Carers Strategy Review
Age of Carer:…………. Age of person being cared for:………..
Disability/Condition of person being cared for:……………………………………………………
Following the implementation of the National Carers Strategy, Trafford developed its own local Strategy since then the National strategy has been reviewed and as a result of this the local strategy needs to be reviewed in line with the four national priorities that the national review has identified.
For each of the questions please also think about:
-What works or what is good and why
-What doesn’t work or what is bad and why
-What you would like to do
-What you would change
Question 1- How can people who become carers get the services and support they need as soon as possible?
Additional Questions to consider:
-Do you feel that you currently get the support/services they need as soon as they become a carer?
-Why did/didn’t they get the support they needed?
-What could be done differently to ensure that they get the support/services they need as soon as possible?
Question 2 - How can carers be supported to have a good education and to work?
Additional Questions to Consider:
-Do you want a job?
-Do you work at the moment?
-Do you want to get paid to work?
-Do you want to be self employed?
-Do you want to volunteer?
-Do you want to retrain, go to college or university?
-Do you feel supported to be able to work or undertake any form of education if you want to?
-How do you/would you juggle work/education and caring?
-Why did/didn’t you get the support they needed?
-What could be done differently to ensure that carers get the support they need?
Question 3- How do we make sure carers and the people they support get the right help for them (this is called personalisation).
Additional Questions to Consider:
-Do you feel that you are getting a tailored support package that helps you in your caring role?
-What are the advantages/barriers for you – why aren’t you getting the support you need?
-What could be done differently to ensure that you get a support package that fits your needs?
-Do you know about Direct Payments and Personal Budgets?
-What could be done differently to ensure that you get the support you need?
Question 4 - Do carers feel that they are supported to stay mentally and physically well?
Additional Questions to Consider:
-How would you describe your general health and well-being (good health –a few health issues –a lot of health issues)?
-How would you describe your level of stress (low – high – medium)?
-How understanding is your GP or your caring role?
-Have you heard of ‘carers health checks’ – what is their experience of them?
-What could be done differently to ensure that carers get the support they need?
Please feel free to continue on a separate piece of paper if you need to!
All questionnaires to be returned to:
Trafford Carers Centre
13 Warwick Road
Old Trafford
M16 0QX
By Monday 4th July 2011