EEC Note XX/2000 – Rev A
CARE-ASAS Activity One:
Problem Dimensions / Evaluation of Past Studies
European ASAS literature and study review
Ariane Sinibardy – Eurocontrol
This investigation has been carried out under a contract awarded by Eurocontrol, contract number C/1.161/HQ/EC/00.
No part of this report may be reproduced and/or disclosed, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Eurocontrol.
Issued:September 2000
Classification of title:Unclassified
EEC Note XX/2000 – rev A
The main objective of the CARE-ASAS Activity One is to provide a framework to structure the issues involved in European ASAS research, so as to make more efficient use of acquired expertise and record pending results. These objectives are to be met through a literature review and synthesis. For that purpose, a list of major ASAS-related European efforts to be reviewed was established, and projects were distributed among partners of the consortium.
This document is the initial draft of Eurocontrol participation, which consists in reviewing EMERALD, TORCH, 3FMS and MAICA projects. The consortium defined a set of questions relevant to ASAS to be used as a guideline for each project review. The projects addressed in this document provided answers to the following questions:
Are CNS requirements provided, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
EMERALD analysed CNS Requirements for three specific ASAS applications -Station Keeping (SK), Closely Spaced Parallel Approach (CSPA) and Autonomous Aircraft (AA), in terms of integrity, continuity of service and performance. Then VDL mode4 and ADS-B were assessed against these requirements: it led to the conclusion that ASAS applications can be supported by both technologies, which have different levels of maturity and different performances, but none of them is suitable for all applications.
Are DST’s (Decision Support Tools) described (including CD& R and CDTI’s), and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
3FMS has designed an HMI to support the crew while operating in free flight airspace using conflict detection and conflict resolution. Different options are proposed, with the objective to compare different Navigation Display formats.
EMERALDidentified various requirements for pilots’ and controllers’ interfaces, for SK, CSPA and AA applications.
Are there any results related to capacity, safety, efficiency or environmental issues, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
EMERALD carried a Safety Assessment on SK, CSPA and AA applications. The safety assessment brought the conclusion that the 3 selected applications all require a back-up surveillance mean (at least a dual ASAS channel).
For its study of Autonomous Aircraft Concept, MAICA simulated 2015 traffic density in order to measure the pilot workload. Conclusions were:
- the average number of conflicts that each aircraft must solve (actively) during each hour of its flight is largely under 1 (equal to 0,7) in the worst case,
- the average number of conflicts detected by each aircraft in its ADS-B range during each hour of its flight is relatively limited (around 1,8 detection of conflict in the worst case).
TORCH foresees the following gains from the concept of “Station Keeping in TMA”:
- pushing back the capacity of approach sectors,
- a better fluidity, predictability and regularity of traffic, and a better accuracy on arrival times,
- a reduction of controller’s task currently dedicated to adjusting and monitoring the speed of individual aircraft,
- giving the pilot more autonomy (and responsibility) in the management and optimisation of the descent profile within the constraints of TMA control.
Are Transitions aspects taken into account, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
EMERALD investigated the transitions aspects from a mixed population of ADS-B and non-ADS-B equipped aircraft to a population of fully equipped aircraft, regarding both operational and technical issues.
Have Human-in-the-loop data been produced, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
3FMS focused the man-in-the-loop evaluation of its CDTI on the following questions:
- what type of Conflict Detection & Resolution is acceptable?
- what type of Human Machine Interface is needed by the flight crew?
Conclusions include the pilots’ reactions against the evaluated system, observation of the pilots preferences and recommendations for future system designs.
Are responsibilities, rules and/or procedures described for aircraft, air traffic providers, the combination/integration of both and /or AOC centres, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
EMERALD proposed Operational Procedures for SK, CSPA and AA applications, in terms of:
- Actions and responsibilities taken by the pilot and the controller,
- Proposed actual separation between aircraft to be applied by the pilot during the procedure,
- Proposed new, or new usage of current, radiotelephony (R/T) phraseology,
- Limiting factors which could affect the application of the procedure,
- Controller’s responsibility to maintain a monitoring function,
- Proposed contingency procedures.
TORCH proposed a concept of operation for Station Keeping in TMA, and introduces the notion of SK contract between the pilot and the controller.
List of Acronyms......
1.1Identification of Scope......
1.2Organisation of Report......
2Project / Literature review......
2.1Review of 3FMS project......
2.1.1Project overview......
2.1.2Documentation overview......
2.1.3Detailed review of 3FMS documents/project...... of 3FMS CDTI...... evaluation...... CARE ASAS subjects covered by 3FMS project......
2.2Review of EMERALD project......
2.2.1Project overview......
2.2.2Documentation overview......
2.2.3Detailed review of EMERALD documents/project...... requirements...... Support Tools...... Assessment...... aspects...... Procedures......
2.3Review of TORCH project......
2.3.1Project overview......
2.3.2Documentation overview......
2.3.3Detailed review of TORCH documents...... and Efficiency issues...... Procedures......
2.4Review of MAICA project......
2.4.1Project overview......
2.4.2Documentation overview......
2.4.3Detailed review of MAICA documents/project...... and Efficiency issues......
2.5Review of Glasgow University Papers......
2.5.1Project overview......
2.5.2Documentation overview......
2.5.3Detailed review of Glasgow University documents/project...... Detection and Resolution issues Traffic Flow Management
Annex A.Reference documents of the reviewed projects......
A.13FMS documents......
A.2EMERALD documents......
A.3TORCH documents......
A.4MAICA documents......
Annex B.Detailed results of 3FMS project......
B.1Detailed description of 3FMS CDTI......
B.2Conclusions and Recommendations of the man-in-the-loop evaluation......
Annex C.Detailed results of EMERALD project......
C.1List and Classification of Potential ASAS applications......
C.2Requirements for Decision Support Tools......
C.3Operational Procedures......
List of Acronyms
AAAutonomous Aircraft
ACASAirborne Collision Avoidance System
ACPASAS Crossing Procedure
ADSAutomatic Dependent Surveillance
ADS-BAutomatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast
ADSPAutomatic Dependent Surveillance Panel
AFMSAdvanced Flight Management System
APWArea Proximity Warning
ASASAirborne Separation Assurance System
ASMAirSpace Management
ATCAir Traffic Control
ATCoAir Traffic Controller
ATMAir Traffic Management
ATSAir Traffic Services
CAACivil Aviation Authority
CARE-ASASCo-operative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL - Airborne Separation Assurance System
CDMCollaborative Decision Making
CDRConflict Detection and Resolution
CDTICockpit Display of Traffic Information
CFMUCentral Flow Management Unit
CNSCommunication, Navigation and Surveillance
CSPAClosely Spaced Parallel Approach
DOPDaily Operational Plan
DMEDistance Measuring Equipment
DSTDecision Support Tools
EATMSEuropean Air Traffic Management System
ECACEuropean Civil Aviation Conference
EFRExtended Flight Rules
EMERALD EMErging RTD Activities of reLevance for ATM concept Definition
EMERTAEMErging Technologies Opportunities, Issues and Impact on ATM
EUROCAEEuropean Organisation for Civil Aviation Electronics
FARAWAYFusion of ADS and RAdar data through two-WAY data link
FFASFree Flight Air Space
FMCFlight Management Computer
FMSFlight Management System
3FMSFree Flight, Flight Management System
FREERFree-Route Experimental Encounter Resolution
GEARSGeneric Algorithmic Resolution Service
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System
HMIHuman Machine Interface
HUDHead Up Display
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organisation
IFRInstrument Flight Rules
ILSInstrument Landing System
IRSInertial Reference System
JANEJoint Air Navigation Experiments
LSKLongitudinal Station Keeping
MAICAModelling and Analysis of the Impact of the Changes in ATM
MASManaged Air Space
MASPSMinimum Aviation System Performance Standards
MSAWMinimum Safe Altitude Warning
NDNavigation Display
NEANNorthern Europe ADS-B Network
NEAPNorth European CNS/ATM Application Project
NUCNavigation Uncertainty Category
OCDOperational Concept Document
PETALPreliminary Eurocontrol Test of Air/ground dataLink Project
QoSQuality of Service
RCRRaw Collision Risk
R&DResearch and Development
R-navArea Navigation
RNPRequired Navigation Precision
RTCARadio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTARequired Time of Arrival
RTDResearch and Technical Development
SCStrategic Co-operative (ASAS application)
SICASPSSR Improvement and Collision Avoidance Systems Panel
SKStation Keeping
SSRSecondary Surveillance Radar
STCAShort-term Conflict Alert
STDMASelf-organised Time Division Multiple Access
SSASystem Safety Assessment
STCAShort Term Conflict Alert
TCTactical Co-operative (ASAS application)
TCASTraffic alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCPTrajectory Change Point
TDMATime Division Multiple Access
TISTraffic Information Service
TIS-BTraffic Information Service Broadcast
TMATerminal Manoeuvring Area
TORCHTechnical, EcOnomical and OpeRational Assessment of an ATM Concept AcHievable from the year 2005
TOSCATesting Operational Scenarios for Concepts in ATM
TSATraffic Situation Awareness (ASAS application)
TWDLTwo Way Data Link
VFRVisual Flight Rules
WPWork Package
1.1Identification of Scope
Thus far, a great deal of R&D (Research and Development) effort has been carried out into ASAS (Airborne Separation Assurance System) . Unfortunately, this work has tended to be carried out in an isolated, uncoordinated fashion.
The main objective of the CARE-ASAS (Co-operative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL - Airborne Separation Assurance System) Activity One is to provide a framework to structure the issues involved in European ASAS research, so as to make more efficient use of acquired expertise and also record pending results. These objectives are to be met through a literature review and synthesis, as well as clarification with the stakeholder community.
CARE-ASAS Activity One intends to review the range of ASAS work, both past and current. This includes only research carried out in Europe ; major ASAS-related European efforts that the Activity One team intends to review include (but are not limited to) the following:
- The EMERALD (Emerging Research and Technical Development Activities of Relevance to ATM concept Definition) project, and its successor EMERTA (EMErging Technologies Opportunities, Issues and Impact on ATM), which focus on the selection of emerging technologies in the context of the safety-dominated requirements of EATMS (European Air Traffic Management System). This work addresses ASAS, as well as satellite-based CNS (Communication, Navigation and Surveillance). EMERALD made an initial assessment of capabilities (both technical and operational) to support ASAS operations, and its report will therefore be an important input to the proposed effort;
- TORCH (Technical, EcOnomical and OpeRational Assessment of an Air Traffic Management Concept AcHievable from the year 2005) specified a 2005+ ATM (Air Traffic Management) operational concept to complement the ATM 2000+ strategy, and specified appropriate CNS/ATM options;
- AFMS (Advanced Flight Management System) was a 4th Framework study into future requirements for civil FMSs (Flight Management System), to support advanced ATM concepts;
- FREER, (Free-Route Experimental Encounter Resolution) a EUROCONTROL project to investigate state-of-the-art technologies for airborne conflict resolution, trajectory optimisation, and situation awareness advisories, which is being conducted in two phases: FREER 1 explored airborne autonomy under low density traffic conditions, whereas FREER 2 addresses partial airborne autonomy under high density traffic conditions;
- The related JANE (Joint Air Navigation Experiments), NEAN (Northern Europe ADS-B Network) and NEAP (North European CNS/ATM Application Project) efforts to demonstrate ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast) capability by operating a large number of ADS-B ground stations and aircraft in several countries throughout Europe;
- PETAL (Preliminary Eurocontrol Test of Air/ground dataLink Project)— EUROCONTROL datalink project in which advanced datalink functionality was demonstrated in upper airspace;
- 3FMS (Free Flight, Flight Management System) —a 4th Framework DG12 project to develop add-on ASAS capabilities for existing civil FMSs;
- FARAWAY (Fusion of Automatic Dependent Surveillance and RAdar data through two-WAY data link) -- The objective of this European Commission funded project was to investigate the enhanced operational performance of ground surveillance and aircraft navigation through the use of ADS/TWDL (Automatic Dependent Surveillance/Two Way Data Link), using appropriate fusion of ground generated surveillance data with aircraft localisation data to ground by air to ground links;
- MAICA (Modelling and Analysis of the Impact of the Changes in ATM) —a European Commission funded projectto evaluate performance of ATM players in terms of capacity, efficiency, and safety, and assessing how these would likely be influenced by advanced in airports, ATC (Air Traffic Control) and aircraft likely under a future ATM system;
- TOSCA (Testing Operational Scenarios for Concepts in ATM)—A concept study aimed at analysing new ATM operational concepts, and proposing scenarios for the evolution of the current system to the target EATMS.
- Additional ASAS-related work carried out at various of the team partners—such as NLR’s efforts to develop ASAS displays, CD&R (Conflict Detection and Resolution) procedures and algorithms, and real-time evaluations of pilot/ controller workload, safety, etc.
During WP1 and WP2, work was distributed among partners of the consortium, and a set of questions to be used as a guideline for the review was established.
This document is the initial draft of the contribution of Eurocontrol Experimental Centre to WP3, which consists of a review of the following projects: 3FMS, EMERALD, TORCH, MAICA.
This document has to be completed with the review of Papers from Glasgow University.
1.2Organisation of Report
Chapter 2 of current document contains one section per reviewed project:
- Section 2.1: review of 3FMS project,
- Section 2.2: review of EMERALD project,
- Section 2.3: review of TORCH project,
- Section 2.4: review of MAICA project.
Each project review is structured as follows:
- Project overview (scope, duration and current status of the reviewed project),
- Documentation overview (list of the main documents used for the review),
- Detailed review of the project, based on guideline questions defined by the consortium and listed bellow:
Technological issues
-Are CNS requirements provided, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
-Are Decision Support Tools described -including CDR (Conflict Detection and Resolution) and CDTI (Cockpit Display of Traffic Information)-, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
ATM Performance issues:
-Are there any results related to :
- Capacity
- Safety
- Efficiency
- Environmental issues
And if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
-Are Transitions aspects taken into account, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
-Are Flow Management aspect taken into account, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
Human Factors:
-Have Human-in-the-loop data been produced, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
Economical Aspects:
-Are business cases (cost/benefit analyses) being provided, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
Institutional Aspects:
-Are responsibilities, rules and/or procedures described for aircraft, air traffic providers, the combination/integration of both and /or AOC centres, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
-Are other issues being described such as:
- Standardisation
- Certification
- Legal issues
, and if so in what way and what are the conclusions?
To facilitate the use of the current document, only the main information was included in the body of the document.
Additional information can be found in the three annexes:
- Annex A contains the list of documents that were provided by the consortium on the reviewed projects,
- Annex B contains extracts of 3FMS documents on CDTI description and man-in-the-loop evaluation,
- Annex C contains extracts of EMERALD documents on requirements for Decision Support Tools and operational procedures.
EEC Note XX/2000 – rev A
Review of 3FMS project
2Project / Literature review
2.1Review of 3FMS project
2.1.1Project overview
3FMS (Free Flight, Flight Management System) project started in January 1998 and is due to finish in December 2000.
The objective of 3FMS project is to prepare an early definition of a Flight Management System to operate in a free flight ATM environment.
The main expected achievements of the project are:
- The identification of a free flight avionics architecture around the next generation of FMS,
- The definition of the free flight functions for the new Airbus FMS,
- An evaluation and demonstration of free flight operation with a prototype FMS in an airbus flight simulator in combination with a research ATC centre,
- A list of recommendations for the implementation of the future free flight concepts in the European ATM environment.
The following onboard functions will be addressed in the project:
- Aircraft separation using traffic information broadcast by surrounding traffic, detecting and resolving traffic conflicts,
- Anticipatory terrain avoidance,
- Weather avoidance based on on-board weather information,
- Taxi management,
- Communication functions (air-ground and air-air),
- Human machine interface functions.
The FMS prototype development is currently ongoing and the man-in-the-loop evaluation not yet conducted.
2.1.2Documentation overview
The 3FMS reference documents are listed in Annex A of current document. They relate to the technical approach of the project, which follows a classical R&D life cycle: definition, design and prototyping, development, integration, functional validation and operational evaluation.
Most of the 3FMS documents deal with the software design of prototype elements, which is far too technical for the review. Therefore, only a few of these documents will be reviewed in detail. The selected documents bring different elements of interest, regarding CARE-ASAS activity 1 point of view:
- WP 2.6 HMI-DD (Human Machine Interface Design Document) provides a description of the prototype HMI (Human Machine Interface) as well as results of a man-in-the-loop evaluation of CDR and HMI.
- WP 5.1 ESDD (Evaluation Scenario Definition Document) raises some high level issues affecting the Free Flight, and uses them as a basis for further man-in-the-loop 3FMS evaluation.
2.1.3Detailed review of 3FMS documents/project
The following CARE ASAS subjects are covered by the 3FMS project:
- A description of the CDTI
Both NLR and Aerospatiale shall provide a CDTI for the 3FMS project.