School-Wide Title I Program

School-Parent Compact


2017-2018 Identified Goals for Improvement for Monroe Elementary School

  1. The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones ELAassessment (required participation rate of ≥ 95%) will increase to 56% (or by 3 percentage points) in 2018. (2017 rate: 53%)
  2. The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones Mathematics assessment (required participation rate of ≥ 95%) will increase to 60% (or by 3 percentage points) in 2018. (2017 rate: 57%)
  3. The weighted proficiency rate of 5th grade students on the Georgia Milestones Scienceassessment (required participation rate of ≥ 95%) will increase to 47% (or by 3 percentage points) in 2018. (2017 rate: 44%)
  4. The weighted proficiency rate of 5th grade students on the Georgia Milestones Social Studies assessment (required participation rate of ≥ 95%) will increase to 49% (or by 3 percentage points) in 2018. (2017 rate: 46%)

Walton County School District goals for 2017-2018 student performance in grades 3-5:

  1. The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones English/Language Arts assessment (required participation rate of ≥ 95%) will increase to 68% (or by 3 percentage points) in 2018. (2017 rate: 65%)
  2. The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones Mathematics assessment (required participation rate of ≥ 95%) will increase to 76% (or by 3 percentage points) in 2018. (2017 rate: 73%)
  3. The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones Science assessment (required participation rate of ≥ 95%) will increase to 66% (or by 3 percentage points) in 2018. (2017 rate: 63%)
  4. The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones Social Studies assessment (required participation rate of ≥ 95%) will increase to 69% (or by 3 percentage points) in 2018. (2017 rate: 66%)

School Responsibilities:

Monroe Elementary School will provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards by:

  • Ensuring that specific instruction time for reading, language arts, writing, mathematics, science and social studies are offered in grades K – 5
  • Providing literacy resources to parents/guardians
  • Providing parent involvement opportunities such as Open House, Curriculum Night, Annual Title I Parent Meeting, Family Events, Science/Social Studies Fair, Recognition Programs, etc.
  • Holding a minimum of two parent-teacher conferences during the school year at which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement
  • Providing parents with frequent reports on their child’s progress (Progress Reports, Report Cards, Weekly Folders, etc.)
  • Providing parents with reasonable access to staff by sharing email and phone contact information and responding to parents in a timely manner
  • Providing parents with information regarding the Walton County volunteer procedures
  • Providing a safe and comfortable learning environment.

(on back)

Parent Responsibilities:

I/We, as (a) parent(s) will support my child’s learning in the following ways:

  • Making sure my child attends school regularly and is well prepared for school
  • Making sure my child is on time to school and is not checked out on a regular basis
  • Making sure that my child completes his/her homework nightly
  • Ensuring that the school has accurate contact information at all times (email, phone, address, etc.)
  • Reading and responding to communication from my child’s teacher and/or the school
  • Reinforcing the importance of my child following the system Code of Conduct and all school rules
  • Taking part in parent-teacher conferences when requested
  • Reading with my child daily and discuss reading strategies nightly
  • Encouraging my child to make good choices academically and behaviorally

Student Responsibilities:

I will share in the responsibility to improve my academic achievement and achieve the district and school goals by:

  • Coming to school on time and be prepared to learn
  • Completing and returning homework on time
  • Completing class work on time
  • Following the Monroe Elementary School Discipline Plan, following classroom rules, expectations and adhering to the Walton County Code of Conduct at school and on the bus
  • Treating all students and adults with respect
  • Having a good attitude
  • Doing my best
  • Asking for help when I need it/Speak up!
  • Giving my parent/guardian all communication from school and returning all communication that needs to be returned
  • Reading with my parent/guardian each day

Please review this School-Parent Compact with your child. This School-Parent Compact will be discussed with you throughout the year at different school-family events as we work together to help your child succeed in school.

Please sign and date below to acknowledge that you have read, received, and agree to this School-Parent Compact. Once signed, please return the form to your child’s teacher. We look forward to our school-parent partnership!

School Representative Signature: Dr. Zeester C. Swint, Principal Date: September 5,2017 7

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Revised August28, 2017