May Agenda

May 10, 2016


FALCONactivities (Service AND Donations)

Check out policies for the END OF THE YEAR!

Beta Club Advisors/Officers:


Advisor: Mrs. Bailey (B-512)

Grayson Loftis (President)

Ellis Lanier (Service Coordinator)


Advisor: Mrs. Miehle (N-112)

Alexis Wood (Treasurer)

Taylor Layle (Historian)


•Advisor: Mrs. McFadden (C-116)

Andrew Sharp (Vice President)

Sidny Long (Secretary)

Don’t Forget:

•If you plan to complete a service project that is NOT listed on the Beta Club E-Chalk page, then you must complete an APPROVAL FORM

•Located under “Resources” on E-Chalk

•Please don’t assume that all service projects will be approved

SERVICE SLIPS are required for ALL activities

•Service projects AND Donations

•Please give to your advisor so they can file and keep as a record!



Need to be delivered within 2 weeks of service/donation for credit!

Have you signed-up through REMIND?

To: 81010 Message: @cd3df8

New Falcon Opportunities: Family Science Night

•Family Science Night:
(Available for Underclassmen ONLY)

•Date: May 19th (Thursday)

•Location: Pleasant Knoll Elementary

•How to sign up: Contact Kristin Zeppelin:

Ongoing Falcon Opportunities to earn donation/service points:

DONATION Opportunities:

  • Girls on the Run
  • Humane Society
  • Paws in the Panhandle

•All donations by May 13th (Seniors) May 20th (Underclassmen)

•Give to Mrs. Bailey (B-512)

•Kiva Organization

•Give money to Gretchen Johnson

•Be sure to include donation slip to your advisor for credit!

•Vial for Life Packets:

•Ask Mrs. Bailey for packets

Ongoing FALCON SERVICE opportunities:

•Fort Mill Senior Center

•Children’s Attention Home

•Peer Tutoring

•Humane Society

•Class is required before you attend

•Beta Aid

Check out Procedures:

Adviserneeds to present this section

•EVERYONE Must check out with YOUR ADVISOR BEFOREyou leave for the summer!


•You must earn 100 SERVICE points by the end of the year

•60 points: Must be earned throughout the community

•(You are NOT limited to these activities).

•You must have at least ONE FALCON activity in this category

•See “Community Service Projects” on E-Chalk page for these opportunities.

•40 points: Donations

•See “Donations” on E-Chalk for opportunities

•You must earn 100 MEETING points by the end of the year

•20 points earned per attended meeting

•These points include after school meetings AND make-up meetings during FLEX

•Be sure you SIGN-IN to EVERY meeting that you attend!

•10 points are earned by printing the “Meeting Agenda” on E-Chalk…sign….and give to your advisor. You are given 2 weeks from meeting to complete!

•Directions located on ORANGE HANDOUT….ask advisor if you need one.


ALL Service/Donation AND Meeting points MUST be met by May 13th (Friday)

SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS:All service/donation AND Meeting points must be met by May 20th (Friday)

Check out Procedures:


•You must check out with Mrs. Bailey (B-512) by May 13th….Friday

•You will ONLY receive your Beta Club Cords and Seal for graduation IF you meet the following criteria:

•You maintained a GPA of 3.8

•You met 100 service/donation points

•At least 60 service points, including ONE FALCON ACTIVITY

•You met 100 meeting points

•You sign and date a SENIORBETA CLUB COMPLETION CHECK-OUT FORM with Mrs. Bailey

•Mrs. Bailey will give you cords and seals.

•Check out Procedures:

•Sophomores and Juniors:

•You must check out with YOUR ADVISER by May 20th ….Friday

•You will be in GOOD STANDING with Beta Club if you meet the following criteria:

•You maintained a GPA of 3.8

•You met 100 service/donation points

•At least 60 service points, including ONE FALCON ACTIVITY

•You met 100 meeting points


•Provided by your adviser

•Sophomores and Juniors…
What if you do NOT meet ALL of your points by May 20th?

•Club members who are short 20 meeting points and/or 40 service/donation points will qualify for probation.

•They must earn the normal points for the next year AND make up what they missed the previous year.

•If you qualify for PROBATION, then you still need to follow up with your adviser to check out. You will receive a PROBATION form to sign.

•Academic Probation:

•If your GPA falls below a 3.8, you will be placed on academic probation

the following year.

• You will have one academic year to bring your GPA back up to a 3.8.

•A failure to do so will result in a loss of membership.

Sophomores and Juniors…
What if you do NOT meet ALL of your points by May 20th?

•HOWEVER, Club members who are short more than 20 meeting points and/or 40 service points will automatically lose their membership.

•What if you met ALL points, but you did NOT complete a FALCON ACTIVITY?

•You will STILL be placed on probation.

•You will need to complete an ADDITIONALFalcon Activity the following year!

Beta Club Website!

Contact your adviser immediately if you see a problem/issue!

Do NOT wait until LAST MINUTE!

Sophomores and Juniors: By May 16th

NOTE: If final exam grades impact your 3.8, then your adviser will be informed.

What about NEXT YEAR?

Don’t ASSUME you are automatically a member next year!

NEW AND RETURNING members must complete an application and pay dues!

Listen to announcements/Nafo News/Banners/Club Rush to find out how to renew your membership! Or just e-mail one of the advisers.

------ (detach this portion)
Name: ______Grade: ______

Date: ______Advisor:______

Once you READ the agenda, then you must PRINT, SIGN, and GIVE this “MayMeeting Agenda” to your adviser by May 13th(Seniors ONLY)OR by May 19th (Sophomores/Juniors) to receive 10 meeting points.