,S4Aa,S4Ab
Thursday / Focus Standard:
S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Learn how metamorphic rocks form and how they differ. / Show image of metamorphic rock.
Q/ How did this rock wrinkle?
A/ Metamorphism occurs due to high pressure. / Prezi/mimio/Class Discussion on Metamorphic rock formation pgs125 / S. ISN notetaking.
HW: Lesson review3 and vocabulary pg 137 / Exit Slip
Whisch are the 2 criteria that are used to classify all 3 major rock types?
A/ texture and composition
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,S4A,S4Aa,S4Ab
Friday / Focus Standard:
S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Learn about the rock cycle
Learn how igneous rocks form and the common types of igneous rock.
Learn hoe sedimentary rocks form and identify the 3 types of sedimentary rock
Learn how metamorphic rocks form and how they differ. / Ch 4 Quiz
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,S4A,S4Aa,S4Ab