Work Instruction
Functional Area: Accounts Receivable / Park Non AR Customer Payment (FV50)
PurposeNon-Invoice Related Customer Payments
Use this procedure to park a non-AR related customer payment.
Perform this procedure when there is need to make a deposit of cash(deposit slip)and/or checks not related to a customerinvoice.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
  • SAP Easy Access User Specific Menu
  • SelectDecentralizedFinancialProcessor - Non AR (Deposits)Park G/L Account Items
  • SAP Easy Access Generic Menu
  • Select Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Document Parked Documents -Post/Delete: Single Screen Transactionto go to the Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC screen.
Transaction Code
Business Process Information
Units throughout the University have a need to make deposits. In UC Flex any receipt of cash or cash equivalents that is not a payment for a UC Flex invoice is considered a non-Accounts Receivable (A/R) related cash payment. All cash must be deposited with PNC and the deposit slip sent to the cashiers with the printed A151/A152 form. (Checks may also be deposited.)
The main types of deposits made for non A/R related activities that fall under this process are:
  • Registration payments to process UniverSIS activity
  • Student Transcript sales
  • Departmental Deposits: Departments may directly receive cash or cash equivalents for a variety of business reasons.
o Payment for services rendered (i.e. administration of exams, marketing, lab services, etc.)
o Vendor rebate checks
o Department fees/charges (i.e. book binding fees, continuing education, OBN, etc.)
o Reimbursement of expense (i.e. phone charges, copy charges, UPS, etc. for personal use)
o COBRA payments
o Over payment of vendor invoices
o Rent payments for dorms (that are not included in tuition billing)
o Gifts to the University (not UCF)
These non-A/R related types of payments are recorded in UC Flex decentrally using the standard park journal voucher transaction (code FV50). To identify these particular FV50 transactions as deposits they have their own unique document types, GF for gift deposits and NG for non-gift sundry deposits.
Departments will park (save as complete) an FV50 transaction, print the corresponding A-151 or A-152 form via transaction ZPRINTNONARFORMS, attach supporting documentation and deliver all of this plus thedeposit slipsor cash equivalents to the Cashier’s Office. The Cashier’s Office will verify the deposit and post the transaction in UC Flex. No verified copy of the A-151 or A-152 will be returned to the decentralized department after its posting in UC Flex therefore departments should print a file copy for their own records.
If there is an accounting error in a transaction the Cashier’s Office will contact the responsible department. Any adjustments that need to be made to the FV50 at that point will be completed by the Cashier’s Office.
To aid in the repetitive data entry, departments can create account assignment templates that can default account lines that are regularly used. Also, the standard UC deposit account assignment template, A151_A152 Remittance, has been developed to default the correct cash account and other related account line data. Departments can use the standard UC account assignment template or they can make a copy of it to save which has their account line(s) information added.
Since UniverSIS is not tied to the A/R functionality in UC Flex currently, the deposits for UniverSIS-billed payments will also be processed as a non A/R payment but will be processed by the Cashier’s Office via the FB50 transaction.
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
  • Complete the following the first time you use the FV50 transaction:
o Click on the FV50 transaction screen. The following are recommended settings. Select to the left of them.
o Select “No special G/L transactions.”
o Select “Documents Not Cross-Company Code” so you don’t have to data enter the “UC” company code on each transaction.
o Select “No partner business area in head screen.”
o Select “Display Periods” if you also have a role that permits you to do JVs.
o “Local Currency” is already defaulted. Leave it this way.
o Select “Document Date Equals Posting Date” so SAP will fill in both dates, normally with today’s date. You can always adjust it if necessary.
o In the Doc.type option field, use the option pull-down menu and select “Document type ready for input.”
o Click to save your user profile, then click .
o Enter /nfv50 in the Command field, then click to refresh the screen and bring in the editing options.
o Make sure your screen variant is set up for UC. Select EditScreen VariantSelect Screen VariantZFB50_UC_Variant. Once you select this screen variant and save your first document, the screen variant will save with your profile.
  • During a transaction you can check whether the account line entered is OK by clicking the “St” box to the left of the G/L acct field. This causes a check of the full line and a message regarding errors.
  • Use the functionality to access a list to the left of your screen. This Tree will include Screen variants, Account assignment templates, your Complete documents and your Parked documents.

Ver: Rev 2013-1 / Park Non AR Cust Payment - Deposit (FV50).udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/1
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Accounts Receivable / Park Non AR Customer Payment (FV50)
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC

2. / Perform one of the following:
If You Are / Go To
Using an Account Assignment Template / Step 3
Not using an Account Assignment Template / Step 8
/ The document type NG for a non-gift remittance or GF for a gift remittance must be selected before completing any additional data entry. The default document type SA will trigger an authorization error message. The SA document is reserved for central users in financial services.
3. / Click .
Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC (2)

4. / Clickto the left of Account assignment templates.
/ A list of account assignment templates created under your user profile is displayed. To access account assignment templates that were created by someone else’s user profile, select EditAccount Assignment TemplatesSelect Account Assignment Template.
Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC (3)

5. / Double-click the A151_A152 REMITTANCE account assignment template.
/ Below is the warning that SAP is not repeating the header data that was on the original transaction which created the Account Assignment Template. You must carefully complete that for each new transaction.

6. / Click.
Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC (4)

7. / Click.
Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC (5)

8. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Document Date / Required / The date the document is created
Posting Date / Required / The date on which a transaction in UC Flex will be posted to the appropriate accounts; UC Flex will default this field to be the current date, but changes are allowed. For items to be posted in a future or past period, you must enter the posting date
This date normally defaults to today’s date, but can be changed to any date within the current open fiscal period.
Reference / Required / Allows for further clarification of an entry by reference to other sources of information, either internal or external to UC Flex; Any UC Flex-posted document number can be used as a "reference" when entering a new document.
You must enter EFT or Cash/Check.
Doc.Header Text / Required / The document header text contains explanations or notes which apply to the document as a whole.
Alumni JJohnson - CK#301
This is a UC required field. Enter an explanation for the payment being deposited.
Document Type / Required / Document type classifies accounting documents.
GF – Gift RemittanceNG – Non-Gift Remittance
The GF document type is the only choice for Gift Deposits/A-152. The NG document type is the only choice for Non Remittances/A-151.
Gift and non-gift remittances CANNOT be entered on the same document. They must be created and saved separately so that an A-152 form can be created for gift deposits and A-151 forms can be created for non-gift deposits.
9. / As required, complete/review the following fields for the DEBIT line(s) of the entry:
/ If your screen is not organized in the sequence demonstrated and/or has extra fields, you need to adjust your screen variant to the UC Variant.
10. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
G/L acct / Required / Code identifying the account in the general ledger where this item will post; from a collection of balance sheet and profit and loss statement accounts; includes Assets (1), Liabilities (2), Fund Balance Accounts (3), Revenue Sources (4), Expense Accounts (5), GAAP Only Accounts (7), Transfer Accounts (8), and CO Secondary Postings (9)
D/C / Required / Debit/Credit
Amount in doc. curr. / Required / Line item amount in document currency
Fund / Required / A fund is a separate & distinct fiscal/accounting object containing a complete self-balancing set of accounts used to segregate cash and other financial resources, together with associated liabilities, residual equities, and related changes. Amounts are separated by fund so that certain activities can be performed or objectives achieved in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Funds are classified into fund types, which have distinctive accounting and reporting requirements.
11. / As required, complete/review the following fields for the CREDIT line(s) entry:
12. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
G/L acct / Required / Code identifying the account in the general ledger where this item will post; from a collection of balance sheet and profit and loss statement accounts; includes Assets (1), Liabilities (2), Fund Balance Accounts (3), Revenue Sources (4), Expense Accounts (5), GAAP Only Accounts (7), Transfer Accounts (8), and CO Secondary Postings (9)
The ONLY appropriate G/Ls are:
D/C / Required / Debit/Credit
Every line you enter besides the first account line for the cash account should be a credit.
Amount in doc. curr. / Required / Line item amount in document currency
Fund / Required / A fund is a separate & distinct fiscal/accounting object containing a complete self-balancing set of accounts used to segregate cash and other financial resources, together with associated liabilities, residual equities, and related changes. Amounts are separated by fund so that certain activities can be performed or objectives achieved in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Funds are classified into fund types, which have distinctive accounting and reporting requirements.
Normally you will only be depositing gift remittances into funds that begin with an “F”. Occasionally you may have a deposit into a UC-held quasi, term or true endowment (which are funds that begin with an “R”).
Cost center / Required / Organizational unit Funds Center for capturing costs.
Func. Area / Required / Organizational unit in accounting that classifies the expenses of an organization by functions; i.e. Instruction (0), Research (1), Public Service (2), Academic Support (3), Student Services (4), Institutional Support (5), Operation and Maintenance (6), Scholarship and Fellowship (7), Auxiliaries (8), Hospital (9), None (X)
Since Functional Area is not needed for any reporting for revenue, UC is using the “X” functional area for most gifts. Some units such as auxiliaries and plant may have other functional areas authorized to use in combination with gift receipts.
Grant / Optional / An award to the university as additional resources to support instruction, research, or public service; A type of financial assistance awarded to an organization for the conduct of research or other program as specified in an approved proposal.
Leave blank – grants cannot receive gifts.
Order / Optional / Cost Collector; Can vary from simple activities to complex projects and can cross an organization’s fiscal years, funding sources, and organizational units
WBS element / Optional / Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Element utilized to track plant projects.
Text / Required / Description field providing additional information for an entry
2nd-year Scholarships
This field prints on the A-151 or A152 form and is a free text field that can be used to add descriptive information.
Earmarked funds / Optional / Funds that are used to reserve portions of a budget for expected outgoings or incomings
Populate this field with the funds reservation number if applicable.
Assignment no. / Optional / Assignment number; UC Flex displays account line items according to the content of this field
This is a short free-text field that you can use to record other data if desired but it DOES NOT PRINT on the A-152 form.
13. / Repeat Step 11 for each credit line item you need to enter.
/ The dollar amount of debits must equal the dollar amount of the credits before the document can be posted into UC Flex.
14. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Go To
Save this transaction as a template / Step 15
Continue the transaction / Step 19
15. / Select Edit Account Assignment Templates Save Account Assignment Template.
/ When you create an account assignment template you do not need to finish the transaction. You can leave most fields empty that will change each time you use the template which is the safest method.
Save Assignment Template

16. / As required, complete the following field:
/ The A151_A152 REMITTANCE account assignment template name will default. You must enter a new account assignment template name.
17. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Act asst temp. / Required / Template for postings that occur regularly; For example, an account assignment model might be created to speed up the monthly entries associated with spreading overhead revenue to various cost centers each month.
2nd Year Scholarships
Name the account assignment template based on your own choice of naming conventions. You may choose to have it be very descriptive and/or include your name or department in the account assignment template name.
Save Assignment Template

18. / Click.
Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC (6)

19. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Go To
Print the document before parking / Step 20
Park this transaction without printing / Step 26
Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC (6)

20. / Clickto check the transaction and produce a screen view that demonstrates the journal entry that this document will create when posted.
Document Overview

21. / Click.
Print ALV List

22. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Output Device / Required / Code used to identify the name and location of the printer.
Number of copies / Required / Number of copies of the document to be printed.
23. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To Print / Then / Go To
A single page or a range of pages / Select to the left of Print from page. / Step 24
All pages / Select to the left of Print all. / Step 25
24. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
From (first field located to the right of Print from page.) / Required /
To / Required / The end value of the document number range IF entering a range of documents.
25. / Click.
/ The system displays the message, “Spool request (number XXXX) created without immediate output.”
/ The SAP document number will not generate until you save this transaction. Hand-write the document number on this screen after you park the document. It prints at the bottom of the screen. Or after parking the document, you can go to transaction FBV2, simulate it and then print it. At that point the transaction number will print.
Document Overview (2)

26. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then
Park the document as complete / Click .
This triggers UC Flex to check the document for errors. You will need to correct all errors in order to process it in a completed status. Once it is in a complete status, the cashier can process it. You will not be able to print the A-152 or A-151 form until the document is saved as complete.
Park the document / Click .
This allows you to complete the document at a later time. It does not update to the cashier.
Park G/L Account Document: Company Code UC (7)

27. / You have completed this transaction.
/ The system displays the message, "Document XXXX UC was parked."
/ Now you must print this A-152 or A-151 form via transactionZPRINTNONARFORMS. Complete the remaining fields on the form by hand and send your deposit and all supporting documentation to the Cashier for processing.
/ For each A-152 Gift Remittance that you create, make a photocopy of the fully completed form plus a copy of any checks. Immediately send the A-152 photocopy, the check photocopy(s) and any donor correspondence and documentation to the UC Foundation.