<Your Name and Entity, logo
Your address, phone & email
Your name and title>
General Price List for Home Funeral Guides Goods and Services
These prices are effective as of date and are subject to change without notice
Please note: all items in gray boxes are required by the Federal Trade Commission of the US Government under The Funeral Rule to be published in this document and do not necessarily apply to the services you are being offered by this provider. These boxes CANNOT be removed from this price list.
Funeral Director Services
This provider does not charge for or provide any of the following services, including the non-declinable fee or embalming.Families may choose to purchase any or all of these services from a licensed funeral director only:
- Basic non-declinable services
- Embalming
- Other preparation of the body
- Transfer of remains to funeral home
- Forwarding of remains to another funeral home
- Receiving of remains from another funeral home
- Use of facilities and staff for viewing
- Use of facilities and staff for funeral ceremony
- Use of facilities and staff for memorial service
- Use of equipment and staff for graveside service
- Hearse
- Limousine
- Direct cremation
- Immediate burial
- Outer burial containers
All charges below are for education and consultation services to the family in charge.
Home Funeral Guide Services
Educational Services
- Teach/show/demonstrate to the family how to care for a body$
- Public presentations about family-directed funerals$
- Teaching in a classroom setting$
- In-service training for medical professionals and others$
- Community and spiritual care group training$
- Training other home funeral guides/workshops$
Consulting Services
- Family consultations about natural death care$
- Planning details of a home vigil with the family$
- Skype or phone coaching of family during the home funeral $
- Coordinating services when professional firms are involved$
- Coordinating services when clergy, celebrants, spiritual or
community groups and organizations are involved$
- Assisting individuals in completing advance directives$
Celebrant Services
- Assisting in organizing, planning the memorial service$
- Coordinating or facilitating a ceremony at a home vigil, funeral,
memorial, graveside, church, life celebration rituals, ceremonies
or services with prayer, song$
- Providing emotional and spiritual support to the family prior to, during,
or after the death$
Facilitation Services
- Time spent locating caskets, urns, shrouds or other products$
- Time spent coordinating and confirming disposition$
- Time spent coordinating family logistics, including pick-ups
of travelers, meals, containers, prior to and/or during the funeral period$
- Travel expense reimbursement for services such as picking up and
delivering cremated remains, running errands$
Rental Services
- Use of massage table$
- Use of church cart$
- Use of tent$
- Use of wagon or other carrying cart$
- Casket rental$
Support Services
- Acting as a liaison for family$
- Follow-up support for a period of time after final disposition$
- Support with house preparation for home vigil$
- Overseeing/providing the food, flowers for home vigil$
Merchandise(indicate price or range in prices)
- Alternate container$-
- Body care kit$
- Candles$-
- Caskets$-
A complete price list will be provided
- Dry ice$
- Essential oils$-
- Grave lining flowers/organic material$-
- Lowering straps$-
- Body bag$
- Shrouding board$-
- Shrouds$-
- Techni-ice$
- Urns$-
- Other$-
- $-
- $-
<Name of Your Entity, logo
Your address, phone and email
Your name, title>
Home Funeral Goods and Fees Estimate Sheet
Client name ______Address ______
Phone ______Email ______
Items That May Be Needed:Estimated cost
Dry Ice approximately 20 lbs per day $
Techni-Iceapproximately 10 sheets$
Alternate containerbox-style$
Cremation fee$
Medical Examiner fee$
Burial permit$
Burial plot$
Opening and closing fees for burial plot$
Department of Consumer Affairs Funeral Program, if applicable $
Disposition Permit filing fee, if applicable$
Certified Death Certificate $ per copy x no. of copies $
Body care kit$
Essential oils$
Grave lining flowers/organic material$
Lowering straps$
Body bag$
Shrouding board$
Other (please specify every item and price provided)$
Total Estimated Cost for Goods and Paperwork$
Home Funeral Guide Services Price List
Educational Services
- Teach/show/demonstrate to the family how to care for body after death$
- Public presentations about family-directed funerals$
- Teaching in a classroom setting$
- In-service training for medical professionals and others$
- Community and spiritual care group training$
- Training other home funeral guides/workshops$
Consulting Services
- Family consultations about natural death care$
- Planning details of a home vigil with the family (pre- or at-need)$
- Skype or phone coaching of family during the home funeral $
- Coordinating services when a funeral firm is involved$
- Coordinating services when clergy, celebrants, spiritual or
community groups and organizations are involved$
- Assisting individuals in completing advance directives$
Celebrant Services
- Assisting in organizing, planning the memorial service$
- Coordinating or facilitating a ceremony at a home vigil, funeral,
memorial, graveside, church, life celebration rituals, ceremonies
or services with prayer, song$
- Providing emotional and spiritual support to the family prior to, during,
or after the death$
Facilitation Services
- Time spent locating caskets, urns, shrouds or other products$
- Time spent coordinating and confirming disposition$
- Time spent coordinating family logistics, including pick-ups
of travelers, meals, containers, prior to and/or during the funeral period$
- Travel expense reimbursement for services such as picking up and
delivering cremated remains, running errands$
Support Services
- Acting as a liaison for family$
- Follow-up support for a period of time after final disposition$
- Support with house preparation for home vigil$
- Overseeing/providing the food, flowers for home vigil$
See What You Can Expect From Your Home Funeral Guide for details of volunteered services