MacLeod Elementary School


“Success and Achievement

for every student in every School!”


Mrs. Tammy Cole


Mrs. Deb Hunt


Box 900

Moosomin, SK

S0G 3N0

School Phone: (306) 435-3878



Bell Schedule

8:40First Bell

8:45Classes begin

10:18-10:33Morning recess

12:06Noon dismissal

12:51Classes resume

1:53 – 2:08Afternoon recess

3:10Dismissal of bus students

3:15Dismissal of town students

September 4Labour Day Holiday

September 5First Day of Classes

September 11-12School Pictures

October 9Thanksgiving Day Holiday

October 11School Picture Retakes

October 13PD No Students

November 10PD No Students

November 11Remembrance Day Holiday

November 13School Holiday

November 24Report Cards

November 29 & 30Student Led Conferences (after school/evening)

December 4PD No Students

December 22Last Day before Christmas Break

January 8Students Return to School

January 31PD No Students

February 19Family Day Holiday

February 20-23Student Holidays

March 16PD No Students

March 30Good Friday

April 2-6Easter Holiday

April 20Report Cards Go Home

April 25 & 26Student Led Conferences

April 30PD No Students

May 21Victoria Day Holiday

June 27Students Last Day

June 28-29PD—No Students

All students will be placed on one of the following CAT teams:


JaguarsLeopards Lions

Panthers TigersPuma

Lynx WildcatsOcelots

Lost and Found

Please label all student belongings that come to school.

ROARS Kindness Campaign

R espect

O rganization

A ccepting

R esponsible

S afe and supportive

We work on students understanding what ROARIFIC behavior is. We help students to broaden their understanding and learn the difference between rude, mean and bullying behaviors. When students struggle with an area we have them work through a ROARS Think sheet, have a conversation and make a positive plan to improve the skill. The ROARS Think form goes home for parents to sign, be aware of the incident and then return the signed form to school. A phone call to the school is welcomed if more information is needed and parents will be contacted when we see fit.

School Community Council (SCC)/

Pawsitive Power Partners (PPP)

These are groups of very positive parent volunteers who work towards goals that enhance the quality of education and lives of students at MacLeod Elementary. They help us with special activities like hot lunches and we would find it difficult to carry out many of our activities without them.


Constable Trina Brace is our Liaison Officer for MacLeod School.

School Liaison Worker

Darlene Cook is MacLeod School’s Family Liaison Worker.

School Support Team

At MacLeod School, students with diverse learning needs may be assisted by our Learning Support Teachers (LST) and our Response to Intervention (RtI) teachers.

Speech Language Pathologist/Speech Language Assistant

Mrs. Deena Offet is MacLeod School’s SLP. She is our communication specialist.

Nutrition Policy

We are a NO microwave school. We ask that all recess snacks consist of fruits or vegetables; the food requiring most servings on the Canada Food Guide.

Telephone Use

Students are able to gain permission from teachers to use telephones for emergency or important situations. Arrangements for play dates may not be made from school. Parents are expected to make after school arrangements in advance of the school day to reduce student anxieties about plans.

Medication at School

Parents are encouraged to administer prescribed medication at home. Parents must notify the principal in writing and complete a pupil medication form that can be obtained from the school office.

Noon Lunch

Staying for lunch is a privilege and good behaviour is expected. If during lunch, misbehaviour occurs, it will be dealt with using the following steps:

1st infraction)Verbal reminder about expected behaviour and sanctions i.e.) isolation from peers, assigned clean-up duties, detention at the end of lunch

2nd infraction)Verbal reminder and sanctions for behaviour and a phone call home to parents/guardians

3rd infraction)Verbal reminder with phone call to parents, and removal from lunch program for a duration of one week. Parents are responsible for alternate lunch arrangements during this time.

Continued infraction will result in removal from the lunch program for a duration of two weeks, three weeks, and so on.

Determination of Classroom Placement


MacLeod Elementary School has created an initiative to make our student’s trip to and from school safer. By using the Safe Drop Zone map, parents can select a Safe entrance and exit on to our playground. The Safe Drop Zone allows your child to NEVER cross a bus lane, to always step directly on to the playground and also helps your child consistently know where they are being picked up at any time of the day.

Gordon Street in front of visitor parking has been deemed a NOT Safe Drop Zone. It means children are crossing through staff parking, visitor parking, and a bus zone to get to the playground. All of these places have obstructions that hide children from view and make it extremely dangerous.

To keep your child(ren) safe, please choose a Safe Drop Spot Entrance A, B, C, D, E or F (see map) in advance.

This consistency also helps take anxiety away from students trying to find parents at the end of the day and keeps them safe.

Please help to keep Visitor Parking & Pre K Drop Off safe by using other Safe Drop Zone locations to drop off and pick up your child.

Our Staff and SCC thank you for helping make our students safer this year by using our new Safe Drop.

Bus Zone: No private vehicles are permitted in the bus lanes between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily. $100 Traffic Act ticket can be fined.

Parents please be safe and don’t walk through the buses when they are waiting to take students home. Please be kind to our Bus Drivers by waiting until all buses have left before walking through the bus zone.


Research into successful learning clearly shows that regular and punctual attendance is essential for student success. The type of instruction common in schools involves many hands-on activities as well as abundant discussions about learning. When a child misses school, it is the responsibility of the student to complete missed assignments. We use a triangulation approach to assessing students through observation, conversation and products. Group work and discussions that have taken placed are assessed by observation and conversation. If students are not at school they can only be assessed for products that have taken place in the classroom. Regular attendance is extremely important.

However, if a student is ill, he/she should be kept home for his/her own benefit and in consideration of other students. Please telephone the school secretary as soon as possible after 8:15 a.m. if your child will be absent for any reason.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Student

The Education Act (1995) defines duties of students. It states, every pupil shall:

(a) attend school regularly and punctually;

(b) purchase any supplies and materials not furnished by the board of education that the Principal considers necessary for any particular course of instruction;

(c) observe standards approved by the board of education

School Goals

MacLeod School will continue to work on division initiated school-wide goals this year in reading/literacy, math, wellness, writing, and early learning. Because reading is so important for all of the work students do at school and in their life as well, you will notice every class will have a home-reading component to their Language Arts classes. We want to thank everyone in advance for spending the minutes reading at night with your child, thank you.

At MacLeod Elementary …

We believe all students can be successful!

We promote kindness daily.

We expect ROARIFIC behaviour inside and outside of the classroom. We have posters demonstrating how it feels, sounds, and looks to be ROARIFIC in the classroom, hallways, bathrooms, at the fountains, in the Gym, Library and on the playground!

We build future citizens and strive to develop the whole child.

We have three recess supervisors outside at every recess; North, South and West.

We have four lunch supervisors daily. Each supervisor monitors three classrooms.

We use Class Dojo as a way to communicate our events, what is happening at our school and important safety information.

We believe in creating young leaders through our Student Leadership Teams and “ROARIFIC” role models throughout the school.

We promote 21st Century Learning by hosting Makerspace Days throughout the year to promote creativity, problem solving and collaboration.

We work on being GREAT and expecting GREAT things from our students.

We have wonderful teachers committed to teaching students how to read, write, do math, learn about the world and use technology.

We believe in TEAMWORK, and making MacLeod Elementary a wonderful place to learn, grow and experience success!