(Regd. as Children’s Lovecastles Trust)
The e-Patashale Program
January 2009 – January 2010
JakkurVillage Post, Bangalore –560 064
Email Id: Website:
Ph: 080 56696702 / 28461949
The e-Patashale initiative in State Board Schools
January 2009 – January 2010
Mapping Previous Year:
This year was spent in fine-tuning the process, a new video-editing setup, developing a training unit, training Master Trainers, and exposing many new schools to technology-aided learning practices.
Forty more schools came on their own, as they had visited the 20 schools where CLT e-Patashale program was running. This was a strain on the limited resource people at CLT to do Teachers’ workshops, on-site training and content development for more lessons, subjects and classes. We also needed a more professional setup, where we needed good language editors for English and Kannada, translators, voice-over etc., but also developers and teachers. Thus, CLT has a total staff of 33, as opposed to 20 last year.
Innovation was the key to everything we did. It had to be low-cost local solution that is tested. It also had to be flexible. So, all the content was converted to video-streams and would go to schools as DVDs that can be played either on PCs or TV/DVD player. Much effort was put into making content with minimum navigation, as that was the preferred choice by teachers.
Current Status:
Coming June, at least 60 schools will be part of this program. Our plans are to scale to other Districts in the next 6 months. The content is quite popular with teachers, as well as kids. We know what works now and we need to increase our volume, as there is a demand.
More support content needs to be created for 8th, 9th and 10th grades in all the subjects. We are expanding on Science content to include lot of Hands-On experiments.
There is a lot of scope for this program to be replicated into other languages, since we already have the original DVDs in English.
Some of our schools include English-mediumState Board schools that are not high-end schools and one school that is supported by ASHA. (Prof. Ramakrishna is aware of this.)
Our Appeal:
We are in the 3rd year cycle of ASHA funding- the final year. Please extend your support -
- For the year 2010-2011 to enable us to extend our Reach and continue
our work.
- Include the $1,000 amount that was left out of last year’s funding due to accounting error.
- Consider extending the funding as the number of teachers at the CLTResourceCenter has increased along with the number of schools.
- Recommend us to other ASHA chapters to help us cope with additional expenses.
CLT India
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