Review of Business QualificationsGovernance Group Minutes

Miramar Golf Club17 July 2013

Wednesday 17 July (9am)

John West (Chair)
Liz Bowen-Clewley
Merepaea Manukau
Robyn de Bruin-Judge
Rod Bentham
Steve Harris
Terry Swanson / Apologies
Graham Dockrill
Kevin Gaunt
Luka Crosbie
In attendance
Ian Funnell (TAM, NZQA)
Facilitators(Qualifications Services (QS), NZQA)
Jody Allen
Michel Norrish


1 / Karakia
2 / Welcome and introductions
Confirmation of John West as new Chair
(elected at the 11 June teleconference, Liz Bowen-Clewley / Terry Swanson)
The Governance Groupwill write to Luka to acknowledge his contribution as Chair in 2012.
3 / Minutes and matters arising from previous meeting (November 2012)
The Governance Group noted the informal record of the discussion on 23 April and of the conference call on 11 Juneand endorsed the minutes from November.
Matter arising: re the General Education review mentioned in matters arising in those minutes, the trigger date has yet to be determined, with some issues yet to be resolved.
4 / Action points and risk register
Action points and risk register were updated.
5 / Correspondence (inwards and outwards)
- QAD reports: approval of applications, including NZCB5 Māori (MMEQA)
- NZIM Management Capability Index Report.
6 / Members’ interactions with stakeholders
Rod indicated that he was on the Governance Group for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) review, and that NQS is project managing other reviews, including the creative arts review.
Robyn has received e-mail support from Business NZ for separate quals in Competitive Manufacturing.
Liz has been appointed as the Professional Adviser to the Food Processing review, and is being asked to chair meetings between stakeholders to resolve issues in other reviews.
Steve has been in discussions with Business NZ re the PMM and Competitive Manufacturing qualifications and … can confirm support from them for the separate Competitive Manufacturing qualification. He has also been in discussion with a number of parties on funding for industry and the disconnect between the process we are working through and the funding regime for industry.
Jody has received some concerns about perceived limited Māori presence on the Governance Group (Michel has heard the same concerns), and has received from working group members interest in being involved infuture development.
Michel has received feedback from working group members indicating both enthusiasm for being involved further and resentment that the working group outcomes were altered by the Governance Group. He spoke to the National Business Administration Forum on 30 April and to Business and Management moderators (unit standards) on 6 June. He maintains close contact with other reviews with mutual interests.
7 / Governance Group membership
The Governance Group membership needs for stage-2 development in 2013 were discussed -
-the Governance Group agreed to co-opt a new member for the vacancy caused by Clive Jones’ resignation
-Dave Hodges (professional adviser in 2012) will be invited to join the Governance Group, on the same basis as other members
-the Governance Group confirmed its membership for stage 2 of the qualifications development.
8 / Consideration of organisation to take "qualifications developer" responsibilities
For the qualifications to be listed, one organisation will need to be formally responsible for their on-going management (ie “qualification developer”), including reviews and consistency management. Currently Qualifications Services (QS, a Business Unit in the Qualifications Division of NZQA) is facilitating the review on behalf of the sector, and it has been suggested that QS should be the qualification developer on behalf of the sector. The Governance Group deferred a decision on this and:
-asked for a description of the structure, role, and purpose of the NZQA teams relevant to the review and to this decision
-asked for the expectations of a qualification developerrole.
9 / Reaction/response to the QAD(Quality Assurance Division, NZQA) reports
The Governance Group discussed the evaluative reports from QAD on the proposed Business qualifications, and –
-noted that approval was given for further development, including the New Zealand Certificate in Business (level 5) Māori Business under MMEQA arrangements
-asked Merepaea and Jody to facilitate closer liaison with Māori and to deal with issues around the needs analysis, in relation especially to the level 5 certificate and level 6 strand
-asked Michel to deal with the identified issues for the other qualifications, including developing draft guidelines for the working groups (for submission to the Governance Group for prior discussion and approval)
-noted actions (refer elsewhere in these minutes) in relation to the NZCTU, Project Management, and Competitive Manufacturing qualifications
-agreed that replacement relationships will be identified during the development, in close liaison with current qualification owners.
10 / Project Management qualifications
The Governance Group acknowledges mixed messages about these qualifications, and was disappointed at the quality of the Project Management submission: Project Management qualifications may well be important but the need for separate such qualifications needs to be established.
The Project Management community will be invited to make one further submission to the Governance Group in support of Project Management qualifications.
11 / Competitive Manufacturing qualifications
The Competitive Manufacturing community has applied to have the Competitive Manufacturing qualifications reviewed as part of a manufacturing review. Michel will find out the position and declare the Governance Group’s interest in continuing to be involved as these qualifications could be, as they said when they asked to join the Business qualifications review, “applied business skills”.
12 / Consistency management
Ian Funnell (Tertiary Assessment and Moderation (TAM), NZQA) joined the Governance Group and led a discussion on consistency management in light of the recently published discussion paper (Ian was not involved in the development of that paper).
The Governance Group agreed that –
-any planning should assume that the consistency management system outlined in that paper, or one quite similar, will be implemented
-Liz will convene a focus group of Governance Group members to develop a proposal for consistency management for the Business qualifications, for submission to the Governance Group
-working groups cannot be briefed in the meantime.
13 / Working group guidance (for the development, principally, of assessment specifications)
It was agreed that –
-an overarching intent statement will be developed
-general principles will be drafted to inform the development of assessment specifications
-both the above will be submitted for Governance Group discussion before being distributed to working groups.
14 / Draft plan for 2013 development
This was deferred pending resolution of issues identified above.
15 / NZCTU qualification
The Governance Group discussed the revised submission and –
-accepted that the need for the qualification has been established
-still felt that the outcomes were pitched too high for the level of the qualification
-felt that the qualification was too generic to be called a Business qualification, and suggested New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Relations (but still within the Business qualifications review)
-two Governance Group members offered to assist NZCTU if requested.
16 / General Business - None.
17 / Next meeting - 5-6 November.