12 Months of Fun!


According to WorldAtlas.com there are between 189 and 196 independent countries in the world today. The final number depends on how you count them. For example, Taiwan is sometimes considered a country, or sometimes considered a province of China. For the purposes of this assignment, if you can justify it as an independent country to me, then it counts. On October 10/2017, the province of Catalonia declared independence from Spain, and then 8 seconds later postponed it indefinitely!? At the time of updating this assignment (October 18/2017), I am not considering Catalonia a country.

Google maps will be projected onto the white board at the front of the room. You must choose a country you have never visited. Cross off your country of choice using the white board marker.


Make your country seem like a cool and fun place to visit. Find 12 activities to do in your country. One for each month of the year.

  1. Month
  2. Daily average high temperature
  3. Daily average low temperature
  4. Average Amount of Precipitation (mm or inches)
  5. An activity you could do in that month.
  6. A picture of that activity

Example Activities

January inFinland, you could go skiing at Ylläs Ski Resort, which is near the village of Ylläsjärvi(don’t ask me to pronounce that!)

February in Argentina, you could visit the Perito Moreno Glacier, which is near the village of Puerto Bandera.

Each activity’s description should be 2-3 sentences long.

Suggested Websites

  • LonelyPlanet.com
  • ClimaTemps.com
  • TripAdvisor.ca
  • LatLong.net
  • TimeAndDate.com

Document Format

  • Microsoft Word
  • Your document will be on legal size paper, in landscape mode.
  • You must use 1 sheet of paper (double sided), 3 columns to divide your document.
  • You must NOT use textboxes to format your document.
  • On your first panel of content, introduce your country in a couple sentences.
    Ex: Welcome to… / You are going to experience… / We have the best…
  • Use the Styles function to make sure all headings (one for each month) and text look and feel the same.

Front Cover Requirements

  • “Welcome to/Visit/Beautiful Country!”
  • Country Flag
  • Map of Country
    Show your city and capital’s location
  • Name
  • Block #

How to Proceed

  1. Pick your city
  2. Start by collecting some resources
  3. We will make a draft design in the second class
  4. Then make the good copy in Word.

Collecting Resources

Make a folder in My Documents/ADST8 called Travel Brochure. While you are researching, save the images you want to use into this folder. Wikipedia is not a valid resource.

The writing in your brochure must be in your own words. (Not directly copied & pasted)