/ VoteCal Statewide Voter Registration System Project
Use Case: UC03.12.02 Accept or Reject CDCR Felon Record Match Case through EMS

Use Case: UC03.12.02 Accept or Reject CDCR Felon Record Match Case through EMS[IV&V1]

Attribute / Details
System Requirements: / S2.01 VoteCal must provide functionality that enables authorized county and state users to add new registered voters and to update data associated with existing registered voters.
S9.06 VoteCal must record in a voter's activity history the effective date of cancellation of a voter's registration and the basis for that cancellation.
S12.5 VoteCal must provide the ability for an authorized county user to enter its determination that the match is valid into the voter’s record and cancel registration of the voter.
S12.7 When counties cancel a voter's registration by reason of felony conviction and sentencing from information received locally within the county, VoteCal must automatically add that information to the current felon records stored within VoteCal.
Description: / The purpose of this use case is to enable a user, working within the EMS, to make a determination as to whether or not a CDCR Felon Record Match Case is valid.
Actors[s2]: / CountyUser
Trigger: / A CDCR Felon Record has been identified by the system as possibly matching an existing voter record and a resulting CDCR Felon Record Match Case has been created and the CountyUser wishes to process through their EMS
System:[s3] / Local EMS Software (EMS)VoteCal Application[IV&V4]
Preconditions: /
  • At least one CDCR Felon Record file has been received, processed, and created resultant match cases.
  • At least one county is configured to process felon record match cases through their EMS.
  • All global preconditions apply.

Post conditions: /
  • A voter’s record is updated appropriately.
  • The CDCR Felon Record Match Case is marked as either accepted or rejected
  • An appropriate notification is queued up to be sent to the county involved.
  • All global post conditions apply.

Normal Flow: /
  1. User accesses aFelon Record Work Item, per EMS vendor design.
  2. EMS presents the record details of the voter to which the match case applies, and the details of the matched felon record.
  3. Controls are present to allow the User to review the complete voter record.
  4. Controls are present to allow the User to accept or rejectthe match case.
  5. User elects to accept the match case. (also see alternate flow)
  6. EMS notifies VoteCal of the result of the work item.
  7. EMS allows user to continue to next open work item, per EMS vendor design.
  8. VoteCal takes the following actions:
  9. VoteCal checks that the work item has not been accepted/rejected by another user (through VoteCal or EMS). If the work item has not been previously accepted/rejected a confirmation of success message is sent to EMS.
  10. VoteCal validates that the Registration Date falls inside the “active” felony time period. [BMc5]
  11. VoteCal changes the Felon Record Match Case from “Open” to “Accepted.” As a result, it is also removed from the open match case list in VoteCal.
  12. VoteCal adds the felon record information to the historic felon records stored within VoteCal.
  13. VoteCal updates the voter’s status to “Cancelled” by reason of “Felon”. The effective date of change is set to the date the felon file was received.[BMc6]
  14. VoteCal adds a Voter Activity item of “Cancelled by CDCR Felon Records Match”.
6.3.An appropriate message is added to the EMS Message Queue for the county of the record to indicate that the voter record status must be synchronized locally.
6.4.EMS allows user to continue to next open work item, per EMS vendor design.
EMS takes the following actions on the voter record:
If the Registration Date falls inside the “active” felony time period, the voter’s registration status is set to Cancelled with a reason of “Felon”.
The effective date of change is set to the date felon file was received.
EMS initiates State Update to synchronize the voter record in VoteCal [See UC01.24.01 - State Update Record (Register, Update, Transfer)]
VoteCal adds a Voter Activity item of “Cancelled by CDCR Felon Records Match”. Use Case.
Alternative Flows: / 5a. User elects to reject the match case.
57.a.1 User issues the reject command.
57.a.2 VoteCal changes the CDCR Felon Match Case from “Open” to “Rejected[s7]”. As a result, it is also removed from the open match case list in VoteCal System marks the match case as rejected and flags the CRCR felon record and voter combination so as to not re-appear in the future.
5.a.3 VoteCal adds corresponding notice to the message queue of the EMS.
5.a.4 The SystemEMS automatically displays the next item in the match case list to the user.
57.a.53 End Use Case.
8.2a. If the Registration Date falls outside the “active” felony time period, no action is taken. End use case. [BMc8]
Exceptions: / 86.1 - If the work item has been previously accepted/rejected an error message is sent to EMS. EMS presents error message to user and undoes the changes to the voter record.
Includes: / N/A
Frequency of Use: / Monthly file is received with approximately 11,000 records. TBD how many will become match cases for review. TBD how many counties will process via EMS vs. VoteCal.
Business Rules: / N/A
Assumptions: / N/A
Notes and Issues: / N/A

Revision History

Date / Document
Version / Document Revision
Description / Revision Author
03/26/2010 / 0.1 / Initial Draft / Kalyn Farris
01/21/2010 / 1.0 / QA and Release to Client for Review / Don Westfall
04/12/2010 / 1.1 / Update with client feedback / Kimanh Nguyen
04/14/2010 / 1.2 / QA and Release to Client (round 4.5) / Kalyn Farris
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.0 / Submit to Client for Review (Deliverable 2.3 Draft) / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.2 / Submit to Client for Approval (Deliverable 2.3 Final) / {Name}
Version: 1.20 / Page 1

[IV&V1]Paula: No Comments on this use case.

[s2]EMS as an actor or not?

[BMc] Can you clarify why you feel the EMS should be an actor since this UC is written from the perspective of the county user interacting with the EMS? (Note EMS is identified as the system.)

[s3]LocalCountyEMS may also be added.

[IV&V4]Dr. Cox: VoteCal or EMS?

[BMc5] This doesn’t make sense to me. During the ‘active felony’ period (not sure what this means), the voter registration record should be cancelled – regardless of registration date! (Am I missing something here?)

[BMc6]We are awaiting final clearance, but the CACEO Business Policy Committee has determined that the effective date of cancellation shall be the date of commitment to prison of the start of parole.

[s7]Will system check that the work item has not been accepted/rejected by another user through VoteCal or EMS before changing status from 'open' to 'Rejected'?

[BMc8]Again, this doesn’t make sense to me. If the felon commitment starts 3/1/10 and the voter registration date is Dec 15, 2009 (outside the ‘active’ felony time period), you would still cancel the voter as of 3/1/10.