The 94th
Of the
MARCH 17 – 21, 2008
Reverend Leon Jones, Pastor
(Services held at the Bay Point Marriott
Panama City, Florida)
< inside cover >
President’s Message
Greetings From The President
Greetings Progressive officers, ministry leaders, delegates, special guest, and visiting friends to our great Convention! It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Ninety-Fourth Annual Session of the Progressive Missionary and Educational Baptist State Convention of Florida, Incorporated. “Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. His Mercy endures forever.”
I continue to be appreciative to the Almighty God for the wonderful things He does for our convention. He blessed us as we experienced a most rewarding and spiritual Winter Board session in Lakeland, Fl at our own site. Again, I give special thanks to President Emeritus and pastor, Reverend Dr. N. S. Sanders, and the Greater Saint Paul Institutional Baptist Church family for the tremendous manner in which they hosted our Winter Board. We were blessed mightily - spiritually and financially - as well as in attendance!
As we come today to this our Ninety-Fourth session, on the “Emerald Coast” of our state, the “Home of the World’s Most Beautiful Beaches,” I want to commend the hard work and tireless efforts of Reverend Leon Jones and the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church family, as well as “Team Panama City Beaches 2008,” for hosting our session. They have spared nothing to ensure that our arrival and stay this week in Panama City is pleasant and enjoyable.
Also, special thanks to Reverend W. D. Sims, Reverend K. T. Turner and the Convention Planning Committee for their hard work ensure everything flows smoothly this week. Your interactions and negotiations with the officials of Panama City enabled us to be in this unique setting. Therefore, we are anticipating a glorious session where we will touch the lives of unsaved men and women in this city and surrounding areas. We want the light of Christ Jesus to illuminate in everything we do and say, and may our actions reflect the attitude of Him who has called us out of darkness into the marvelous light. This committee will serve throughout this session to assist us in having a successful week.
As I reminisce of our previous sessions, and how God has graciously smiled upon us each year permitting us to be successful in all of our endeavors, I can only give Him praise and glory for His grace and mercy. I wish to express my appreciation to each officer, ministry leader, and the entire constituency of Progressive for your continued loyal support of the work that has been assigned to us. Let us not be weary in well doing, for we shall reap if we faint not.
Have a spirit-filled session, and a safe trip home.
Reverend Dr. Bartholomew Banks, Sr.
Reverend Dr. Bartholomew Banks. Sr.
Message from the Host Pastor
Greeting From The Pastor
The New Hope Church Family and our sister churches take this privilege to welcome the messengers who make up this great convention.
We are extremely excited about your arrival to the Emerald Coast, and to God be the glory for it is a distinct honor to have you as our distinguished guest.
The faithful members of this church and our co-hosts have labored untiringly to make your stay in this city a pleasant and enjoyable one. Whatever your needs are while in our city don’t fail to let us know. We are elated to do our utmost to prove to you that we are experts in the process of making those among us happy.
You are welcome to our city. We feel when you leave us, you will be far be better off than when you came. No one can fellowship with understanding persons like you without being benefited in some way. It is our prayer that everything we do for Kingdom building this week will be a great success.
We are sincerely praying that the Progressive Missionary and Educational Baptist State Convention of Florida, Inc. under the efficient leadership of our president, Dr. Bartholomew Banks, will meet all of his anticipated goals in this session.
Eternally Secure,
Reverend Leon Jones
Pastor Leon Jones
Convention Officers
Office of the President / ModeratorsReverend Dr. Bartholomew Banks, Sr - President / Reverend Dr. K. Brown ……East Florida & Bethany
Reverend James Harvey …Vice President At Large / Elder E. Q. Truss……………………….Equal Rights
Reverend Dr. H.D. Rucker … .1st Vice President / Reverend Dr. C.P. Epps…………First South Florida
Reverend W.D. Sims ………. .2nd Vice President / Reverend Dr. J.J. Pierce …..…Greater South Florida
Reverend Dr. Kelly Brown…..3rd Vice President / Reverend Evorn Burke ………..…….....Great Union
Reverend Dr. J.J. Pierce ……..4th Vice President / Elder T.J. Reed ……………….……….... Gulf Coast
Reverend Dr. N.S. Sanders…President Emeritus/
Project Director / Reverend Gary McNealy …….…...Kissimmee Valley
Reverend Dr. H.T. Rhim …..President Emeritus / Reverend W. Randall ...….…Middle Florida & Clay
Reverend Harold V. Bennett, III .….…Attorney / Reverend Dr. C.F. Brooks..………….Mount Pilgrim
Reverend A. L. Young……..….…...New Gulf Coast
Finance Committee / Reverend Dr. Rufus Wood …...Progressive West FL
Reverend Price Wilson……Financial Secretary / Reverend H.G. McCullough …..………Second West
Reverend Dr. C. T. Kirkland……South Florida Prog.
Dr. Doris Copeland …Assist. Financial Secretary / Reverend L. Graham …………..…….Union Baptist
Deacon Cleveland Raymond ………….Treasurer / Reverend Fleming Tarver .……….…Union Foreign
Reverend Dr. Caesar Smith ….ssistant Treasurer
Sister Annette Dunn …………Registration Clerk / Ministry Leaders
Sister Barbara Wright ……………....Senior Women
Sister Bonnie G. Belford …………..W.I.A.
Planning & Evaluation Committee / Sister F. Henderson………………….Junior Women
Reverend Brian K. Brown……………Chairman / Sister Patricia Ball ……………..Deaconess Council
Reverend Robert Lewis ………..Vice-Chairman / Brother Wayne Herring ………………Brotherhood
Reverend H.L. Daniels ..……………..Secretary / Sister Louise Daniels ………………….Health Care
Sister Mary Heard …………………………..Ushers
Sister Nora Randolph..……………Minister’s Wives
Secretary to the President
Reverend J. Wynn …………………..Secretary / Ministry Advisors
Minister Charles Braxton.……..Transportation / Reverend M. Murray …………………Senior Women
Reverend B.J. Jones………….. Transportation / Reverend H. D. McFadden ..…………………..W.I.A.
Deacon Charlie Ball …………..Transportation / Reverend Deryl Jones ………..……….Junior Women
Deacon Willie Monroe.………………Security / Reverend D. Cockerhan …..……………Brotherhood
Reverend L. F. Camel …..……Young Men for Christ
Orthodoxy Commission / Reverend A. Hargrett……..……………Health Care
Reverend Dr. Rollie Murray….……Chairman / Reverend L. Farmer ………Ministers’ Wives Council
Reverend A. Davis ………..…Vice-Chairman / Reverend J.L. Norris …………………………Ushers
Reverend Arnold Cotton ..…………Secretary / Reverend T.D. Leonard …………Deaconess Council
Convention Officers
Office of the Corresponding Secretary / Office of Congress DirectorReverend Dr. W.J.Haynes…………Corresponding
Secretary & Managing Editor Newsletter / Reverend H.G. McCullough ……..…………Director
Sister Ola Johnson…….Assist. Corresponding Sec.
Reverend Sanford Hayes….....Recording Secretary
Reverend Marcellas Willis..…...Assist. Recording / Reverend Dr. S. Maxwell ………….1st Vice Director
Brother Andrew Burgess ………Newsletter Editor / Reverend Dr. F. Brown ….…………nd Vice Director
Brother Lee Massey ………… Newsletter Editor / Reverend F. Tarver ………………...3rd Vice Director
TBA, 16 Association Contributors / Reverend Dr. J.L. Downing ..…………………..Dean
Reverend Riley Henderson ……….….Assistant Dean
Reverend David Swackard….. …….....Assistant Dean
Press Liaisons / Reverend Edward Bland…...Director, Youth/Children
Reverend James Youmas …….Northwest Region / Sister Elizabeth Rosier… .Directress, Youth/Children
TBA ……………………………. .North Region / Reverend Roosevelt Cooper…..Dean, Youth/Children
TBA ………………………..…Southeast Region / Elder Thomas Reed ………Registrar, Youth/Children
TBA ………………………….Southwest Region / Sister L. Bennett……Music Director, Youth/Children
Sister F. Davis …..….Band Director, Youth/Children
Brother Chris Anthony …………Drill Team Director
Video / Photographer / Sister Mary Reed…..…………………..…Benevolent
Reverend Ricky Anderson / TBA …………………………..Oratorical Committee
TBA …………………..Bible Sword Drill Committee
Audio Ministry
Reverend Elgin Rucker / Music Department
Reverend Delwynn Williams…....Director/Organist
Historian / Sister Tanya Riley …………………………..Pianist
Reverend C.R. Taylor……………..……Chairman
Minister Eric Davis………………..Vice Chairman / Brother Maurice Crawford………………….Pianist
Brother Michael Johnson……………………Pianist
Place Committee / Brother Carl Bryant …………………...Saxophonist
Reverend Remer Baker…………………Chairman / Reverend James Youmas ……………….…..Soloist
Reverend Levi White / Later Night Services
Reverend O’Hara Black………………….Chairman
Reverend William Leonard, II……..Vice-Chairman
Convention Planning Committee / Reverend Deldrick Leonard …..………...Secretary
Reverend K.T. Turner ……...Convention Planner
Sister Clara Cobbs / Evangelical Board
Deacon Delatorre McNeal / Reverend Dr. Frank O’Harroll ..………..Chairman
Sister Ola Johnson
Sis. Arnetta Collins
Sis. Linda Lewis
Sis. Gloria Beaman / Reverend Dr. Albert Phillips …..…Vice-Chairman
Convention Officers
Home Mission Board / Church Development BoardReverend Evorn Burke …………………Chairman / Reverend Dr. S.L. Maxwell………………..Chairman
Reverend Kelvin Burke……………Vice Chairman / Reverend Leon Williams …………….Vice-Chairman
Reverend A.L. Willis ……………..……Secretary / Reverend Dr. T.W. Jenkins………………...Secretary
Foreign Mission Board / Family Development Board
Reverend Alvin White..………….……..Chairman / Reverend Timothy Cole….………………Chairman
Reverend John Holman..……….…Vice-Chairman / Reverend A.L. Willis ………………Vice-Chairman
Reverend Lester Ward..………………...Secretary / Reverend Robert Wright…………………Secretary
Disaster Relief Board / Community Development Board
Reverend Dr. Rufus Wood…………….Chairman / Reverend W.D. Barnes………………….Chairman
Reverend L.F. Camel………….…Vice-Chairman / Reverend Rayford Harper………….Vice-Chairman
Reverend R.L. Pierson………….……...Secretary / Reverend Emmett Wiseman……………..Secretary
Education Board / New Church Construction Board
Reverend Torin Dailey…………….….Chairman / Reverend J.L. Wilson……………………Chairman
Reverend Timothy Cole…………Vice-Chairman / Reverend Ronald Wade……………Vice-Chairman
Reverend Robert Rease ………………Secretary / Reverend Robert Ward…………………..Secretary
Insurance & Benefits / Moderators Council
Reverend Leon Jones…………………Chairman / Reverend Dr. C.P. Epps……………………Chairman
Reverend E. Jones ..…………..…Vice-Chairman / Elder T.J. Reed ………………………Vice-Chairman
Reverend Alonzo McKenzie ………….Secretary / Reverend Evorn Burke ……..……………..Secretary
Social Justice Commission / Election Commission
Reverend Dr. Walter Williams ……….Chairman / TBA
Reverend Dr. G. Robinson………Vice-Chairman
Reverend Kenneth Holley …………….Secretary / Credentials Commission
Pastoral Development Board
Reverend Dr. G.I. Bradley ……………Chairman / Parliamentarian
Reverend Larry Ware …………...Vice-Chairman / Reverend Dr. Alex Harper ……...…Parliamentarian
Reverend Henderson Powell ……………….Assistant
Young Pastors & Ministries
Reverend O’Hara Black ………………Chairman / Constitution Commission
Reverend William Leonard II……Vice-Chairman / Reverend Wallace Bowers……………….Chairman
Reverend Deldrick Leonard …………..Secretary / TBA…………………………………Vice-Chairman
Reverend Dr. Lewis Rentz ……………….Secretary
Convening with
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Wewahitchka, Florida
Meeting Site:
Bay Point Marriott Resort
4200 Marriott Drive
Panama City Beach, Florida
“The Testimony Of the Church…Now Behold The Lamb”
St. John1: 29-34
March 17-21, 2008
Dr. Bartholomew Banks, Sr.
Monday Afternoon, March 17, 2008 - 1:30 p.m.
Dr. G. I. Bradley, Chairman
Dr. G. I. Bradley, Presiding
Devotional Leaders:
Reverend Robert Baker,Macedonia, Blountstown
Reverend Parnell Smith, New Bethel, Panama City
Christology /Dr. Walter Williams
- Leadership In the Local Church……..Reverend Willie C. Barnes
(New Testament Paradise)
2. Conflict Management………………..Dr. G. I. Bradley
Monday Evening, March 17, 2008 - 7:00 p.m.
Musical and Welcome Program
Tuesday Morning, March 18, 2008 - 9:00 a.m.
Vice President at large James Harvey, Presiding
Inspirational Singing / The Music DepartmentReverend Dr. Delwyn Williams
Devotional Period / Deacon Charlie Ball Jr.
St. John Progressive, Tampa
Deacon Wyne Herring
Bethel Star, Marianna
Presentation/Health Care Ministry
Presentation of the President / Vice-President at large James Harvey
Call to Order / President Bartholomew Banks
Directions for Enrollment / Reverend Price Wilson
Presentation of the 2007 Convention Host Church and Pastor
Dr. Alex Harper, Sr.
First Baptist Institutional Church
Lakeland, Florida
Music / First Baptist Choir
Introductory Sermon
Administration Of the Lord’s Supper
/ Dr. Alex Harper, Sr.First Baptist, Lakeland
President Banks
Tuesday Afternoon, March 18, 2008 - 2:30 p.m.
Dr. G. I. Bradley, Presiding
Prayer and Praise Period / Reverend James Youmas,Greater Friendship, Panama City
Reverend Mark Redmond,
New Hope, Lynn Haven
ORTHODOXY HOUR: Ecclesiology/Doctrine of the Church / Dr. E. C. Gregory,
St. Joseph, Jacksonville
Leadership In the Local Church
Conflict Management / Reverend Willie C. Barnes, Macedonia, Eatonville
Dr. G. I. Bradley,
Providence, Palmetto
Tuesday Evening, March 18, 2008 - 7:00 p.m.
First Vice President H. D. Rucker, Presiding
Reverend Torin Dailey, Chairman
Devotional Period / Deacons of St. Matthew, TampaIntroduction of the Preacher / Dr. Carl F. Brooks,
1st Macedonia, Punta Gorda
Moderator, Mt. Pilgrim Association
Sermon / Reverend W. D. Sims,
St. Matthew, Tampa
Distant Congress President, Mt. Pilgram
Reverend O’Hara Black, Chairman
Sermon / Reverend Clarence M. Jackson, ll,Greater Bethel, Chattahoochee
Guest Choir / Greater Bethel, Chattahoochee
Wednesday Morning, March 19, 2008 - 9:00 a.m.
Second Vice President W. D. Sims, Presiding
Devotional Period / Deacon Emmit McCallister,Galliee, St. Petersburg
Deacon Essau Freeman,
Mt. Sinai, Jacksonville
Theme Exposition / Reverend Dr. T. W. Jenkins,
New Hope, Tampa
Sermon / Reverend Clifton Dollison,
First Baptist, Tampa
Alternate / Reverend Deryl Jones,
First Providence, Bartow
Wednesday Afternoon, March 19, 2008 - 2:30 p.m.
Dr. G. I. Bradley, Presiding
Devotional Period / Reverend Joseph McCalister,Tabernacle, Panama City
Reverend Rawlis Leslie,
2nd Mt. Moriah, Panama City
ORTHODOXY HOUR: Doctrine of The Holy Spirit / Reverend Larry W. Ware,
Grace Community, Orlando
Leadership In the Local Church / Reverend Willie C. Barnes,
Macedonia, Eatonville
Conflict Management / Dr. G. I. Bradley,
Providence, Palmetto
Wednesday Evening, March 19, 2008 - 7:00 p.m.
Chairman C. P. Epps, Presiding
Devotional Period / Reverend Dr. Fleming Tarver,St. John, Clearwater
Reverend Dr. Rufus Wood,
Love Center, Panama City
Sermon / Reverend Gary McNealy,
Greater Friendship, Clewiston
Alternate / Reverend E. Q. Truss,
Word of Faith, Pensacola
Reverend O’Hara Black, Chairman
Sermon / Reverend Dereck Lenoir,Mt. Olive, Panama City
Thursday Morning, March 20, 2008 - 9:30 a.m.
Third Vice President Kelly Brown, Presiding
Devotional Period / Deacon Robert Calhoun,Mt. Tabor, Marianna
Deacon Jerry Green,
Second Mt. Moriah, Panama City
Sermon / Reverend Ricky Anderson,
St. John, Ft. Myers
Alternate / Reverend Willie Brown,
Macedonia, Argyle
Thursday Afternoon, March 20, 2008 - 2:30 p.m.
Dr. Walter Williams, Presiding
(Supplementary Program Provided)Thursday Evening, March 20, 2008 - 7:00 p.m.
Third Vice President Kelly Brown, Presiding
Devotional Period / Reverend A. Hargrett,St. Mark, Quincy
Reverend Willie Riles,
Humility, Bristol
Sermon / Reverend James Harvey,
Holy Light, Havana
Alternate / Reverend G. E. Bowers,
St. Mary, Cottondale
Reverend O’Hara Black, Chairman
Sermon / Reverend Terrance Bulger,Mt. Nebo, Defuniak Spring
Guest Choir / Dr. Delwynn G. Williams,
St. John, Panama City
Friday Morning, March 21, 2008 - 9:00 a.m.
Fourth Vice President J. J. Pierce, Presiding
Devotional Period / Deacon Jimmy Wright,New Hope, Tampa
Deacon Willie Monroe,
St. John, Tampa
Annual President’s Hour
Dr. Bartholomew Banks
(Supplementary Program provided)
Convention Business Period
President Banks Presiding
Reports from Officers of the President
Announcements and Dismissal