Short Story

Read the story The Minister's Black Veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne and answer the questions that follow.

Questions to Consider

1) How does Hawthorne describe the veil?

2) How do the petitioners react to the veil?

3) What is the significance of the topic of the first sermon?

4) How does the quote by "the lady" that starts "How strange" summarize the essence of the story?

5) What does "the man" mean by saying men are "sometimes afraid to be alone with themselves"?

6) Why does the veil become an appropriate symbol in the afternoon service?

7) In the paragraph describing the afternoon service, count the number of terms that support Hawthorne's intended mood?

8) How does the world outside the town react to the veil?

9) Why is Father Hooper wearing a veil?

10) Why does Hawthorne use the phrase “Mr. Hooper at times” and “Father Hooper at other times”?

11) What do Father Hooper's final words disclose about his possible reasoning for wearing the veil?

12) What word can best take the place of "veil?”

English Assignment-2


1. Read the short story ‘The Minister’s Black Veil’ carefully and make an analysis on the following:

·  Character

·  Plot

·  Themes

·  Symbols

·  Setting

·  External and Internal Conflict

2. Research on Thematic Statement and Topic Sentences and be ready for an oral presentation (2minutes) on the reopening day

Bring excellent examples to make your presentation forceful.

# Use internet for the story

# Do not hesitate to call your teacher for help during school hours

The Minister’s Black Veil

Vocabulary List

a) Find the meaning for each of the following words and write a meaningful paragraph or story using the first 15 words.

b) Pick out all the adjectives from the list and write their antonyms.

1.  ambiguous

2.  amiable

3.  ascend

4.  celestial

5.  decorousness

6.  discern

7.  expedient

8.  gravity

9.  hoary

10.  impertinent

11.  melancholy

12.  mitigate

13.  obscure

14.  ostentatious

15.  placid

16.  plausible

17.  prodigy

18.  quake

19.  remonstrate

20.  sagacious

21.  solicitous

22.  summon

23.  tinge

24.  torpid

25.  venerate