Council Rock School District
Goodnoe Elementary School
298 Frost Lane
Newtown, PA 18940
January 17, 2017
Dear Parents,
Council Rock Education Week will be celebrated across our elementary schools from January 17th through January 19th. On Friday, 1/20/17, there will be parent workshops. I hope you will be able to visit with us. All classrooms will continue with regular instruction during your visit. Your child will be presenting a Google Slide presentation during social studies and science (on Tuesday and Thursday) and during reading and math (Wednesday). See below for their scheduled presentation day:
Our schedule is listed below.
9:20 – 10:10 am:
10:10 – 11:10 am:
Recess/ Lunch
Social Studies/HUM
Tuesday, January 17Presentations will begin at 1:45, and take about 5 minutes each / Wednesday, January 18
Presentations will begin at 9:30, and take about 5 minutes each / Thursday, January 19
Presentations will begin at 1:45, and take about 5 minutes each
Axton Berry / Miah Yamada / Alex Walker
Daniel Strokin / Audrey Chan / David Zhu
Faryal Khan / Angelina Douris / Christian Needham
Andrew Luisi / Ryan Gregory / Gabriella Gloor
Hanna McMenamin / Kaitlyn McCoy / John Adamusko
Aayush Shah / Everett Meehan
Braeden Polhamus
Hayden Stucky
Aidan Sweeney
Presentations will begin at 12:00 noon, and take about 5 minutes each
Sophie Walsh
Gavin Tuniewicz
Nicole Muradov
Audrey Foster
Josh Ferri
Saaketh Ananthoju
*Recess and lunch are from 12:45 – 1:45
*Specials are from 11:10-12:00 (Tuesday: Library, Wednesday: Music, Thursday: Computers)
When you come into our school to join in our celebration of Council Rock Education Week, please comply with the following guidelines:
· Make day care arrangements for your other children who are not enrolled in a full day school program.
· Turn off all cell phones and paging devices as a courtesy to our children and teachers.
· Sign-in in the office and receive a visitor’s badge before proceeding to your child’s classroom.
· Upon entering the classroom, take a seat in the classroom in the designated area and do not disrupt instruction by engaging in conversation with students.
We look forward to having you visit. You will see your child hard at work trying their best to impress you, their biggest fan! In order for us to prepare adequately, please complete and tear off below and return it to school with your child. If you have any questions regarding your child’s presentation time, please email me. We can arrange adjustments if necessary.
Mrs. Lawall and Mrs. Sourbeer
Child’s Name ______
I (we) will be delighted to visit with you on: (circle) Tuesday, Jan. 17th, Wednesday, Jan. 18th, Thursday, Jan. 19th
Time: ______
Guests attending (limit two): ______
Parent Signature: ______