Advocates for Children
Oral Language Festival and Henry Greve Speech Contest
REGIONS 1 and 2 - Contact: Beth Arner (661) 589-3830Ext. 209
Fax: (661) 589-3674 (d.o.)
- FRUITVALE*- Columbia
- Fruitvale Jr. High
- Endeavour
- Quailwood
- RIO BRAVO/GREELEY - Rio Bravo Elem.
- ROSEDALE-American
- Centennial
- Del Rio
-Freedom Middle
- Independence Elementary
- Patriot Elementary
- Rosedale Middle
- Rosedale North
- NORRIS-William Bimat
-Norris Middle
-Olive Drive
-Veterans Elem.
REGION 3 - Contact: Ricardo Robles (661) 845-0751
Fax: (661) 845-0689(d.o.)
- ARVIN- Bear Mountain
-Sierra Vista Elem.
-Grimway Academy
- DI GIORGIO- Di Giorgio
- EDISON- Edison Middle
- FAIRFAX- Fairfax Middle
- Virginia Avenue School
- Zephyr Lane Elem.
- LAMONT*-Alicante
- Myrtle Avenue
- VINELAND- Sunset
REGION 4 - Contact: Hiedi Witcher(661) 764-5248
Fax: (661)764-5165
- BELRIDGE - Belridge
- BUTTONWILLOW*- Buttonwillow
- ELK HILLS- Elk Hills
- MARICOPA- Maricopa Elem.
- MC KITTRICK- McKittrick
- MIDWAY- Midway
- TAFT- Lincoln Jr. High
Donna Felix
Fax: (661) 631-4812 (d.o.) (661) 631-4810
- Casa Loma - McKinley
- Chavez - Mount Vernon
- Chipman Jr. High - Munsey
- College Heights - Nichols
- Compton Jr. High - Noble
- Curran Jr. High - Owens Intermediate
- Downtown Elementary - Pauly
- Eissler - William Penn
- Emerson Jr. High - Pioneer Drive
- Evergreen - Roosevelt (BCSD)
-Fletcher - Sequoia Middle School
-Franklin - SierraMiddle School
- Fremont (BCSD) - StiernMiddle School
- Garza - Thorner
- Harding - Voorhies
- Harris - Washington Junior High
- Stella Hills - Wayside
- Hort - Frank West
- Jefferson (BCSD) - Williams (BCSD)
- Longfellow
- Horace Mann
REGION 9 - Contact: Kevin Williams (661) 393-8550 Ext. 205
Fax: (661) 393-5965
- BEARDSLEY*- Beardsley Elementary
- North Beardsley Elementary
- San Lauren Elementary
- BLAKE- Blake
- LINNSVALLEY- LinnsValley
- STANDARD- Highland Elementary
-Standard Middle
* Notes site where Regional Contact may be reached
REGION 10 – Contact: Lea Cantu (661) 721-5000 x00109
Fax: (661) 721-3099 (d.o.)
- DELANO*- AlbanyPark
- Cecil Ave. Math and Science Academy
- Del Vista Math and Science Academy
- Fremont
- Harvest Elem.
- La Vina Middle
- Princeton
- Terrace
- Nueva Vista Language Academy
- McFARLAND- Browning Road
- McFarland Middle
- POND- Pond
REGION 11 - Contact: Shirley Kennedy (760) 499-1640
Fax: (760) 375-1959
- Inyokern
- Las Flores
- Monroe Middle
- Murray Middle
- Pierce
- Rand
- Richmond
REGION 12 - Contact: Robin Shive (760) 379-3651
FAX 760-379-3812
- CALIENTE- Caliente
- KERNVILLE- Kernville Elem.
- W. Wallace Middle*
- SOUTH FORK- South Fork
REGION 13 - Contact: Leanne Hargus (661) 256-5000 Ext. 1118
Fax: (661) 256-6974
1. MOJAVE- Calif.City Middle
- Joshua Middle
- Mojave Elem.
- Ulrich
2. MUROC - Branch Elem.
- Boron Jr./Sr. High
- Desert Jr./Sr. High
- Forbes
- West Boron
3. SOUTHERN KERN*- Hamilton Elem.
- Rosamond Elem.
- Tropico Middle
- Westpark Elem.*
4. TEHACHAPI- CummingsValley
- Golden Hills
- Jacobson Jr. High
- Tompkins Elem.
- Wells Elem.
Revised: 10/7/18 / REGIONS 14,15 - Contacts: Stacy Hogg (OLF) (661)-831-8331 Ext.6146
Kristen Angelo (Henry Greve) Ext.6151
Fax: (661) 831-8242
Actis Jr. High -Miller -Sing Lum
- Berkshire - Bill Williams - Stine
- Buena Vista - OldRiver - Stockdale
- Castle - Panama - Stone Creek Jr. High
- Hart - Ronald Reagan - Tevis Jr. High
- Laurelglen - Sandrini - Thompson Jr. High
- Loudon - Seibert - Van Horn
- McAuliffe - Warren Jr. High
REGION 16 - Contact: Barbara Houser (661) 837-6000
Fax: (661) 837-6015
1. EL TEJON- El Tejon
2. GENERAL SHAFTER- General Shafter
3. GREENFIELD*- Fairview
- Granite Point
- Greenfield Middle
- Horizon Elem.
- Kendrick
- McKee Middle
- Ollivier Middle
- Palla
- Plantation
- Planz
- Valle Verde Elem.
4. LAKESIDE- Lakeside
- Suburu
REGION 17 - Contact: Crystal Watts(661) 326-7955
PRIVATE SCHOOLS- Bksfld. AdventistAcademy
(Includes, but not restricted - Carden, Bakersfield
to those on this list.) -Carden, Tehachapi
- Country Christian
- Heritage Academy
- Immanuel Christian, Ridgecrest
- New LifeChristianSchool
- No. Kern Christian, Wasco
- Olive Knolls Christian
- Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help*
- St. Anne’s, Ridgecrest
- St. Francis
- St. John’s Lutheran, Bakersfield
- St. John’s, Wasco
- Stockdale Christian
- Valley Christian
KCSOS -Valley Oaks Charter
REGION 18 - Contact: Brad Maberry (661) 758-7706
Fax: (661) 758-7110
Rocio Munoz (OLF)** (661) 746-8600 Fax (661) 746-8614
1. LOST HILLS- Lost Hills Elem.
- A.M.ThomasMiddle School
2. MAPLE- Maple
3. RICHLAND**- Golden Oak Elem.
- Redwood Elem.
- Richland Jr. High
- Sequoia Elem.
4. SEMITROPIC- Semitropic
5. WASCO*- Teresa Burke
- Karl F. Clemens
- Palm Avenue
- John L. Preuitt
- ThomasJeffersonMiddle School