Annual Report of the (Arch)Diocesan Council

(Please return this form to the US National Council Office.)

Fiscal year: / 10/1/2015 – 9/30/2016 / 1/1/2016 – 12/31/2017
Deadline: / January 31, 2017 (120 Days) / March 31, 2017 (90 Days)

Reporting Period: From ______to ______.

Please enter the address of the Council office:

(Arch)Diocesan Council Name:______

Office Mailing Address: ______City: ______

State: ______Zip code: ______Office Phone (____) ______

Office e-mail address: ______

Is this Council Incorporated? Yes_____ No_____

Does the Council have its own 501c3? _____ National Group Ruling ______Catholic Directory_____ None_____

Does the Council’s 501c3 include coverage of its Districts and Conferences? Yes _____ No _____

PART 1 – (Arch)Diocesan Council Data

Please answer the following about the (Arch)Diocesan Council:

How often does the (Arch)Diocesan Council meet?

Annually_____ Quarterly_____ Bi-Monthly_____ Monthly_____ Other_____

Number of Ozanam Orientations conducted in the (Arch)Diocesan Council: ______

Total number of Ozanam Orientation attendees: ______

Does the (Arch)Diocesan Council have a Spiritual Advisor? Yes_____ No_____

Total hours worked by members doing (Arch)Diocesan Council business (including Council operated Stores and Special Works) - not reported on Conference or District Council Reports: ______

Total hours worked by non-member volunteers doing (Arch)Diocesan Council business (including Council operated Stores and Special Works): ______

Total number of people served by the (Arch)Diocesan Council (including Council operated Stores and Special Works): ______

Total value of direct service from (Arch)Diocesan Council operated Stores and Special Works: $______

Total value of in-kind goods from (Arch)Diocesan Council operated Stores and Special Works: $______

Total value of in-kind service from (Arch)Diocesan Council operated Stores and Special Works: $______

Special Comparative Datafrom

Operations, Stores and Special Works

Operated by the (Arch)Diocesan Council

Systemic Change

Number of Vincentians Trained in Bridges Out of Poverty

Number of Friends Graduated from Getting Ahead

Number of Friends Being Mentored

Number of Vincentians Engaged in Advocacy

Number of Vincentians Engaged in Systemic Change Programs

Number of Lives Changed(Future Use-Do Not Enter)


Number of People Moved Out of Poverty(Future Use-No Entry)


For Those (Arch)Diocesan Councils that Operate Stores

A Separate Stores Reports is Required

In Addition to Providing the Following Information

Number of Stores

Total Square Footage of Stores

Total Number of Donors

Retail Program – Revenue from Donated Goods

/ $

Retail Program – Revenue from Goods Purchased for Resale

/ $

Retail Program – Expenses from Donated Goods

/ $

Retail Program – Expenses from Goods Purchased for Resale

/ $

Total Number of New Employees Hired In the Stores

Donation Sources Used by Stores (check all that apply)

Donation Boxes

Donations at Store or Warehouse

Parish Collections

Home Pickups

Special Event Donations

Attended Donation Center


For Those (Arch)Diocesan Councils that Operate Special Works

A Separate Special Work Report is Required for Each Special Work

Page 1
2016 (Arch)Diocesan Council Report


(This page is to include all special works and stores of the (Arch)Diocesan Council, even if separately incorporated)

Please enter 0 if no money was collected or spent in a particular category.


Receipts collected (cash basis)

  1. Solidarity Contributions received from Conferences$______.____
  1. Contributions from Conferences within the Diocese $______.____
  1. Contributions from District Councils within the Diocese$______.____
  1. Contributions from other SVDPs outside the (Arch)Diocese$______.____
  1. Contributions from members at General Meeting(s)$______.____
  1. Contributions from the general public$______.____
  1. Legacies received$______.____
  1. Qualified Government Grants ONLY received$______.____
  1. Disaster Funds received$______.____
  1. Capital Campaign Funds received$______.____
  1. Other Restricted Funds received$______.____
  1. Receipts from Special Works (DO NOT include Stores)$______.____
  1. Receipts from Stores (“Total Revenue” from the Stores Report)$______.____
  1. Receipts from Special Fundraising Events$______.____
  1. Other Income$______.____

TOTAL INCOME:$______.____

Expenses (cash basis)

  1. Solidarity Contributions to the National Council$______.____
  1. Other Contributions to the National Council$______.____

(In addition to Solidarity Contributions)

  1. Regional contributions$______.____
  1. General administrative and operational costs$______.____
  1. Expenses of Special Works(DO NOT include Stores)$______.____
  1. Expenses of Stores$______.____

“Total Expenses (Wages, Benefits, Operating)” from the Stores Report

  1. Expenses of Special Fundraising Events$______.____
  1. Contributions to Disaster$______.____
  1. Contributions to Domestic Twinning$______.____
  1. Contributions to International Twinning$______.____
  1. Other Expenses$______.____

(Funds spent by the (Arch)Diocesan Council that are not covered in items 1-10)

TOTAL EXPENSES:$______.____

ENDING BALANCE: $______.____

PART 2 – Consolidated Report of District Councils

Please answer the following about the District Councils:

Indicate the number of District Councils that meet:

Annually_____ Quarterly_____ Bimonthly_____ Monthly_____ Other_____

Number of Ozanam Orientations conducted in the District Councils: ______

Total number of Ozanam Orientation attendees: ______

The number of District Councils with a Spiritual Advisor: ______

Total hours worked by members doing District Council business (including District operated Stores and Special Works) - not reported on Conference Reports: ______

Total hours worked by non-member volunteers doing District Council business (including District operated Stores and Special Works): ______

Total number of people served by the District Council (including District operated Stores and Special Works): ______

Total value of direct service from District Council operated Stores and Special Works: $______

Total value of in-kind goods from District Council operated Stores and Special Works: $______

Total value of in-kind service from District Council operated Stores and Special Works: $______

Special Comparative Data From District Council Reports

Systemic Change

Number of Vincentians Trained in Bridges Out of Poverty

Number of Friends Graduated from Getting Ahead

Number of Friends Being Mentored

Number of Vincentians Engaged in Advocacy

Number of Vincentians Engaged in Systemic Change Programs

Number of Lives Changed (Future Use-Do Not Enter)


Number of People Moved Out of Poverty (Future Use-No Entry)


From the District Councils

Stores Reports

Number of Stores

Total Square Footage of Stores

Total Number of Donors

Retail Program – Revenue from Donated Goods

/ $

Retail Program – Revenue from Goods Purchased for Resale

/ $

Retail Program – Expenses from Donated Goods

/ $

Retail Program – Expenses from Goods Purchased for Resale

/ $

Total Number of New Employees Hired In the Stores

Donation Sources Used by Stores (check all that apply)

Donation Boxes

Donations at Store or Warehouse

Parish Collections

Home Pickups

Special Event Donations

Attended Donation Center



Do not repeat information already used for the (Arch)Diocesan financial report. Please enter 0 if no money was collected or spent.


Receipts collected (cash basis)

  1. Solidarity Contributions received from Conferences$______.____
  1. Contributions from Conferences within the Council$______.____
  1. Contributions from the (Arch)Diocesan Council$______.____
  1. Contributions from other SVDPs$______.____
  1. Contributions from members at District Meeting(s)$______.____
  1. Contributions from the general public$______.____
  1. Legacies received$______.____
  1. Qualified Government Grants ONLY received$______.____
  1. Disaster Funds received$______.____
  1. Capital Campaign Funds received$______.____
  1. Other Restricted Funds received$______.____
  1. Receipts from Special Works (DO NOT include Stores)$______.____
  1. Receipts from Stores$______.____
  1. Receipts from Special Fundraising Events$______.____
  1. Other Income$______.____

TOTAL INCOME:$______.____

Expenses (cash basis)

  1. Solidarity Contributions to the National Council$______.____
  1. Other Contributions to the National Council$______.____

(In addition to Solidarity Contributions)

  1. Regional contributions$______.____
  1. General administrative and operational costs$______.____
  1. Expenses of Special Works(DO NOT include Stores)$______.____
  1. Expenses of Stores$______.____
  1. Expenses of Special Fundraising Events$______.____
  1. Contributions to Disaster$______.____
  1. Contributions to Domestic Twinning$______.____
  1. Contributions to International Twinning$______.____
  1. Other Expenses$______.____

(Funds spent by the District Council that are not covered in items 1-10)

TOTAL EXPENSES:$______.____

ENDING BALANCE: $______.____

PART 3 – Consolidated Report of the Conferences

Please answer the following about the Conferences:

Number of Conferences at beginning of fiscal year: ______

How many Youth? ______Young Adult? ______Hispanic/Latino? ______Diverse? ______Other? ______

How many Spanish speaking? ______Another dominant language (not English or Spanish)? ______

Number of Conferences added during fiscal year: ______

How many Youth? ______Young Adult? ______Hispanic/Latino? ______Diverse? ______Other? ______

Number of Conferences removed during fiscal year: ______

How many Youth? ______Young Adult? ______Hispanic/Latino? ______Diverse? ______Other? ______

How many merged? ______Voluntarily closed? ______Closed by SVdP? ______

Number of Conferences at end of fiscal year: ______

How many Youth? ______Young Adult? ______Hispanic/Latino? ______Diverse? ______Other? ______

How many Spanish speaking? ______Another dominant language (not English or Spanish)? ______

Number of Conferences revitalized during the fiscal year: ______Need to be revitalized? ______In process? ______

Number of Conferences that meet at the following frequencies:

Weekly_____ Twice Monthly_____ Monthly_____ Other_____

Number of Conferences that have an active Spiritual Advisor: ______

Number of Conferences that did submit an Annual Report: ______Number that did not: ______


(*Ethnic breakdown required for government reporting, grant applications, etc. Please assign each member to one category only.)

Asian / Black / Caucasian / Hispanic
Latino / Alaskan Native
American Indian / Native Hawaiian/
Other Pacific Islander / Mixed/
Active (Full) – under 19
Active (Full) – 19 thru 39
Active (Full) – 40 and over

Total Active (Full)

Asian / Black / Caucasian / Hispanic Latino / Alaskan Native
American Indian / Native Hawaiian/
Other Pacific Islander / Mixed/
Associate – under 19
Associate – 19 thru 39
Associate– 40 and over

Total Associate

Total Membership

Total Active (Full)
Total Associate

Total Members

Comparative Membership / Number / New This Year
Total All Vincentians
Total – under 19 (Youth)
Total – 19 through 39 (Young Adult)
Total Minority (Non-Caucasian)
Total Non-Vincentian Volunteers


Last Year’s Ending Balance (Required)



Adjustments to Last Year’s Ending Balance



Beginning Balance (Required)



Receipts (Please round all figures to the nearest dollar)

  1. Donations from Members
/ $
  1. Church/Poor Box Collections
/ $
3A. Fund Raising - Special Works / $
3B. Fund Raising - Stores / $
3C. Fund Raising - Special Events/Other / $
4. Other SVdP Contributions / $
5A. Other –Qualified Government Grants / $
5B. Other - Disaster Funds / $
5C. Other - Capital Campaign Funds / $
5D. Other - Other Restricted Funds / $
5E. Other - Misc. Receipts / $
Total Receipts (1 thru 5E) / + $


  1. Those We Serve
/ $
  1. Disaster Contributions
/ $
8A Domestic Twinning / $
8B International Twinning** / $
**Attach contact list for International Twinning Partners
Subtotal (A) (6 thru 8) / $
  1. Solidarity Contributions (Dues/Tithing)
/ $
  1. Contributions to Upper Councils
/ $
11A. Operating Expense - Special Works / $
11B. Operating Expense - Stores / $
11C. Operating Expense - Special Events / $
11D. Operating Expense - Other / $
12. Other / $
Subtotal (B) (9 thru 12) / $
Total Expenses (Subtotal A + Subtotal B) / - $
Ending Balance: Beginning Balance + Total Receipts – Total Expenses = $

“In Kind” Goods and Services Provided (Non-cash contributions)

# of People Helped
(Included in Visits and Services – below) / $ Value


  1. Food

  1. Furniture

  1. Clothing

  1. Other

Subtotal 1 (I thru IV)


  1. Legal

  1. Medical

  1. Dental

  1. Other

Subtotal 2 (V thru VIII)

Totals (Subtotal 1 + Subtotal 2)

Visits and Services to People

Person-to-Person Visits

/ # of Visits / # of People Helped
(includes In-Kind)
  1. Home Visits

  1. Prison Visits

  1. Hospital Visits

  1. Eldercare Visits

  1. Other In-Person Visits

Subtotal (A thru E)

# Contacts / # of People Helped

F. Telephone-Only Contacts


/ # of Services
G. Jobs Obtained
H. Referrals
I. Travel Aid
J. Spiritual Aid/Sacraments
K. Other

Subtotal (G thru K)

Total People Helped (Add column 2: A thru F)

Total Hours of Service: Members

Total Hours of Service: Non-Members

Estimated Miles in Vincentian services

Special Comparative Data from Conference Reports

Systemic Change

Number of Vincentians Trained in Bridges Out of Poverty

Number of Friends Graduated from Getting Ahead

Number of Friends Being Mentored

Number of Vincentians Engaged in Advocacy

Number of Vincentians Engaged in Systemic Change Programs

Number of Lives Changed (Future Use-Do Not Enter)


Number of People Moved Out of Poverty (Future Use-No Entry)


From the Conference Stores Reports

Number of Stores

Total Square Footage of Stores

Total Number of Donors

Retail Program – Revenue from Donated Goods

/ $

Retail Program – Revenue from Goods Purchased for Resale

/ $

Retail Program – Expenses from Donated Goods

/ $

Retail Program – Expenses from Goods Purchased for Resale

/ $

Total Number of New Employees Hired In the Stores

Donation Sources Used by Stores (check all that apply)

Donation Boxes

Donations at Store or Warehouse

Parish Collections

Home Pickups

Special Event Donations

Attended Donation Center


(Arch)Diocesan Council President: ______Date: ______

(Arch)Diocesan Council Executive Director*: ______Date: ______

*If (Arch)Diocesan Council has no executive director, please leave blank.

If this report is not entered online, Mail Completed Report to:

Annual Report

National Council – Society of St. Vincent de Paul

58 Progress Parkway

Maryland Heights, MO 63043-3706

Instructions For Completing

The Annual Report of the (Arch)Diocesan Council

This report form is intended to promote more timely, accurate, and consistent reporting. It is essential to have your (Arch)Diocesan Council annual report completed properly and returned on time so that we can responsibly publish our consolidated National results and comply with the requirements of our tax-exempt status.

This report form must be used by all (Arch)Diocesan Councils. Please do not use older versions of this form. Remember that the key to good reporting is keeping good records throughout the reporting year [i.e., monthly and quarterly reporting]. Please read these instructions carefully. If you have any questions on reporting, contact your Regional Vice President or Regional IT Rep.

This report is a reflection of the (Arch)Diocesan Council, its Special Works and Stores whether they are separately incorporated or not.

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Definitions and Questions:

REPORTING PERIOD:Always a 12-month period; either the standard fiscal year of the Society (Oct. 1 – Sept. 30) or a calendar fiscal year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31). New Councils will typically have less data than 12 months, but the dates should reflect the fiscal year.

(Arch)Diocesan Council Name: Enter the name of the (Arch)Diocesan Council.

Office Mailing Address: Enter the mailing address, city, state, zip code, and office phone number of the (Arch)Diocesan Council office.

Office e-mail Address: Enter the standard office email address if one exists.

IS THE COUNCIL INCORPORATED? Please answer “yes” or “no.” Not all Councils are formally incorporated in their state.

DOES THE COUNCIL HAVE ITS OWN 501(C)(3)? In order for donors to receive a tax deduction for the funds they donate to the Society, the Council must be registered with IRS as a non-profit organization. Indicate the source of the Council’s tax exempt status: through its own independent status, through the National Group Ruling, through the Catholic Directory, or it has none. Please note that the option of “through the Catholic Directory” is no longer to be used and all Conferences and Councils should have their own 501(C)(3) or be part of the National Group.

DOES THE COUNCIL’S 501(C)(3) INCLUDE COVERAGE OF ITS DISTRICTS AND CONFERENCES? Some (Arch)Diocesan Councils provide tax-exemption coverage for their Districts and Conferences (allowing them to use the Council’s EIN) and include them in their annual 990 report to IRS. Is this the case with your Council?

Part 1 – (Arch)Diocesan Council Data

HOW OFTEN DOES THE (ARCH)DIOCESAN COUNCIL MEET? Please check off one of the frequencies indicated: annually, quarterly, bi-monthly, monthly or other.(This refers to the Council – not its Board of Directors.)

NUMBER OF OZANAM ORIENTATIONS CONDUCTED IN THE (ARCH)DIOCESAN COUNCIL: In this question, “Ozanam Orientations” specifically refers to the nationally designed program that is intended to be used throughout the country. Enter the number of these sessions presented.

TOTAL NUMBER OF OZANAM ORIENTATION ATTENDEES: Please enter the number of people who have attended the Ozanam Orientation presentations.

DOES THE (ARCH)DIOCESAN COUNCIL HAVE A SPIRITUAL ADVISOR? A Spiritual Advisor attends the meetings regularly and participates as he/she can in the activities of the Council.

TOTAL HOURS WORKED BY MEMBERS DOING (ARCH)DIOCESAN COUNCIL WORK (INCLUDING COUNCIL OPERATED STORES AND SPECIAL WORKS) - NOT REPORTED ON CONFERENCE OR DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORTS:Enter the number of hours members have spent doing Council business, working on committees, attending Council meetings, putting on retreats, formation programs,etc.This includes hours worked at Special Works or Stores operated by the (Arch)Diocesan Council. These are not included in Conference hours or District Council hours.

TOTAL HOURS WORKED BY NON-MEMBER VOLUNTEERS DOING (ARCH)DIOCESAN COUNCIL WORK (INCLUDING COUNCIL OPERATED STORES AND SPECIAL WORKS): Enter the number of hours non-member, community service, court ordered volunteers have spent doing Council business, working on committees, attending Council meetings, putting on retreats, formation programs, etc. This includes hours worked at Special Works or Stores operated by the (Arch)DiocesanCouncil.

TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE SERVED BY THE (ARCH)DIOCESAN COUNCIL (INCLUDING COUNCIL OPERATED STORES AND SPECIAL WORKS): Enter the number of people who benefitted from the service provided by the Stores and Special Works operated by the (Arch)Diocesan Council.

TOTAL VALUE OF DIRECT SERVICE FROM (ARCH)DIOCESAN OPERATED STORES AND SPECIAL WORKS: Enter the total funds that were used as direct service for those in need. For example, if the service of the Store or Special Work included rent, utilities, bus passes, laundry tokens, etc., the amount spent for this direct aid should be entered here.

TOTAL VALUE OF IN-KIND GOODS FROM (ARCH)DIOCESAN OPERATED STORES AND SPECIAL WORKS: In-Kind goods includes items (such as food, clothing, furniture, etc.) that are donated at no cost to the Society and given directly to someone in need or put into use by the Society. Enter the estimated value of this merchandise.