PRESENT: Councillors: S. Deely (Chairman), R. Bullen, L. Carter, C. Gabbitas, M. Greene, C. Herbert (from 7.40pm), G. Leeke, P. Whitwood, County Cllr. L. Caborn.

14 members of the public.

1.Apologies for absence

District Cllr. A. Day (business commitment) and Cllr. Balzaretti (personal commitment).

2.Public Session

Residents asked about the change to the 77 bus route which is due to be implemented on 19th December. Residents reported that County Council officers had said that it is a joint decision between the operator, the County Council and the Parish Council. Cllr Leeke explained that the Parish Council had been advised that changes were coming, but did not have a veto. Our role was to ensure that the information was publicised and that had been done through the Parish Magazine. County Cllr Caborn confirmed that it is the bus operator who makes these decisions in conjunction with WCC Transport Operations Group.

7.40pm Cllr. Herbert joins the meeting.

Residents explained that they believe the new route is dangerous as it accesses roads that they believe are not suitable for buses with frequency every 30 minutes. Anti-social behaviour issues were also cited as a reason for not changing the route. Only one resident present said that they used the bus service on a regular basis.

ACTION: County Cllr. Caborn agreed to liaise with County officers regarding these concerns. Councillors agreed to contact the Transport Operations Group at WCC

Concern was expressed regarding the £60,000 given by a developer towards play equipment. The Chairman explained that the Parish Council has no control over the amount. The District Council would agree the sum with the developer based on planning guidelines.

A resident mentioned that 2 and 3 bedroomed houses were required in the parish instead of large houses.

A number of residents left the meeting.

3.Declarations of Interest

The Chairman declared pecuniary interests in items 5(v) and 8(iv) as a nearby landowner. Cllr. Bullen declared a pecuniary interest in item 5(vii) as a recipient. Cllr. Leeke declared a pecuniary interest in item 5(vii) as a recipient and a personal interest in item 5(iv) as a family member is on the PCC. Cllr. Greene declared a personal interest in item 5(iii) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee and pecuniary interests in items 5(iv) and 5(vii) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee. Cllr. Gabbitas declared a personal interest in item 5(iii) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee and pecuniary interests in items 5(iv) and 5(vii).

4.Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (November)

The Clerk had circulated the draft minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Bullen proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.


(i) Bank balances

The following bank balances were reported:

Current Account - £136,478.32

Investment Account -£63,382.84

(ii) Claims for replacement trees

The Clerk confirmed that a cheque for £126 has been received in respect of the Old School Hall tree. The cheque is payable to Freedom Nurseries Ltd.

(iii) St. Chad’s Centre update

Cllr. Greene reported that the District Council has finalised the arrangements for the £35,000 funding. The legislation with regard to the Croft Trust prevents the trust from assisting. Several residents have provided a total of £7,500 in loans to the trust. An application will be made to the Community Forum for a grant to assist with furniture. A note has been placed in the magazine requesting donations towards chairs or tables. Volunteers will be painting the interior of the centre to save on costs. British Telecom has finished laying the cable across the green. Cllr. Leeke asked when the green would be cleared. Cllrs. Greene and Gabbitas said that they would try and aim for early February.

8.20pm Cllrs. Gabbitas and Greene leave the meeting.

(iv) Request for additional £10,000; advice received

The Clerk reported that she has sought advice from WALC regarding the funding that a Parish Council can give to a community centre. There appears to be no cap. She further explained that this funding could be deducted from the developer’s contribution towards improving the community. £40,000 has been received with a further £40,000 in 18 months time. The Chairman explained that the Trust requires funding to finish some of the interior plus for kitchen appliances and furniture. They can’t open until the Centre is properly equipped. Cllr. Bullen said that the Localities Fund will not grant funds for our area. He said that he would like to see the Trust looking for other opportunities for funding. It was explained that they will be submitting a request for a grant to the Community Forum. The Church Community has also committed to raising a further £20,000. The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council grants a further £10,000 to the Trust, seconded Cllr. Bullen and carried unanimously.

8.35pm Cllrs. Gabbitas and Greene return to the meeting and the Chairman leaves. Cllr. Gabbitas takes the Chair.

(v) To consider requesting professional advice up to £900 in respect of planning matters

Cllr. Bullen outlined the reasoning behind the requirement for this advice. Cllr. Greene proposed that we engage the professional advised by Cllr. Bullen, seconded Cllr. Leeke and carried unanimously.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to arrange.

8.40pm Cllr. Deely returns to the meeting and takes the Chair.

(vi) To agree meeting dates from June to December

The following dates were agreed; 15th June, 20th July, 17th August, 21st September, 19th October, 16th November and 14th December. Cllr. Gabbitas reported that the St. Chad’s Centre Trustees have agreed to allow the Parish Council 2 free meetings a month. The Chairman asked her to thank the Trustees for this.

8.45pm Cllrs. Bullen, Gabbitas, Greene and Leeke leave the meeting.

(vii) RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Whitwood, seconded Cllr. Carter and carried unanimously).

Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; December

Mr. D. Connolly - Play area inspections (December) - £20.00

Mr. D. Connolly - petrol and strimming (November) - £52.00

Mr. G. Leeke - reimbursement for mowing plus cutting of garage keys and noticeboard key - £78.01

Mr. G. Leeke - reimbursement for inner tubes for flail mower plus wooden handle for bulb planter - £34.98

Warwick District Council - annual rent for 2 garages - £275.00

Bishop’s Tachbrook Primary School - hire of room (December and January) - £82.50

St. Chad’s Centre Trust - grant - £20,000

Mr. S. Sidaway - removal of moles - £90.00

Mr. P. Ash - work on the Meadow entrance- £70.00

Mr. R. Bullen - expenses for attending local plan examination - £28.71

8.50pm Cllrs. Bullen, Gabbitas, Greene and Leeke return to the meeting.

6.Warwickshire County Council Matters

(i) To receive report

County Cllr. Caborn reported that he does not believe the NHS document will be approved by Cabinet. The A46 link road will be built. Warwick town centre will become a one way traffic system with a 20mph speed limit. The draft budget allows for 40 additional social workers to reduce case loads, investment in education and road safety. His budget for road safety will be £30,000 and the community grant of £5,000 will continue. The County is going to establish a fund for ‘pre-infrastructure’ which will allow improvements in infrastructure prior to receiving developers funding. No extra savings will be made from home to school transport.

(ii) Traffic and Road Safety; meeting on 12th January

It was agreed that Cllr. Carter would arrange for leaflets to be produced and placed on the noticeboards and website.

ACTION: Cllr. Carter to arrange for the advertising of this meeting.

(iii) School bus; charges update

ACTION: January agenda item.

7.Warwick District Council Matters

(i) To receive report

No new report.

(ii) Warwick Gates roundabouts maintenance reimbursement; update

District Cllr. Day is pursuing this with the portfolio holder.

ACTION: January agenda item.

8.Planning Matters

(i) Neighbourhood Plan update

The Chairman reported that we have received a letter from the District Council answering our questions. We can carry on with the current plan with the suggested amendments from the examiner or withdraw our plan with a deadline of 27th January. It was agreed that Cllr. Greene would look at plans that Urban Vision have been assisting with and also other consultants and obtain quotes for assisting with a revised plan.

ACTION: Cllr. Greene to review plans that Urban Vision have assisted with and plans where other consultants have been involved. Quotes to be obtained for assisting with a revised plan.

(ii) Local Plan public examination update

Cllr. Bullen gave a brief update. He informed the meeting that the District Council had stated that Harbury Lane was being considered for use as a gypsy and traveller site with 15 pitches. The football club would relocate to north of Gallows Hill. The District Council had confirmed that they now have a 5 year land supply. The inspectors report will be issued mid February.

(iii) To consider and approve Cllr. Bullen’s paper to the inspector

The Clerk had circulated, prior to the meeting, Cllr. Bullen’s paper responding to questions from the inspector. Cllr. Leeke proposed that we approve this paper for submission to the inspector, seconded and carried with one abstention. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Bullen for attending the examination and preparing this paper.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to submit the paper.

9.05pm The Chairman leaves the meeting and Cllr. Gabbitas takes the Chair.

(iv) Planning application no. 16/2076 - land on the south east side of Oakley Wood Road

The Chairman reported that she met with the planning officer with Cllrs. Carter and Bullen. Areas that could make a difference are; landscaping, highways, sustainability plus so much growth already within the village area. The Chairman proposed that we object to this application based on this information, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to respond to this application.

9.15pm Cllr. Deely returns to the meeting and takes the Chair.

(v) Planning application no. 16/2012 - Woodland Farm, Banbury Road

This application was discussed and councillors agreed to raise no objections or comments.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(vi) Planning application no. 16/1574/LB - Grey’s Mallory, Banbury Road

This application was discussed and councillors agreed to raise no objections or comments.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(vii) Planning notice no. 16/1521 - 1 Oakley Wood Cottages, Banbury Road; refused.

9.Bloors Development Matters

(i) Meeting on 16th December with Bloors; agenda items, attendees

It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Leeke should attend this meeting. Agenda items should include the siting of the pad for the proposed equipment storage unit, stabilising the embankment, and a date for when work will start on the accessway. Cllr. Leeke said that it was now appropriate that the Sports and Social Club Deed of Variation be progressed. Councillors agreed and asked the Clerk to invite a representative from the Club to attend the January meeting for an update.

ACTION: The Clerk to invite a representative from the Club to attend the January meeting for an update.

Cllr. Leeke reported that the pair of gateways on Oakley Wood Road had been relocated satisfactorily and WCC’scontractors had finished the road works related to the Oakley Meadows estate. The layby had been back filled, but not very robustly. It was agreed that Cllr. Leeke should request that this aspect be improved.

ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to request that the work on the layby is revisited.

(ii) To agree fencing near the allotments

Cllr. Leeke said that he is currently obtaining quotes. The aim is to have the fence installed in January but it is dependent on the stabilisation of the embankment.

10. Amenities Matters

(i) To receive report

Cllr. Whitwood reported that he and Cllrs. Leeke and Deely had had a demonstration for a new mower. He has prepared a report on 2 mowers. The cost of the mower, which was demonstrated, would be £5,769 including a 3 year maintenance schedule. It was agreed that a price of £5,000 would be a good deal.

ACTION: Cllr. Whitwood to circulate his report on the 2 mowers.

The next working party will be on this Saturday.

(ii) To consider purchasing replacement trees at a cost of £500.00

Cllr. Leeke reported that 6 trees previously planted on verges in the parish require replacing at a cost of no more than £250. Cllrs. Gabbitas and Balzaretti to let Cllr. Leeke know if any trees are required on Warwick Gates. Councillors agreed the cost of replacing the trees.

ACTION: Cllrs. Gabbitas and Balzaretti to let Cllr. Leeke know if any trees are required on Warwick Gates. Cllr. Leeke to order the trees.

11.Police/Community Matters

(i) To note report from Police

There has been a break-in at the allotments(CN is 23S5- 44352H - 16). Also reports of teenagers smoking in a green house on the allotments. It was agreed that the Sports and Social Club should be alerted and involved.

ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with the Club.

(ii) To seek permission to plant a tree on the green from St. Chad’s Mothers Union

This request was discussed and councillors agreed that planting a tree on St. Chad’s Green would be preferred. The same type of tree guard should be used as the tree planted by the WI. The location should be agreed with Cllrs. Whitwood and Leeke.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to this email.

(iii) WALC meeting; 30th November

No attendees.


(i) Email re. mains water supply

Councillors agreed that the Clerk should write to Bloor Developments alerting them to this concern. She should also ask the resident to contact Severn Trent.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Bloor Developments and also respond to the resident.

13.Next meeting

Thursday, 19th January at 7.30pm at Bishop’s Tachbrook Primary School.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm