EAA CHAPTER 309, April 27 2015
Present: Holliday Obrecht, Alex Becker, Bob Perkins, Eric Roberts, B.J. Jones, Jim Hall, Sam Stewart, Kristin Millerstrom,Tom Schick.John Wigney, Kevin Cromie, Bob Thayer. Guests John Garabedian and Paul Grieshaber. The meeting was called to order by President Holliday Obrecht at 6:40 pm at the Open Kitchen Restaurant Charlotte.
•Young Eagles Event Update
•May 18 meeting at Captains Cap
•Air Academy candidates
•EAA Leadership Academy
•Third Class reform
•Hangar Assement/Activities
Young Eagles/ Kevin Cromie update
Kevin Cromie updated information about Stanley County YE event. Parents will not be allowed on flights due to number of kids and format of the event. Flights are to start around 10:15. 10 planes and one helicopter are expected to fly kids. 80 kids are confirmed to fly. Insurance for event is 1 million.
May 18 meeting
Eddie Shields will present a program on owner/builder maintenance. Saul Hyman will be presented with the Wright Brothers award for 50 years of safe flying. At this point it is secret. Discussion as to how to insure his attendance. Attendees should register as it helps the FAA budget and target potential audiences and receive future funding. There should be an announcement in the newsletter of the event.
Air Academy Candidates
Tom Schick presented a sample guide for candidates. Possible criteria discussed were age, career aspirations, flight training and experience, association membership, amount of assistance needed, letters of recommendation, school transcript, essay, education, activities, work experience. Need to contact potential candidates and get the current years candidates enrolled in the academy as soon as possible. This years candidates are Damon Reddy and Joe Mettler. There was discussion and to how much should be budgeted. Sam Stewart made a motion which was seconded by Eric Roberts to budget $2000. for up to 2 kids which passed. Not all of the money need be used but it is available. John Wigney will contact Damon and Fred Darnell will contact Joe.
Leadership Academy
Kristin Millerstrom is unable to attend. Jim Hall and Tom Schick were able to attend. A $200 stipend will be given to those candidates.
Third Class medical reform
John Wigney will place contacts for comments to FAA in newsletter. Tom Schick reported that FAA- as discussed at Sun N Fun - is starting to oppose reform based on safety of Sport Pilot accident records. Input from public is encouraged to fight the pushback from the FAA.
Programs, committee and chair
A committee is still needed. Discussion as how to proceed with monthly programs. A suggestion was made that all board members participate by organizing one monthly program.
John Garabedian will check on wind tunnel tour. Tom Schick will check on tour of Turbo Meca at Monroe airport. Cyril Bath?? Bob Thayer suggested another trip to Bermuda High in SC. Other activities might be Chapter ladies activities, Vision Builders Adventure, hyperbaric chamber,Honda Jet tour, Kent Ashton Long EZ tour. With new American Airlines/USAir merger the tour to maintenance facilities in Charlotte is in question. Buddy Horton is still working on this.
Hangar Assessment and insurance
Assessed value of $28,512 was deemed ok. Bob Thayer will keep insurance documents.
Additional topics
Bob Thayer suggested a Shutterfly book of chapter activities be made for chapter members. He would take care of the books content but asked for the chapter take care of the sale. A motion was made by Same Stewart, seconded by Bob Perkins to do so. Motion passed.
Alex Becker discussed the dynavibe prop balancer. It was decided to purchase the certified version with additional sensors for helicopters. The cost will be about $2200, perhaps less if we can get a deal on it. Sam Stewart made a motion with Tom Schick seconding to do so, motion passed.
Jim Hall will operate the previously approved label machine for the chapter.
Discussion as to keeping the lifetime membership option at $309. Consensus was that we would continue with the offering.
Submitted by Bob Perkins, Secretary