Español III - Grading Policies and Procedures
Señora Borja 2014-2015
Spanish III is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish II or its equivalent. This is an interactive course that is conducted almost entirely in Spanish using a variety of teaching techniques to compliment all learning styles. Spanish III will provide you with an even deeper understanding of the Spanish language by continuing speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in real life contexts using authentic materials. You will continue to gain insights into Hispanic culture in order to better understand the world and yourself.
Profesora: Señora Borja
Voicemail: 313-432-5408
Sala: 243 Main Building South High School
Your grade will be determined by the following:
Quizzes 35% (there will be approximately 1-2 quizzes every week throughout each chapter)
Tests 25% (there will be approximately 1 test every 2-3 weeks or at the end of each chapter)
Classwork/Projects 20% (approximately 1 project every quarter and frequent classwork/audio/writing activities)
Homework 15% (given on a daily basis)
Participation 10% (graded on a daily basis)
*Grades are updated on a daily basis on Pinnacle. Please check your grades regularly!
*Work completed inside or outside of class will be returned to students. Common assessments/quizzes and tests will not be returned to students but will be discussed thoroughly in class. I can also be contacted before school, after school or during my planning period (8:56-9:45) with any questions, comments or concerns.
***Please check my website, on the Grosse Pointe South Webpage, under staff websites, on a daily basis for homework assignments, upcoming projects, tests and quizzes. You will also find links to activities for extra vocabulary and grammar practice.***
The grading scale is:
98-100% A+
93-97% A 73-76% C
90-92% A- 70-72% C-
87-89% B+ 67-69% D+
83-86% B 63-66% D
80-82% B- 60-62% D-
77-79% C+ Below 60% E
Required Materials-
§ Realidades Textbook Realidades workbook
§ 3 ring binder Dividers (set of 5)
§ Paper Writing utensil
*Recommended: Spanish-English dictionary
It is expected that students show up to class on time every day. It is disruptive and disrespectful to arrive late to class. If you are tardy to class you will need a pass in order to be excused from that tardy. Remember if you are 6 minutes late (without an excused pass) you are considered to have an unexcused absence. You have plenty of time between classes (7 minutes) to take care of bathroom and locker needs so you should not be tardy.
*After 3 tardies you will receive a 30 minute detention after (3:15-3:45) or before (7:15-7:45) school in my classroom. If you fail to show up or are late for your scheduled detention with me this will result in an office referral.
*10 or more tardies will result in a call home and an office referral thereafter.
Daily Assignments
Homework will be turned in/graded daily at the beginning of class and will be given 4 points for a completed assignments, and 2 points for a partially completed assignment. Late homework is accepted for half credit the next day and no credit thereafter. A completed assignment is a finished assignment when you enter the classroom. No cheating! You will not receive credit for the assignment and a phone call home may be made. If you allow another student to cheat/copy off your work you will also not receive credit! It is your responsibility to review and correct your homework as we go over it in class. Be an active participant in class to enhance understanding of the material, and, if more clarification is needed please set up a time before/after school with the teacher to go over the material one-on-one. Tutoring is also available with a student-tutor (the counselors have a list of all available tutors). It will also be your responsibility to study vocabulary every day, especially if you are having difficulty learning/remembering the words.
Late or partially completed daily homework will not be accepted for full credit unless there is an excused absence from class on the date that it is due.
Missing work due to absences
It is your responsibility to meet with the teacher to obtain your make-up work. You will have 2 days per each day absent after an excused absence to complete missing assignments (including homework, tests, quizzes and some participation). If there is a conflict please see me so we can work out a plan.
· If your absence occurs on a date previously announced, the project, quiz, test, presentation or report, is due on the day of your return.
· Make-up work requiring teacher assistance should be made up before/after school. Please check with the teacher in advance as to her availability in case there is a conflict.
· Student athletes or students going on field trips that have an early dismissal are responsible for getting their assignments turned in earlier in the day.
· Unexcused absences will result in a complete loss of credit for the day (and will not be able to make up the work) including homework, classwork, tests, quizzes, projects, presentations and participation.
Participation in class is vital and required on a daily basis. Students will earn points for participation which will establish their participation grade. Opportunities to earn points during class will be announced at the time points are recorded. If absent the day participation points are taken, students will be able to make up the missed points before the end of the quarter. Points may be taken away for tardiness, insubordination or misconduct.
Student may earn participation points by:
1. Volunteering answers in the target language by raising your hand in class.
2. Volunteering to write homework answers in the target language on the board.
3. Giving your best answer in the target language if called on to answer a question.
4. Bringing in examples of Spanish language and/or culture to class.
5. Completing in class activities, audio activities, computer activities, staying on task and speaking Spanish.
Phones, iPods or other electronic devices are to be turned OFF during class and may not be used for any reason during class. The device will be taken to the principal’s office where it can be picked up at the end of the following day.
Passes- To be used for emergencies only!
Internet Policy- It is encouraged to utilize internet sites for sources of information. However, to ensure the integrity of the curriculum and your education, the following practices are unacceptable and will incur serious consequences:
a. Online language translators -Dictionaries are encouraged. You can look up single words in the internet (, however, phrases and sentences will not be allowed.
b. Using material from the Internet without identifying the source and claiming it as your own work.
The consequences for these actions will be as follows:
a. 1st offense – Parental contact and student may be able to redo the assignment
b. 2nd offense – Parental conference, no credit for assignment
1. Be prepared for class (bring your materials every day, including 3 ring binder, textbook, workbook, paper and writing utensil)
2. Be open minded-learning a language can be frustrating at times, but little by little you will pick up more. It is important to be open to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives.
3. RESPECT yourself and others- Only nice things said to each other in class. No putdowns, vulgar language or profanity. Use good judgment, good taste and common courtesy.
Consequence: 1. Stay after class and discuss your behavior.
2. Call home and detention.
3. Office referral.
4. Do your best work and turn it in on time.
Consequence: 1. Stay after class to discuss your behavior.
2. Call home.
1. Be on time. Being on time means that you are in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
2. Be prepared and do your own work. Being prepared means that you should come to class with your textbook, notebook, paper, pen or pencil and completed assignments every day. Your work should be done on your own. If you are caught copying, you will not receive credit for that assignment.
3. Show respect for yourself and others. No put-downs! Treat your classmates and teacher with respect at all times. Use good judgment, good taste and common courtesy at all times.
4. Maintain good attendance. Maintaining good attendance means that you come to class (on time) every day.
5. Use your time wisely. Using time wisely means that you are using all available class time to improve your Spanish language skills. It also means that you are staying on task when doing partner or group drills and activities. Do not prepare for other classes during Spanish class. Please use homework and study time for homework and study time. You can receive valuable help during this time.
6. Pay attention. Paying attention means that you are following directions and are not disturbing the rhythm of the class with disruptive behavior of any degree.
7. Respect your surroundings. Respecting your surroundings means that you are taking care of your textbook and classroom materials. It means that you are disposing of paper in the wastebasket and that you are not writing on desks. Please clean up around you at the end of the hour.
8. Please ask before using classroom materials, equipment (i.e. markers, construction
paper, computer or TV).
9. Participate and get involved. Be an active participant in class and pay attention to what is going on. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Relax! Remember when you were learning English: the words did not always come out right the first time. It takes practice!
*The teacher, students and parents are all part of a team and we should all be supportive and respectful of each other. This classroom should be a safe environment where people are not afraid to share their ideas, thoughts and work, and should not fear ridicule from their peers or teacher. We are here to support each other and encourage each other in the learning of another language. Both the students and the teacher must have the desire and determination to succeed. Have a positive attitude and enjoy the year!*
*I have read the Spanish 3 course syllabus and understand the policies, guidelines, rules and expectations for the class*
Student Signature______Date______
Print Name______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Print Name______
Email address______
Phone Number______