Emergency Supply User Guide

NECAF User Guide

Emergency Supply


General Information...... 3

Accessing the Website...... 3

Logging On...... 4

Navigating to Emergency Supply Service...... 5

Adding a New Claim...... 7

Entering Patient Details...... 8

Entering Service Details...... 9

Adding Medicines Supplied...... 10/11
Viewing Current Claims...... 12

Previous Claims...... 13

Payment Information...... 14

Contact Us...... 14

General Information

Accessing the website

The Primary Care Services website can be accessed from the link below:

You will be presented with the following screen (figure 1)

You will need to be registered in order to access the NECAF section of the website.

A login name and password has been provided to each pharmacy in Wales who are providing an Enhanced Service. If you have not received a login name and password please contact us on 029 20904030 or email us at

To request a reminder of your details please email stating your name and pharmacy code (beginning 60).

Logging on

Select Log In from the left hand side of the page as indicated below. You will then be prompted to enter your login details.

N.B. If you are experiencing difficulty viewing the login screen, it is likely that our site is restricted by your system’s firewall. In this case, you will need to contact your N3 service provider to request that the restriction is lifted. If required, the IP address for this site is

Once you have logged on, you will be directed to the Prescribing Services Online Applications homepage.

Navigating to Emergency Supply Service

To access the Electronic Claims section, select NECAF from, the drop down box in the upper right-hand corner of the screen as shown above.

Listed in the ‘Select Service’ drop down will be a list of the NECAF services that the pharmacy is allowed to provide. If the service you require isn’t shown you should contact Phillip Jones on 01792 607214.

Select the Emergency Supply service

Once you have selected the relevant service, you will have the option to add a new claim, or to view the current claims you have input.

Adding a New Claim

A new claim should be entered for each occasion a patient requires an emergency supply of medication.

Ensure that a valid GPhC number is entered, if you are entering multiple claims, you can keep the same GPhC number for all claims by selecting ‘Hold GPhC’.

Date of supply needs to be entered before you can continue with the claim.

Entering Patient Details

When entering the information in the first section of the form, ‘Patient Details’, ensure that you have the patients consent or you will be unable to continue with the claim.
The ‘Residency Status’, ‘PMR or NHS no.’, ‘Patient Age’, ‘Gender’ and the details of the Patients GP Practice are all required fields.

When entering the details of the patients GP practice, use the drop down boxes provided for any Welsh practice.

The Health Board and Locality level will have to be chosen first before a list of the practices within that Locality are shown.

If the patients practice is in England, please enter the details manually if known.

Entering Service Details

Medicines Supplied

If Medicines have been supplied to the patient, then enter the date and the time of supply and the date the GP Practice was notified. Also select the ‘Referral In’ and ‘Reason for Emergency supply’

NB: You will need to enter the date of GP Practice Notification. This date cannot be before the date of supply, and it cannot be a future date.

Finally, select which action the patient would have undertaken if they had not received medicine from the pharmacy.

Medicines Not Supplied

If no medicines have been supplied, ensure that ‘Referral In’ and ‘Reason for ‘Non Supply of Medicines’ are completed.

You can also select a referral out method as shown below.

Adding Medicines Supplied

Use the drug search to add the medicines supplied to the list.

The Drug field is needed, while the strength and form are optional.

NB: when inputting quantities, ensure that it is entered in UNITS OF MEASURE. E.G. a 150ml bottle of Paracetamol would be entered with a quantity of 150, not 1. Please see examples below.

This would be the correct way to input this particular item.

Do not enter as above, the Indicative price shows the cost of the drug as entered.

When entering the quantity on products like Opticrom above, ensure that you enter 13.5 as the quantity.

For items such as Neocate, where the Form is Grams, the quantity dispensed will need to be input in grams and be equivalent to, or less than the value of one whole pack. In the example above, a quantity of 945 or below can be entered, but no quantity higher.

For inhalers such as Salbutamol, ensure that the dosage for an inhaler is entered, not the amount of inhalers given. In the example above, enter 200 for 1 inhaler, or 400 for 2 inhalers etc.

Current Claims

Viewing Current Claims

From the Select Function drop-down list, select ‘Current Claims’.In this section you will see a list of existing open claims. You may change the order in which the claims are displayed by

clicking on the column headings. By clicking the Export to CSV button, the data that exists in the table will be exported to a spreadsheet.

Click on the + on the left hand side for a summary of medicines in the claim.

Amending Current Claims

Should you wish to amend a claim, click on the Claim ID number of the relevant claim, this will take you back to the claim page.

NB: Once a claim has been submitted, the information is sent electronically to us and no further action is required in order to claim payment. Current claims can be amended until the end of the last day of each month.

Deleting Current Claims
You can also delete any claim from here by selecting the checkbox for the relevant claim and clicking delete.

Previous Claims

By selecting ‘Previous Claims’ from the select function box, you can seach for any claims you have previously made. Enter the month you would like to search from in the selection box, as shown below.

Again you can click on the plus sign on the left hand side to look at the details of the claim.Items are listed individually with the amount paid for each item. The total amount paid per claim will be the total of these items added together.

You can export this information to a spreadsheet if you wish, by clicking on ‘Export To CSV’.

You can filter the results you see by all claims made, claims that have been paid by us and claims that have been recovered by us. As shown in the diagram below, any recoveries made will be shown in red on the table. When clicking on the plus button you will see the amount to be recovered in red. This amount will be deducted from your account.

Payment Information

Payment for these claims will be included in the Payment Schedule for the month previous to when they were closed (i.e. If a claim is closed in October, payment will be included on September’s schedule).

Contact us

If you have any queries please contact the helpdesk on 02920 904030 or email us at

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