The responsibilities of the KEEN Board are:
1. Monitor the progress of the KEEN program;
2. Refine and improve the program;
3. Disseminate supplemental material to the designated coordinators;
4. Develop and recommend KEEN strategies to the State Highway Engineer;
5. Insure coordination with appropriate professional engineering organizations.
Such responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: coordinating career days, coordinating grade level presentation materials and supplements, training new and experienced speakers, coordinating internal communication, coordinating supervisor support, seeking funding, coordinating with other agencies, coordinating with other states to develop like programs, evaluating Coordinators, evaluating presentation information, and evaluating KEEN goals.
KEEN Board meetings shall be held quarterly. Meeting frequency may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the State KEEN Coordinator. Additional meetings may be held to finalize plans for special training seminars.
The KEEN Board shall be composed of twelve Transportation Cabinet Registered Professional Engineers (P.E.) or Engineers in Training (E.I.T), a representative from the State Highway Engineer's office, a State KEEN Coordinator, and a representative from the Public Relations Office. The twelve P.E.'s and E.I.T's are to be divided among the districts and the Central Office. This ratio should reflect the KEEN program statewide.
Each KEEN Board member has one vote with the State KEEN Coordinator voting only in the event of a tie.
Amendments to these bylaws shall be proposed at one quarterly meeting and brought to a vote at the following quarterly meeting. Bylaw amendments shall be ratified by two thirds of the KEEN Board. Votes may be cast by proxy.
Adopted: April 21,1994
The State KEEN Coordinator shall preside at KEEN Board meetings and shall supervise the actions of the KEEN Coordinators. The State KEEN Coordinator should insure proper communication among KEEN Coordinators, KEEN Board members, and the State Highway Engineer. The State KEEN Coordinator shall vote only in case of a tie during a KEEN Board vote.
The State KEEN Coordinator is nominated by the KEEN Board. The State KEEN Coordinator Elect shall be approved by the State Highway Engineer.
The State KEEN Coordinator position shall have a renewable term with annual elections.
The responsibilities of a KEEN Board Member are assigned at KEEN Board meetings or by the State KEEN Coordinator. These duties may include, but not limited to: special presentations, committee chair, or officer.
Each nominee shall begin a three (3) year term on July 1 of the nominating year. Individuals are eligible to return to the KEEN Board after one year hiatus.
Four (4) new KEEN Board members shall be selected annually. Eight members shall remain on the KEEN Board for continuity.
If a KEEN Board member resigns before the end of the term, the position will remain vacant until the next election. This nominee shall serve the remainder of the vacated term.
Each candidate shall submit an application to the KEEN Board along with a letter explaining "Why I want to serve on the KEEN Board? What can I contribute?" The candidates must also have approval from their immediate supervisors and their Chief District Engineer or Division Director. The deadline is April 1 of each year.
The KEEN Board will review the applications and letters. The KEEN Board will submit their selections to the State Highway Engineer for approval no later than June 1 of each year.
Adopted: April 21,1994
A KEEN Coordinator shall be appointed in each district annually by the presiding KEEN Board with the approval of the Chief District Engineer. A KEEN Coordinator shall be appointed in Central Office annually by the KEEN Board with the approval of the appointees Division Director. The appointment of all KEEN Coordinators is subject to the approval of the State Highway Engineer.
The term of the KEEN Coordinator shall be two years. The first year the Coordinator shall serve as an assistant, hereafter will be referred to as the Assistant Coordinator. The second year the Assistant Coordinator shall become the Coordinator and a new Assistant Coordinator will be appointed for that year.
The term shall begin on July 1, prior to an academic year, and end on June 30, following the second academic year.
The responsibilities of the Coordinator shall include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Recruiting presenters and other volunteers;
2. Coordinating training for presenters and volunteers;
3. Contacting schools to schedule presentations;
4. Submitting appropriate reports;
5. Coordinating and delivering presentations;
6. Maintaining an inventory of visual aids and handouts;
7. Establishing and achieving goals for KEEN student contacts.
These responsibilities may be delegated.
The Assistant Coordinator and the Coordinator should be a Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) or an Engineer-in-Training.
Adopted: April 21,1994