Listen Here, Listen There
(A harmonious collaboration by departments of SFPL’s 5th floor.)
Presented on July 24, 2015 1-2:30p.m.
Welcome to this jam-packed (so to speak) yet easy-goingworkshop. We will demonstrate a few free, and hopefully easy, ways to listen to music and other content on computers, smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices. Here is a handy handout to some of the resources we’ll share. Enjoy!
A few resources demonstrated byBrian Castagne,
The Bridge at Main/Project Read/Volunteer Services
iTunes/AppleMusic (In Transition and Currently Quite Confusing),
A way to listen to audio from CDs, purchased and free content from Apple, online stations, podcasts, and more. Apple is revamping it to compete with other music services. We’ll do our best to show you how to use the current system to listen to content for free.
Create your own music stations. Rate songs as you go along andthen Pandora offers up others with similar sensibilities. Free version has ads.
Poetry Archive,
Listen and read along aspoets & performers sharea wide range of English language poetry.
Listen to podcasts and other content. Free version has ads.
TuneIn, tunein.comiHeartRadio,
Applicationsto easily find and stream oh-so-many Internet stations and other content.
A few resources demonstrated by Brian Weaver,
Government Information Center/DIGI Center/Computer Corps
Musicians share their work.
Listen to Rdio music channels for free (has ads). Pay a fee for other options.
Massive online catalogue of music that you can stream. Create and share playlists. Has large social media component. Free version has ads.
Massive amount of music and audio via video streaming. Some videos have ads.
A few resources demonstrated by Jordon Zorker,
SFPL Volunteer: Computer/eResources/Digital Device. Librarian: City of San Mateo
Alexander St Press/Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries, your SFPL Card
Great music and other recordings that you can stream, send, and share.
Naxos/Naxos Jazz, your BPL Card
Stream classy classical and jumping jazz. Courtesy of Berkeley Public Library.
A few resources demonstrated by Roberto Romo,
SFPL Government Information Center/Computer Corps
Noon Pacific,
Weekly “mix tape” of music from select online sites.
A lively social network of music shared by enthusiasts.
Musicians share their work.
A social network of music shared by enthusiasts.
A few resources demonstrated by Stephen Lee,
SFPL Magazines and Periodicals/Computer Corps
Internet Archive,
Staggering amount of archived content - including audio.
Hoopla, and your SFPL Card
Free music (and other content) courtesy of your San Francisco Public Library!
Music streamingapplication primarily for Chinese language users.
Desire a bit more information and assistance? Well then, come on back to our
5th Floor Computer Training Center for these fine resources.
- eResources (get help using resources), Fridays 3-4pm.
- Digital Device Drop-In, (get help using your digital device/s), Fridays 4-5pm.
- Basic Computer Skills/Internet Help, (get help with basic computer use), Tuesdays 1:15-2:15.
- Intermediate Computer Skills, (get help with general computer use), Wednesdays 12-2pm.
- Listen Here, Listen There, (discover free legal music/audiooptions),Shall we do this again?
Handcrafted by Brian Castagne, , Project Read, The Bridge at Main, San Francisco Public Library,, (415) 557-4388,
Updated 7/24/15, Use whatever you like for non-profit purposes (but give us a little credit & share any improvements you make with us & other non-profits)