How to Use the Review Suppliers Page
- In PS Financials version 8.9 we referred to the companies that we do business with as Vendors. Now in PS Financials 9.2, they are referred to as Suppliers, and the menus/navigation is Suppliers. Our Accounts Payable department routinely fields questions concerning payments. I want to highlight the “Review Suppliers” page and some of the information it houses. For example, a common question is: “Is John Doe already setup as a vendor” or you many have the SSN number of a supplier and need to lookup their Supplier ID. Follow the steps below to look up supplier information.
- In PeopleSoft Financials, from the navigator navigate to Suppliers > Supplier Information >Add/Update > Review Suppliers
- From the Review Suppliers page you can look up a vendor various ways:
- If you have a common name like Jane Smith and you have the SSN, input the SSN into the “ID TYPE” field and hit search.
- If you know the name but not sure of the spelling, on the “NAME” field click the drop-down criteria to contains and search that way.
- If you don’t have a SSN, but have an address, on the “ADDRESS” line click the drop-down to contains and search there.
- If you have the SSN or TIN number of the vendor, then you can type in the 9 digit number in the ID Type with search type of Tax ID.
See notes of other ways to search, if you do not have the SSN or TIN and Name searches do not find results.
- Click on Search to find the Supplier ID and Name.
- If you receive a message of “There are no rows available that meet your search criteria.”, then the vendor is not in the system or was not found. The W9 and/or Vendor Request form will need to be given to the vendor file person(s).
- If a vendor is found, then the Vendor ID and Address(es) will be shown below the Search Results box.
Other Ways to Search:
If you do not have the SSN or TIN number, you can search by City, and part of the address for the vendor. You would type the city in the City field, and change the box in front of the Address field to Contains, then type in part of the address.
For example, if you wanted to search for Fireplace, Grills and More LLC at 2917 Riverwest Drive, Augusta, GA, you could:
- Change the search criteria for Name to Contains, and enter Fire
- Change the search criteria for Address to Contains, and enter 2917
- Enter Augusta in the City box
- Then, click on Search
- You will notice that it returns the results, and the Vendor ID is 0000054764
Revised 10/26/2017 – Page 1