Q: Who do you like for president, Obama or Romney? And who is best for small business?


A: Close readers of this column will likely know who I probably favor for president, and which party I think tends to favor small business more, but this year I choose to look at the race in a different way, for one main reason: Both candidates and parties are talking a lot about small business and entrepreneurs and that is great.

We can only hope their love for us lasts beyond November 6th. But I’ll believe it when I see it.

So instead, in this election cycle, I would rather take the tack of examining what we can learn from the two candidates insofar as our businesses go. For the fact is, these two candidates and parties have some of the best marketing minds in the world behind them. They know how to attract and keep an audience.

(Note: Before I found my calling preaching to the entrepreneurial choir, I thought politics would be my profession of choice. I became a Coro Foundation Fellow in Public Affairs and got a masters in public policy. Later I realized that I would need to spend my days dialing for dollars from donors. Thanks, but no thanks.)

What are the candidates doing that we should do too? Here are five things:

1. Solidifying the base: Any campaign begins with the candidate “solidifying the base.” They do so by offering policies, positions, and a vision that core members of their party would find attractive. This in turn can transform a casual voter into a rabid fan of the candidate, and that, as Jon Lovitz once said, is the ticket. Voters who love a candidate donate money, put up lawn signs, walk precincts, and man phone banks. They are the volunteer army that helps elect a candidate.

We entrepreneurs must solidify our base too if we are to win the business election; the one in which people vote by giving you their money for your product or service.

How do you solidify your base? First, you need to know why your best customers love your business. Is it your low, low prices, your great service, your cool products, or what? Whatever it is, double down on that. Do that better than anyone else, especially better than the competition. Chat with these folks on Facebook. Turn then into raving fans of your business by giving them more of what they want.

2. Finding the weakness in the competition: When Governor Romney hammers the President over the jobless numbers, he is hitting his opponent’s his weak spot. When President Obama talks about Romney’s inability to explain how he will specifically cut taxes by $5 trillion and how that could blow a hole in the already large deficit, the President is doing the same.

That is what we must do too. Find their weakness! Have a sale that undercuts the competition. Do what they do, only better. Peel off some of their customers with your brilliant plan.

3. Looking to capture the undecided: In any industry, there are looky-loos; folks who are not yet attached to a business or a brand. In this presidential campaign, the undecided are, well, who the heck could be undecided at this point? I mean really, come-on!

I digress.

Your job is to capture the undecided in your world. You do that by having an identifiable brand and a clear value proposition. Be the best at something and let people know you are the best at it.

4. Being prepared: Sarah Palin ruined whatever chance she may have had for the Presidency when it became painfully obvious that she was not prepared – for interviews with Katie Couric, for the debate, for the job. Conversely, Paul Ryan came across as highly prepared and I suggest that we will have him in our living rooms for years to come as a result.

The same holds true for us. When making a sales pitch, be uber-prepared. When calling on a customer, know what you want to say, why, and why they will want to hear it. Preparation solves many ills.

5. Declaring a clear vision: Whether you are running for President or running your own small business, having a vision is necessary if you want people to join your cause. Having a vision for your business gives purpose to your efforts and gives your employees direction. It makes your business about more than just making money.

Vote early, vote often, vote for small business.

Today’s tip: According to Indeed.com, the Top 10 seasonal and part-time positions that employers are hiring for:

1. Sales Associate

2. Merchandise Associate

3. Nurse

4. Store Team Member

5. Customer Service Representative

6. Driver

7. Manager

8. Clerk

9. Cashier

10. Material Handler