A.P. Calculus Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Edens

Room #: E-3


Phone: 937-2038 ext. 135

Text: Rogawski’s Calculus for AP*: Early Transcendentals

Rogawksi, Cannon

ISBN: 978-1429250740

Course Description: This course is designed for students with a high aptitude in math. A.P. Calculus involves the study of limits, functions, derivatives of functions, integrals of functions, and how these apply to the slopes of curves and areas of curves. The course includes several application problems of volume, velocity, acceleration, and other problems of the real world. It is also presented to prepare the student for the Advanced Placement exam: Calculus AB.

Course Objectives:

The student should be able to:

  1. Determine limits of functions and understand continuity.
  2. Determine the derivative of a function and understand its applications.
  3. Calculate integrals and understand the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Required Materials:



Lined paper

Graph paper

Graphing calculator



Student Expectations:

1. Arrive on time and ready for class.

2. Respect others.

3. Always do your best.

Classroom Policies and Procedures:

1.Homework will be collected on a daily basis.

2. Weekly quizzes will be given on Fridays.

3. The beginning of each class period will be designated to answering any questions students had when completing the homework assignment.

4. At the end of the period, students will wait until the teacher dismisses them to leave the classroom.

5. Students will clean up personal work area before leaving class.

6. ​No hats, hoodies or sunglasses are to be worn in the classroom.

​7. No food or beverages are allowed in the classroom.

Assessment and Grading Procedures:

Students grades will be determined by homework, classwork, chapter assessments, and participation.

Homework & Classwork: 15%

Quizzes: 15%

Chapter Assessments: 40%

Final: 20%

Participation: 10%

Homework: All homework assignments will contain a list of required problems and a list of suggested problems. Required problems will be due the day after the completion of a section. Suggested problems are optional study tools and maybe turned in on assessment days for up to 5% extra credit on a test.

Late work: Late work will only be accepted in the case of an excused absence and all work will be due when the student returns to class. All assignments can be found on the school website.

Make-up Test/Quizzes: If a student is absent on the day of a testthe student will be expected to schedule a retake with the teacher upon the students return to class and must be completed no later than one week after original test was given. If a student is absent on the day of a quiz the student will be expected to make up the quiz upon their return to school. If a student is absent for more than a week, please meet with teacher to create an individualized plan.

Grading Scale:

98.5 to 100 = A+

91.5 to 98.4 = A

89.5 to 91.4 = A-

87.5 to 89.4 = B+

81.5 to 87.4 = B

79.5 to 81.4 = B-

77.5 to 79.4 = C+

71.5 to 77.4 = C

69.5 to 71.4 = C-

67.5 to 69.4 = D+

61.5 to 67.4 = D

59.5 to 61.4 = D-

Below 59.4 = F

Student and parent/guardian should review syllabus together, sign, and return to teacher.


Student SignatureParent Signature