Horace Mann Elementary School PTO

March 2,2017 8:15 AM

Meeting Minutes

In Attendance:

Karla Munoz

Val Desiderio

David Gullo

Saritha Reddy

Sarah Roberts

Beth Seigel

Pam Rogers

Doug Rainey

Ellen Maliff

Katie Korrison

Principal Faith Cole

Approval of February Meeting Minutes

Principal’s Report

Principal Cole reported that PARCC testing will begin the week after Spring Break.

She reported on the successful Birthday Gifts for Homeless Students program.

There was a 5th Grade visit to Irving to encourage students to meet & greet future Middle School classmates.

The Chorus is planning to go to Great America for their final activity of the year.

Following up on a question about proposed cuts planned if the D97 referenda did not pass Principal Cole confirmed that there will be cuts to Library programs including elimination of staff at Mann in the 2018-2019 year.

President’s Report

Doug Rainey reported the following:

Girls Choice Night was a success and made a small amount of revenue

The Spelling Bee was successful in terms of participation and outcome; there was a microphone issue which requires further investigation

D97 Referenda Information Meeting to be scheduled – 2 School Board members are available to speak along with parent representative. PTO council members cannot participate.

Mann Block Party upcoming March 11 looking for volunteers

PTO Board for 2017-2018 – Seeking a date in March for follow up on recruitment with a PTO meeting open to all parents seeking information on how to participate

Olympic Day – seeking chair for annual event which will be held on the last day of school this year

Library funding Commitment – Pres Rainey asked for a motion for $2000 to support the Mann Library

Motion seconded and approved

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Rogers reported there was $73000 cash on hand; $14000 non-restricted funds from last year.

She mentioned that approximately $2000 had been budgeted for field trips which was still available.

There is also $1000 budgeted for Odyssey of the Mind expenses.

Priorities for 2017-2018 will be determined at a May meeting.

Proposal was made to make funds to be available for expenses incurred for the chaperones of the 5th Grade Outdoor Education trip. Those funds will be placed in next year’s budget.

Fundraising Report

Working on recruitment of committee members for 2017-2018

Volunteer Report

Request for a discussion of more coordinated communication systems

Seeking volunteers for the Block Party


23 classes have been proposed; the guide to be emailed next week and sign up to begin Sunday March 12.

There was a discussion of the differentiation between MannPower and the World Language Program offered at lunch. It was reported that due to the program being offered during the school day it could not use D97 teachers.

Special Events

There were thanks for the successful The Teacher’s Luncheon supported by PTO funding.

Upcoming there is the 5th Grade ceremony which will feature a song, photo and class gift.

Also – teacher appreciation week is May 1-5 this year. In addition, there will be three members of the Mann faculty who will retire. The district plans to have an informal party at Pinstripes Restaurant in Oak Brook.

New Business

Proposal was made to underwrite support for the spelling program “Words their Way”. This year other D97 schools have piloted this program.

Old Business

It was reported that the yearbook company was offering discounts for schools signing now up for the 2017-2018 year. The yearbook “unveiling” will take place either June 1 or 2

Motion for Adjournment was approved

Meeting Adjourned at 9:14AM