Abu Hureyra
TRENCH E (AH2) Levels
Level classification key
Wmudbrick wall
Mcollapsed mudbrick or mudbrick debris
Kmudbrick fill
Lclay fill
Smudbrick or mud wash
Hhearth or firepit
Coccupation debris
Ranimal burrow
Xmixed deposit
Nnatural surface
Iindoors (at time of use)
Ooutdoors (at time of use)
Tlevel floated
Level number Level number Phase Level description Level Indoors
as dug classification or
172/19mudbrick fragments, brown soilMO
272/29brown fill of burial pitBO
372/39mudbricks and fill, remains WI
of wall (same as 5)
472/48mudbrick debris, floor MFCO
surfaces and ash patches
(same as 7)
572/59mudbricks and fill, remains WI
of wall (same as 3)
672/68gray ashy occupation debris,CFO
floor surfaces
772/78mudbrick debris, floor MFCO
surfaces and ash patches
(same as 4)
872/88mud wash and ash patchesSCO
(same as 13, 15)
972/99dark brown fill of burial pitBO
(same as 14, 17)
1072/109brown pit fill with mudbrick PMO
1172/119brown fill of burial pitBO
1272/128trodden surfaces and FCO
occupation debris
1372/138mud wash, ash patches, SCMO
occupation debris and mudbrick
collapse (same as 8,15)
1472/149burial pit fill of soft brown soil BPCO
(same as 9,17)
1572/158 mud wash, ash patches, SCMO
occupation debris and mudbrick
collapse (same as 8,13)
1672/169pit fill of soft brown soilPCO
1772/179soft brown soil with clay in BPCO
burial pit (same as 9,14)
1872/187ash and occupation debrisCO
1972/197mudbrick collapse, mud washMSCO
and occupation debris
2072/207mudbrick collapse and washMSO
2172/216mudbrick and clay fillKLTI
2272/226mudbrick and clay fillKLTI
2372/236mud wash and occupation debrisSCO
2472/246mudbrick wash and ashSCO
2572/256mud wash and occupation debrisSCTO
2672/265mudbrick collapse andMCTI
occupation debris
(same as 332)
2772/276mudbrick fillKI
2872/286mud wash, ash, floor surfacesSCFO
2972/296channel filled with ash (sameCTO
as 220)
3072/306mud wash, ash, plaster floorSCFO
3172/316mud wash, ash, floor surfacesSCFO
3272/326mud wash and ashSCO
3372/336mud wash and ashSCTO
3472/345mudbrick wash and occupationSCO
debris (same as 337)
3572/355soft clay fill with occupationLCTI
debris (same as 336)
3672/365mud wash and occupation debrisSCTO
3772/376burial pit, soft clay fillBLI
3872/385mudbrick wall and collapseWMTO
(same as 339)
3972/395mud wash and occupation debrisSCTO
4072/405gray plaster floor and FI
clay make-up (same as 350)
4172/416mudbrick wallWI
4272/425burial pit with dark clay fillBLI
4372/434occupation soil and washCSTI
4472/444clay floor, mud wash,FSTI
white plaster floor
4572/455mud wash and occupation debrisSCO
(same as 358)
4672/465brown clay fill with occupationLCI
debris (same as 351)
4772/475clay floorFTO
4872/484clay floor make-up andFSTI
mud wash
4972/495hearth of burned clay and ashHTI
5072/504clay floor with pebbles, FCI
occupation soil
5672/566mudbrick wallWI
5772/576mudbrick wallWI
5873/E3/19red-brown mudbrick collapse MSXO
and wash
5973/E3/29red-brown mudbrick collapseMSXO
and wash
6073/E3/39red-brown wash and occupationSCXO
6173/E3/49red mudbrick collapseMO
6273/E3/59weathered brown washSXO
6373/E3/69burial, brown fillLO
6473/E3/78dark brown wash and occupationSCXO
6573/E3/88brown wash and occupation SCXTO
6673/E3/98pit fill, dark brown soil andPCO
6773/E3/109burial, soft red clay fillBLO
6873/E3/119burial, soft red clay fillBLO
6973/E3/128pit fill, dark ashy with stonesPCO
7073/E3/138gray ashy washSCTO
7173/E3/148 brown silty wash and occupationSCTO
7273/E3/158gray ashy occupation soil, mudCSTO
wash and plaster fragments
7373/E3/168ashy occupation soil and CSTO
mud wash
7473/E3/178burial in yardBO
7573/E3/188pit fill, burned dark ashy soilPCTO
7673/E3/197mudbrick wallWI
7773/E3/208pit fill, black ashy with burnedPCTO
7873/E3/218gray ashy pit fillPCTO
7973/E3/227wash and occupation soil, SCTO
8073/E3/237mudbrick wallWI
8173/E3/248brown pit fill and pebblesPO
8273/E3/257ashy occupation soil, hearths andCSTO
mud wash
8373/E3/267mud wash, occupation debris,SCTO
many animal bones
8473/E3/276mud wash and occupation debrisSCI
in room 4
8573/E3/287mud wash, occupation debris,SCTO
many animal bones
8673/E3/297brown occupation debrisCTO
8773/E3/307mud wash and occupation debrisSCTO
8873/E3/317mud wash and occupation debrisSCTO
8973/E3/326plaster floor in room 4FI
9073/E3/338gray ashy soilCO
9173/E3/347burial in building collapseBI
9273/E3/357mudbrick collapseMI
9373/E3/367mudbrick collapse (same as 187)MO
9473/E3/377mudbrick collapseMO
9573/E4/19red mudbrick collapse, floors,MFSPO
mud wash, silted-up pit
9673/E4/28gray ashy occupation debrisCXTO
(same as 123)
9773/E4/39child burial pitBO
9873/E4/49child burial pitBO
9973/E4/59child burial pitBO
10073/E4/69soft brown pit fillPO
10173/E4/79adult burial pitBO
10273/E4/89child burial pitBO
10373/E4/99soft brown pit fillPTO
10473/E4/108dark ashy pit fillPCTO
10573/E4/119burial pitBO
10673/E4/127mud wash and occupation debrisSCTO
10773/E4/138 black ashy pit fill with stonesPCO
10873/E4/148dark ashy pit fillPCTO
10973/E4/157occupation debris and mudbricksCMXTO
11073/E4/167clay floor with occupation debris,FCSTI
mud wash
11173/E4/177ash pitHO
11273/E4/187black ashy firepitHI
11373/E4/197black ashy firepitHI
11473/E4/207mudbrick collapseMTO
11573/E4/217mudbrick and plaster collapse, MSCTI
wash and occupation debris
(same as 121)
11673/E4/227mud washSI
11773/E4/237firepit with dark fillHI
11873/E4/247mudbrick and black plaster MTI
11973/E4/257ashy fill of firepitHTI
12073/E4/266mudbrick wash and occupationSCTO
debris (same as 236)
12173/E4/277mudbrick collapse, wash andMSCI
occupation debris (same as 115)
12273/E4/289mudbrick washSO
12373/E4/298gray ashy soil, mudbrick collapseSCMFXO
and plaster surfaces
(same as 96)
12473/E4/309pits in surfaceSCO
12573/E4/318ash pitHO
12673/E4/329burial of child, soft brown fillBO
12773/E4/339burial of child, soft brown fillBO
12873/E4/347mud wash and occupation debrisSCI
12973/E4/357mud wash and occupation debrisSCI
13073/E4/367mudbrick collapseMI
13173/E4/377mudbrick collapse, clay floorsMFI
13273/E4/388pit fill of ashy soil, bones and PBCO
child burial
13373/E4/397mud washSO
13473/E4/407mudbrick collapse and plasterMI
13573/E4/417mud wash and occupation debrisSCO
13673/E4/426mudbrick collapse, wash andMSCTO
occupation debris
13773/E4/436mudbrick collapse with plasterMCTI
fragments and occupation debris
(same as 226)
13873/E4/446mudbrick collapse and mud washMSTO
(same as 227)
13973/E4/456firepit (same as 228)HO
14073/E4/466firepit with ash (same as 229)HO
14173/E4/476mudbrick wash and plasterSTI
14273/E4/489pit (same as 230)PTO
14373/E4/496mudbrick collapse (same as 222)MI
14473/E4/506mudbrick wash (same as 223)STI
14573/E2/19red mudbrick collapse and MFO
clay floors
14673/E2/29weathered brown mudbrick washSXO
14773/E2/38gray ashy soil (same as 170, 173)CXTO
14873/E2/48gray ashy soil (same as 174)CXTO
14973/E2/57mudbrick collapse, plaster MCO
fragments and ashy occupation
debris (same as 177)
15073/E2/68dark ashy pit fill with pebblesPCTO
15173/E2/78pit fill, heavily burned dark ashyPCTO
soil, bones and pebbles
(same as 175)
15273/E2/88dark ashy pit fill with pebblesPCTO
15373/E2/98pit fill, dark ashy material PCTO
with pebbles, mudbrick
fragments and bones
15473/E2/108gray ashy soilCTO
15573/E2/117mudbrick collapse with MCTO
occupation debris
15673/E2/129burial pitBLTO
15773/E2/138gray ashy fill with pebbles,PCTO
mudbrick fragments
15873/E2/148pit fill, wash and occupationPSCTO
15973/E2/157mudbrick and plaster collapseMO
(same as 182)
16073/E2/168pit fill of dark ashy debris andPCTO
16173/E2/177gray ashy soil (same as 166, 177)CTO
16273/E2/187collapsed mudbrick, plaster MLBTI
fragments, clay and pebble fill,
burials (same as 169)
16373/E2/197mudbrick collapse with plasterMTI
fragments (same as 189)
16473/E2/207mudbrick collapseMTI
16573/E2/217mudbrick collapse and MCTO
occupation debris
16673/E2/227gray ashy occupation debrisCTO
(same as 161, 179)
16773/E2/238pit fill, black heavily-burned PCO
ashy material, pebbles and bones
16873/E2/247mudbrick collapseMTO
16973/E2/257mudbrick collapse (same as 162)MI
17073/E2/267 ash-filled firepit (same as 147, HO
17173/E2/278gray ashy soilCXO
17273/E2/288pit with brown silty fillPSO
17373/E2/298gray ashy soil (same as 147, 170)CXO
17473/E2/308gray ashy soil (same as 148)CXO
17573/E2/318pit fill, heavily burned dark ashyPCTO
soil and pebbles (same as 151)
17673/E2/328pit fill, black ashy soil PCTO
17773/E2/337mudbrick collapse and plasterMO
fragments (same as 149)
17873/E2/347 mudbrick collapseMO
17973/E2/357gray ashy occupation debris CO
(same as 161, 166)
18073/E2/367ashy occupation and buildingCMTO
debris with plaster fragments
18173/E2/377mud wash and occupation debrisSCO
18273/387mudbrick and plaster collapseMO
(same as 159)
18373/396burial pit with soft fillBCI
18473/407mudbrick collapseMO
18573/417ashy occupation debrisCTO
18673/426pebble floorFI
18773/437mudbrick collapse (same as 93)MO
18873/447mudbrick collapseMO
18973/457mudbrick collapse (same as 163)MI
19073/467mudbrick collapse (same as 198)MO
19173/477mud wash and occupation debrisSCTO
19273/487mudbrick collapseMO
19373/496mudbrick collapse andMCO
occupation debris (same as 213)
19473/506mudbrick collapse and MCI
occupation debris (same as 215)
19573/517mudbrick washSCI
19673/527mudbrick collapseMI
19773/537mudbrick wash and occupationSCO
19873/547mudbrick collapse with stonesMO
(same as 190)
19973/556soft brown occupation soilCTO
20073/566mud wash and occupation debrisSCO
20173/577collapsed mudbrick, plaster MLBI
fragments, clay and pebble fill,
20273/587soft brown fill of pitPTO
20373/597mud wash, white plaster andSCTO
occupation debris
20473/607mudbrick wallWO
20573/616mudbrick collapse and MCI
occupation debris
20673/626, 7mudbrick wallWTI
20773/636mudbrick wallWI
20873/646mudbrick collapse and MCTI
occupation debris
20973/656black ashCTO
21073/666mudbrick wash and occupationSCTO
21173/676mudbrick wall (same as 217)WI
21273/686mudbrick collapse and MCTI
occupation debris
21373/696mudbrick collapse and MCO
occupation debris (same as 193)
21473/706mudbrick collapse andMCTO
occupation debris
21573/716mudbrick collapse and MCTI
occupation debris (same as 194)
21673/726mudbrick wallWI
21773/736mudbrick wall (same as 211)WI
21873/746white plaster floorFTI
21973/756plaster floorFTI
22073/766channel filled with ash, containingCTO
numerous seeds of Cicer arietinum
(same as 29)
22173/776mudbrick collapseMI
22273/786mudbrick collapse (same as 143)MI
22373/796mudbrick wash (same as 144)SI
22473/806mudbrick collapse, wash and MSCO
occupation debris (same as 275)
22573/819modern pit (same as 245)PTO
22673/826mudbrick collapse with plasterMCI
fragments and occupation debris
(same as 137)
22773/836mudbrick collapse and mud washMSO
(same as 138)
22873/846firepit (same as 139)HO
22973/856firepit with ash (same as 140)HO
23073/869pit (same as 142)PO
23173/876mudbrick washSTI
23273/886mudbrick collapse and washMSTI
23373/899ash lens in pitHO
23473/906mudbrick collapse and washMSTI
23573/916mudbrick collapse and clay fillMLTI
23673/926mudbrick wash and occupationSCO
debris (same as 120)
23773/936mudbrick collapseMTI
23873/946brown soil with pebblesCTI
23973/956black ashCTO
24073/966floor surfacesFI
24173/976soft brown soil with pebblesCTI
24273/986brown occupation soil CI
24373/998brown silty fill of pitPO
24473/1009brown silty fill of modern pitPO
24573/1019brown silty fill of modern pitPO
(same as 225)
24673/1026mudbrick wash and SCTO
occupation debris
24773/1036mud washSO
24873/1046soft brown soilLTI
24973/1056soft brown soil with stonesLI
25073/1066black plaster floorFI
25173/1076mud washSO
25273/1086posthole fillLTO
25373/1096posthole fillLTO
25473/1106posthole fillLTO
25573/1116posthole fillLTO
25673/1126posthole fillLTO
25773/1136mudwash and occupation debrisSCO
(same as 268)
25873/1146mudbrick collapseMTI
25973/1156mudbrick collapse and MCTI
occupation debris
26073/1166mudwash and occupation debrisSCO
26173/1176plaster floor (same as 289, 290,FI
26273/1186mudbrick wallWTI
26373/1196mudbrick collapseMTI
26473/1205burial pit with occupation debrisBCTI
26573/1216pit fill of ash and occupation PCTO
26673/1226mudbrick collapseMI
26773/1236mudbrick collapseMTI
26873/1246mudbrick wash and ashSCTO
(same as 257)
26973/1256mudbrick wallWTI
27073/1266mudbrick wash and occupationSCTO
debris, surface marked with
irregular scratched lines
(same as 272)
27173/1276mudbrick collapseMI
27273/1286ash and occupation debrisCTO
(same as 270)
27373/1296black plaster floorFI
27473/1306mudbrick wallWTI
27573/1316mudbrick collapse, wash andMSCO
occupation debris (same as 224)
27673/1326plaster floorFI
27773/1336plaster floorFI
27873/1346mudbrick washSTO
27973/1356posthole fillLTO
28073/1366mudbrick wallWI
28173/1376mudbrick wallWTI
28273/1386mudbrick wash and occupationSCTO
28373/1396mudbrick collapseMTI
28473/1406black plaster floorFI
28673/1426mudbrick collapse and troddenMFO
28773/1436mudbrick wash, occupation SCFTO
debris, small plastered surfaces
28873/1446mudbrick collapseMTI
28973/1456brown plaster floor (same as FI
261, 290, 314)
29073/1466black plaster floor (same as 261,FTI
289, 314)
29173/1476pit for burial 73.2105BTI
29273/1486mudbrick fillKI
29373/1496mudbrick wash and occupationSCO
29573/1516mudbrick collapseMI
29673/1526plaster floor and pebble make-upFI
29773/1536pebble surface, floor make-upFTI
29873/1546mudbrick wallWI
29973/1556mudbrick wash, occupation SCFTO
debris and trodden surfaces
30073/1566mudbrick slumpMI
30173/1576posthole fillLTI
30273/1586mudbrick fill and KCTI
occupation debris
30373/1596mudbrick fillKI
30473/1606mudbrick wash, trodden surfacesSFCTO
and occupation debris
30573/1616mudbrick fill and KCTI
occupation debris
30673/1626black plaster floorFI
30773/1636mudbrick wallWI
30873/1646mudbrick fill with gray plasterKTI
30973/1656mudbrick wash, floors and SFCO
occupation debris
31073/1666mudbrick wallWI
31173/1676mudbrick wallsWI
31273/1686, 55 superimposed black and grayFTI
plaster floors
31373/1696mudbrick wash and occupationSCTO
31473/1706plaster floor, clay make-up,FI
pebble surfaces (same as 261,
289, 290)
31573/1716collapsed mudbrickMI
31673/1726clay floorFI
31773/1736plaster floor and pebble make-upFI
31873/1746mudbrick wallWI
31973/1755mudbrick collapse and wash,MSCTI
occupation debris
32073/1766mudbrick wallWI
32173/1776mudbrick wallWI
32273/1785mudbrick wall and collapseWMI
32373/1795mudbrick collapse, troddenMFCTO
surfaces and occupation debris
32473/1805mudbrick collapse and clay fillMLI
32573/1815mudbrick wash, trodden surfacesSFCTO
with ashy occupation debris
32673/1826mudbrick wallWI
32773/1836mudbrick wallWI
32873/1845mudbrick collapse, floor surfacesMFTO
32973/1855mud wash, mudbrick collapseSMCTO
ashy occupation debris
33073/1865mudbrick collapseMI
33173/1875clay fill and mudbrick collapseLMTI
33273/1885mudbrick collapse, wall plasterMCTI
and occupation debris
(same as 26)
33373/1895mudbrick wallWI
33473/1905gray plaster floor and clay FI
33573/1915mud wash and occupation soilSCTO
33673/1925soft clay fill with occupationLCTI
debris (same as 35)
33773/1935mud wash, surfaces, ash and SFCTO
occupation debris (same as 34)
33873/1945, 6soft clay fill, gray plaster LCI
fragments and occupation debris
33973/1955mudbrick wall, collapseWMCO
and occupation debris
(same as 38) 340 73/196 5 soft brown clay fill with LCT I
occupation debris
34173/1975mudbrick wall, 4 gray plasterWFI
floors and clay make-up
34273/1985soft clay fill, mudbrick collapse LMTI
with gray plaster fragments
34373/1995mudbrick wash, floor surfacesSFCO
and occupation soil
34473/2005clay and mudbrick fillLKI
34573/2015mudbrick collapse and wash,MFSCO
floor surfaces, occupation deposit
34673/2025mudbrick wall, occupation WCSO
deposit and mud wash
34773/2035mudbrick wallWI
34873/2045clay fill and plasterLTI
34973/2055mudbrick wall and collapseWMI
35073/2065gray plaster floor, clay fill andFLCTI
occupation soil (same as 40)
35173/2075brown clay fill, pebbles,LCTI
occupation soil (same as 46)
35273/2085mudbrick wash and occupation SCTO
35373/2095clay fill and occupation soilLCI
35473/2105clay fill and occupation soilLCTI
35573/2115mud wash and occupation soilSCO
35673/2125occupation soilCTI
35773/2135mudbrick wallsWI
35873/2145mud wash, occupation debris, SCO
ash and charcoal (same as 45)
35973/2155clay fill and occupation soilLCI
36073/2165white plaster floor and clayFI
36173/2174, 5dark occupation soil,CSFTO
mudbrick wash and trodden
36273/2185mudbrick wash and darkSCO
occupation debris
36373/2194, 5mudbrick walls and WMCI
collapse, plaster fragments,
occupation debris
36473/2204floor surfaces, darkFCSO
occupation soil and mud
36573/2214trodden floor surfaces andFCTI
occupation soil
36673/2224mudbrick collapse andMCTO
occupation soil
36773/2234mudbrick collapse, pebblesMCI
and occupation debris
36873/2244dark burned occupationCO
36973/22542 plaster floors andFCTI
occupation debris
37073/2264patchy plaster floor, FCTI
occupation soil beneath
37173/2274occupation soil over floorCTI
37273/2284dark occupation soil andSCHO
mud wash, patch of
heavy burning
37373/2294dark mud wash andSCTO
occupation soil
37473/2304oval firepit with dark HTO
burned soil and pebbles
37573/23144 gray plaster floors withFTI
clay make-up
37673/2324clay fill and occupation LCTI
37773/2334mud wash and floorsSFTO
37873/2344mud wash and floorSFTO
37973/2354mudbrick wall andWCI
occupation soil
38073/2364mudbrick wall andWCI
occupation soil
38173/2374mudbrick wash andSCI
occupation soil
38273/23843 black plaster floorsFTI
38373/2394mudbrick wallsWI
38473/2404floor surfaces andFCI
occupation soil
38573/2414plaster floor and FCI
occupation soil
38673/2424red clay floor make-upFI
38773/2434mudbrick wall and WCI
occupation soil
38873/2444plaster floors,brown FCO
occupation soil
38973/2454mudbrick wall and WCO
occupation soil
39073/24642 plaster floors, gray andFI
39173/2474flint chipping floor, plaster FCO
floors, occupation soil
39273/2484brown occupation soil andCSI mud wash
39373/2494brown occupation soilCO
39473/2504black plaster floorFI
39573/2514occupation soil in hollowCI