APPLICATION FORM for the certification of solid biofuels of agricultural and forestry origin
(Form A.04 - rev. 0.0 – 10 052017)
Via Venafro, 5 - 00159 Rome
Fax 06.4076264
Viale dell’università 16 – 35020 Legnaro (PD)
and copy to
Viale dell’Università 14 35020 Legnaro (PD)
Fax 049.8830718
Company stamp(alternatively, print the form on the company's letterhead paper) / First and last name of Legal Representative______
First and last name of certification contact person
Type of solid biofuel to which the application refers (check the appropriate box)
Pellets (complete technical sheet A1) with ENplus Mark;
Woodchips (complete technical sheet A2) with BiomassPlus Mark;
Firewood (complete technical sheet A2) with BiomassPlus Mark;
Briquettes (complete technical sheet A3) with BiomassPlus Mark;
Type of plant and application for certification(check the appropriate box)
Preliminary visit to production plant (optional)
Preliminary visit to distribution plant (optional)
Certification of bulk solid biofuel production plant
Certification of bagged/packaged solid biofuel production plant
Certification of bulk (including tanker truck) solid biofuel distribution plant
Certification of bagged/packaged solid biofuel distribution plant
Certification of the production/distribution chain (supply chain distributors)
We hereby apply to Enama for a quote in its capacity as Certifying Body for the product certification of solid biofuels of agricultural and forestry origin in accordance with UNI EN ISO 17225:1 and UNI EN 15234:1 and their respective special sections.
We also request, in the light of the agreements between Enama and AIEL (Associazione Italiana Energie Agroforestali), issue of the ENplus mark (pellets) and BiomassPlus mark (woodchips, firewood and briquettes) certificates according to the Quality manual for solid biofuels of agricultural and forestry origin for domestic use General part and special sections.
We enclose with the application:
- Technical sheet summarising the characteristics of each company production plant subject to certification; (Enclosure A1, A2 or A3).
- Application to Enama for a quote in its capacity as a Certification Body;
- Application to Enama for a quote for management of the laboratory analyses.
Place and date
Signature of legal representative
The application will not be accepted if not accompanied by the requested documentation (to be submitted by email, post or fax).
Following review of the application and its enclosures, ENAMA will notify you of its acceptance of the application or reasons for refusing the same, and request any necessary further documentation.
Application for preliminary visit (optional) (check the appropriate box)
Should you wish to apply for a preliminary visit (optional, may be requested one time only) this will be specified in a specific quote.
The preliminary visit has the purpose of:
- identifying your facility and activity;
- identifying your level of preparation for the certification process.
Subsequent to the preliminary visit, we will issue a report which will contain no information about your degree of conformity for the purposes of certification, but solely indicate points critical to the certification itself.
Do you wish to apply for the optional preliminary visit? yes no
Place and date
Signature of legal representative
On letterhead paper
Enclosure A2to the application for the certification of solid biofuels of agricultural and forestry origin (Form A):
Technical sheet for the manufacturer/distributor of
1.1 Operator
Name of company:______
Head offices:______
Certification contact:______
1.2 First audit(1) ? yes no
1.2.1 Outcome of previous audits Positive Negative
1.3 Number of employees______
1.4 The company has a quality system:
(if yes, indicate which)______
1.5 Type of product and plant
1.5.1 Type of manufacturer: manufacturer of bulk product
manufacturer of packaged product (pallets or bags)
1.5.2 Type of distributor: distributor of bulk product
distributor of packaged product (pallets or bags)
1.6 Raw material
1.6.1 Origin of the raw material:
own production
external supplier
N.B.: for distributors, please indicate the identification number of the certified manufacturer: ______
1.6.2 Type of incoming materials storage:
under cover
outdoors, no cover
1.6.3 Presence of improved flooring for incoming materials:
1.7 Production lines and characteristics of platform
Number of platforms or processing sites ______
Overall area of each platform (m2) ______
Area of processed material handling area, with floored surface, for each platform (m2)______
Area of each covered structure (m2) for each platform ______
1.8 Forced drying system
The company has a forced drying system:
1.9 Production/distribution quantity and production capacity
Total amount of firewood produced/distributed ______t
Maximum production capacity ______t
Quality of solid biofuel produced/distributed, per quality type:
A1Plus A1Plus calibrated A1 A2 B1
If you produce various qualities, indicate the amounts per class
BiomassPlus-A1Plus / BiomassPlus- A1Plus calibrated / BiomassPlus-A1 / BiomassPlus-A2 / BiomassPlus-B11.9 Storage
1.9.1 - Maximum storage capacity: ______t
1.9.1 - Maximum storage capacity: ______t
1.9.2 - Type of outgoing product storage:
outdoors under cover
paved forecourt, no cover
1.9.3 Presence of improved flooring for outgoing materials:
1.10 Commercialisation format
Bulk Pallets Packed (bags, big bags)
1.11 Shipping vehicles
Number of company trucks used to transport the product: ______
Place and dateStamp and signature of legal representative
On letterhead paper
Enclosure Bto the application for the certification of solid biofuels of agricultural and forestry origin (Form A)
The undersigned ……………………………………………………. in his capacity as legal representative of the company ………………….……………… with production site located in (country, locality, address) ………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………..
Applies to Enama, as a Certification Body, for a quote for:
inspection of our premises, control of the production process, sampling of the product, analysis of documents and issue of the certificate.
For the product sample analyses:
intends to entrust Enama with managing the agreements (including financial) with an accredited test laboratory.
prefers to employ the services as accredited test laboratory * of (name and head offices):………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
* Enama reserves the right to review the accreditation certificate of the laboratory to check its applicability (i.e., for which tests the laboratory is effectively accredited).
Place and date Stamp and signature of legal representative
Certification of solid biofuels of agricultural and forestry origin Form A.04 rev. 0.0 – 10 05 17Page 1 of 8