Minutes from Port Hills Leaders’ Practicum

27 August

eTime, 17 Armagh St

9am - 10.30am Management Meeting (Principals and eTime)

Minutes Taking – Delegation: Nick (again)


Chisnallwood- Richard, Lisa

Financial Report – Andrea

All things going according to the budget.

School Update – Each principal to bring something to share (5 mins each)


School wide theme. Using ‘delicious’ account (http://delicious.com) to pool resources. Sharing staff meeting with juniors and seniors showing what’s going on. Looking at Thinkers keys. Scaffolding the potential progress.

Consolidated from using teacher resources such as comic life. Begun incorporating ICTs into planning approach. “Teachers are seeing value in the progress made”.


Begun a serious switch over to the Macs from PC.

Looking towards incorporation into daily class programme. Students taking over leadership in the training of others. Has been used for environ group reflection.

Waiting for the website to be up and running so all the wikis can be linked to it.

Purchased a small camera called “Flip” video. http://www.theflip.com/ Around $300 and has been fantastic for juniors and getting them involved. All editing done on the computer.

“The ability of the Macs is clear for creativity in the classroom”


A lot of teachers “being inspired” going on in terms of use of new resources. “Creativity is high” “encouraging each other to go forward” “ a real value for the school”

“Wikis have worked really in the community”

“Our teachers are really inspired”

Access has been able to be more for parents due the use of wikis.


Nick reported on behalf of Chisnallwood.

Link to wikis have been established.

Teachers are positive and enthusiastic. Those who wouldn’t usually be willing to incoporate ICT into the learning of their students are showing an awareness and identifying the need.

Heaton: A range of skill-based mentors has been established with a variety of abilities and experience.

Building up the mentor role. All mentor teams have been expected to establish a set of goals depending on needs in each team. Time has been spent on seeing this established.

“IT has been looked at from the focus on integration into the class programme.”

“Each team is focusing on their own student learning needs”

“Use of PowerPoint has been a big focus for each team”

6 more data projectors have been purchased: one for each team.

T3 and 4 Programme - Nick

Mentors support day to be scrapped

Cluster sharing – 3 September at Heaton Intermediate

1 X 30 minute sharing session

Use of the Performing Arts venue to show at start of the cluster share:

Sessions will also be ‘have a go’ with computers. 1 session after that.

2 presenters from Chisnallwood and Heaton

1 from Lyttelton-West, Main, and Bishopdale

Presenters to set up at 3.30pm and then be able to be set up and then watch the first presentation.

Discussion of how to get a mixed

Maximum of numbers to go to each presentation. Each school to choose a select number to go to each session. Peter will put all this up on the wiki.

Nick will inform Chisnallwood of the set up.

Different colours tags for different year groups to help build interaction between cluster teachers.

Milestone and variance report requirements – Faye

Faye showed a run through of what is required for the milestone.

Certain parts of the milestone will be addressed as a whole team at the next management meeting (Oct 28th)

A review rubric was distributed by Faye in regards to measurement of progress. Suggested the cluster use parts of the rubric to demonstrate progress in our schools.

Data collection as a cluster will be based around the rubric demonstrated. Faye and Nick to come up with an individually targeted rubric for staff of each school to go through and lead teachers to collate. Findings to be sent through to eTime a week prior (21st Oct) to next Management meeting.

Idea mooted to have a cluster wide engagement- Andrew

A game sense plan mooted by Tim. Tim/Nick to set this up; ready to go for term 1 2010.

General Business:

Knowledge Net seminar- 18th/19th September – 4 staff from Heaton to go (instead of tour)

Clarification on spending for cluster principals

Next Meeting – to be changed from 8 October

New Date: Wednesday 28th October at eTime 9am-12pm

Agenda – variance and financial reports, Milestone

Meeting closed at 10.45pm.

11am – 12.30pm Strategic Planning (Principals, Lead Teachers and eTime)

The purpose of this session is for eTime to work with schools, using the information from the ICT audit and EPS survey to construct a 3yr ICT Strategic plan. Please bring these two documents in both digital and hard copy format. eTime has a template and guidelines for this process.

Principals and lead teachers worked with Faye through creating a strategic plan draft. Focusing on the key goals of Vision, Leadership, and Access to Resources.

1.30pm – 3.30pm (Lead teachers)

Our ICTPD contract requires all staff to make changes and as leaders we identified the following goal:

Development of strong, collaborative leadership capacity to lead, manage and sustain the necessary e-learning changes.

This session will involve lead teachers discussing adult learning theory from Speck (1996), and the implications of these when supporting their staff during professional development activities. She states, “Transfer of learning for adults, is not automatic and must be facilitated. Coaching and other kinds of follow-up support are needed to help adult learners transfer learning into daily practice so that it is sustained."