SHS Country Delegates Meeting
Friday 6th December 2013 /
TIME:9.30am – 2.00pm
PLACE:Dept. of Education
School Sport WA
151 Royal St, East Perth WA
- Attendance: Kyle Quirk, Anthony Johnson, Murray Farr, Jason Todd, Av Swami [phone conference ?], Chris Gill, Robyn Brierley, Lynda Merritt
- Apologies: Peter Smith
- President’s Report
- Business arising from previous minutes
- Discussion of 2013 online evaluations.
- Regional reports
Please contact all your schools to identify issues or any other agenda matters
- General Business
- ADF Involvement in 2014 – Katie Bergs and Lt Will Ross to attend at 11am
- Bstreetsmart 2014 proposal – RACWA to attend at 11am
- Country Week 2013
- Venues
- Time Frame
- Budget considerations
- Proposed changes and budget for Speech and Debating 2014 – see attachment from D Passmore
- Review of Website for 2013
- Review of Admin Booklet for 2013
N.B. Each representative is encouraged to contact their member schools for input into their report. Also please contact private senior secondary schools in your region to consider sending teams to country week.
12 schools competed, the same as in 2011 and 2012. This comprised approximately 69 students, 10 more than last year competing in the prepared speech, oral interpretation and debating. The A division debating was down to 4 teams and B and C divisions had 6 teams.
Adjudicators from the WA Debating League were used for the debating sections of the Awards. They were all very approachable and willing to give a lot of feedback to the debaters.
Impromptu debates, which are time consuming to arrange and oversee, were not used this year, but will be re-introduced for all debates on Wednesday - Friday in 2014 at the request of the schools.
Other adjudicators were current teachers of English and Speech and Drama. Invoices for teacher relief will be sent to SSWA by the schools. The prepared speech and monologue adjudicators again insisted that the standard just keeps on improving. The use of the same adjudicators over a number of years has allowed the progressive improvement to be noted.
The competition has changed over the years and now is essentially a debate competition! but the monologue and prepared speech competition is also well supported. In 2012 there were 31 debates, 37 monologue participants and 42 prepared speech participants. This year there were 40 debates, 41 monologue participants and 48 prepared speech participants.
I have drafted a timetable for 2014, based on the same numbers for this year, using 3 rooms on 2 days. The increase in the number of debates has promoted this. We did not finish until 6pm on Thursday this year due to prepared speech and monologue finals which I plan to not have next year.
Finals for debating will only occur if the number of teams allows time for them.
Schools have been asked to provide feedback on the Awards and this will be passed to SSWA if received.
The Speech and Debating Awards were again very successful.
Denyse Passmore
for Jaderange Enterprises
Awards Coordinator
17 July 2013
Hi Peter
The competition has changed over the years and now is essentially a debate comp! but the monologue and prepared speech comp is also well supported.
2013 = 31 debates, 37 monologue participants and 42 prepared speech participants.
2014 = 40 debates, 41 monologue participants and 48 prepared speech participants.
I have drafted a timetable for next year, based on the same numbers for this year, using 3 rooms on 2 days. We did not finish until 6pm on Thursday this year due to prepared speech and monologue finals. I am suggesting that we do away with finals for those and for the debates.
I have also suggested some changes (as per the adjudicators' feedback in some cases).
I have attached the draft timetable and proposed changes for comment and will also send to schools for comment.
All points will be sent in a separate email.
A Division - no more than 5 minutes in duration
B Division - no more than 4 minutes in duration.
C Division - no more than 3.5 minutes in duration.
1 point per minute will be deducted if a speaker goes overtime by more than 15 seconds to a maximum of 2 minutes. Entrants who go over by 3 more than 3 minutes will be disqualified.
Each student will deliver a MEMORISED piece of scripted drama, prose or poetry. This will be presented as a dramatic monologue. The piece should:
- stand alone
- be entertaining, and
- appropriate to the age group and experience of the student and audience.
A Division – no shorter than 2.5 and no longer than 3.5 minutes
B and C Divisions – no shorter than 2 and no longer than 3 minutes
Palm cards NOT Permitted
Prepared topics Monday and Tuesday. Impromptu topics rest of the week. This may mean that some teams will debate an extra prepared or an extra impromptu topic compared to other teams in their division
No Finals.
The competition is a school team competition, therefore the number of students in a school’s whole team (speech and debating members) will be limited to 8, permitting 2 debate teams with reserves and up to 8 of them also competing in the prepared speech and monologue sections.
Proposed Schedule 2014