(Regd. as Children’s Lovecastles Trust)

The e-Patashale Program

January 2009 – January 2010

JakkurVillage Post, Bangalore –560 064

Email Id: Website:

Ph: 080 56696702 / 28461949

The e-Patashale initiative in State Board Schools

January 2009 – January 2010

Mapping Previous Year:

This year was spent in fine-tuning the process, a new video-editing setup, developing a training unit, training Master Trainers, and exposing many new schools to technology-aided learning practices.

Forty more schools came on their own, as they had visited the 20 schools where CLT e-Patashale program was running. This was a strain on the limited resource people at CLT to do Teachers’ workshops, on-site training and content development for more lessons, subjects and classes. We also needed a more professional setup, where we needed good language editors for English and Kannada, translators, voice-over etc., but also developers and teachers. Thus, CLT has a total staff of 33, as opposed to 20 last year.

Innovation was the key to everything we did. It had to be low-cost local solution that is tested. It also had to be flexible. So, all the content was converted to video-streams and would go to schools as DVDs that can be played either on PCs or TV/DVD player. Much effort was put into making content with minimum navigation, as that was the preferred choice by teachers.

Current Status:

Coming June, at least 60 schools will be part of this program. Our plans are to scale to other Districts in the next 6 months. The content is quite popular with teachers, as well as kids. We know what works now and we need to increase our volume, as there is a demand.

More support content needs to be created for 8th, 9th and 10th grades in all the subjects. We are expanding on Science content to include lot of Hands-On experiments.

There is a lot of scope for this program to be replicated into other languages, since we already have the original DVDs in English.

Some of our schools include English-mediumState Board schools that are not high-end schools and one school that is supported by ASHA. (Prof. Ramakrishna is aware of this.)

Our Appeal:

We are in the 3rd year cycle of ASHA funding- the final year. Please extend your support -

  1. For the year 2010-2011 to enable us to extend our Reach and continue

our work.

  1. Include the $1,000 amount that was left out of last year’s funding due to accounting error.
  1. Consider extending the funding as the number of teachers at the CLTResourceCenter has increased along with the number of schools.
  1. Recommend us to other ASHA chapters to help us cope with additional expenses.

CLT India

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