Texas Library Association District 5

TLA Annual Conference

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Meeting minutes

Taken by Kendra Harrell

In attendance:

LaMoya Burks (outgoing chair)

Kendra Harrell (incoming chair)

Hannah Olsen (incoming treasurer)

Mary Lynn Saxton (incoming chair elect)

Michelle Touchet

Jennifer Neal

Katy Manck

Sarah Miller

Jenifer Thomas

Rita Edwards

Pauline Stacchini

Dean Washington

Opening remarks

-LaMoya reviewed past year goals of increased communication, building District finances up, and increasing membership

Reading of Previous Minutes

-Katy Manck proposed minutes to be approved, Michelle Touchet seconded, minutes were approved by quorum

Finance Report

-District 5 received a total of $1,065 in revenues for FY 17-18 as of March 20, 2018

-D5 had a total of $831.05 in expenses for the year

-D5 ended up with a net income of $233.95 for the year

-D5 had a balance forward from the previous year of $3,117.99

-Current fund balance is $3,351.94

Website Report

-Kendra reviewed last year’s progress in social media and website

-Update on goals and new goals set:

New Goal: Create and post an introduction video of myself as Chair.

New Goal: Reshare infographic after annual conference.

New Goal: Continue to elicit feedback from members. Send emails and post status

updates about summer reading programs and events.

New Goal: Seek more relevant video content to share. Ask more questions through

posts to encourage engagement.

New Goal: Explore what content gets the most shares and post more content like that.

New Goal: Schedule Facebook updates in advance to keep a more consistent posting

schedule. The website and emails should continue to be used as events dictate.

Councilor Report:

-LaMoya attended Council I. D5 councilors have stepped down. Hannah Olsen will step in for Council II (update: David Raley volunteered to be councilor for 2018-19, attended and reported back on Council II).

-In Council I: quorum called, agendas were approved, call for tellers for Council II, Executive Director presented on refreshed logo and website redesign. Voting will be for: going green, honoring Milton Van Duden Jr., and a statement about librarian salaries.

Remarks/Introduction TLA Executive Council Member, Kimberly Michelle Gay

-Kimberly was unable to attend,LaMoya will ask her to email remarks


-Hannah Olsen is incoming Treasurer

-Kendra Harrell is incoming Chair

-Mary Lynn Saxton is incoming Chair Elect


-TLA 2019 is in Austin, Apr. 15-18

-Our next meeting is at Annual Assembly in Austin in July