Drawing Cato Parasitti
Ever wanted to draw Star Wars characters and vehicles just like the professional comic book artists? In this step-by-step series, Star Wars artists and illustrators show you how to draw some of the most beloved characters in the saga.
Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw the new bounty hunter Clawdite changeling Cato Parasitti from the Season 2 of The Clone Wars.
Steps 1-3 are drawn lightly with pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end.
Step One:
First draw the basic shapes for Cato's head and upper body. Keep your pencil lines nice and loose as you decide what poses you'd like her to be in.
Step Two:
Next roughly draw in lines on her face where you would like to put her eyes and start to draw her helmet on top of her head.
Step Three:
Give her face a little more detail, making sure to leave the pencil lines light, in case you're not happy with it and have to erase them. Put more detail in their upper body and arms too, adding her collar, upper arm armor and straps for her helmet.
Step Four:
Cato has very large eyes with dark circles around them. She also has large pouches on her belt. In this drawing those pouches are hiding her hands. She has more details on her collar, helmet and vest.
Step Five:
Time to color! I like to color with markers, but you can use anything you want -- crayons, colored pencils, and even the computer. You can even make copies of your finished pencil drawing to practice using different coloring media. I add a lot of layers with my markers before I'm ready to ink and highlight the drawing. Add the black ink lines after you're done coloring, so it won't bleed when touched with the wet marker.
Wait until the markers are completely dry, then go over it with the ink outlines. Use a black pen to go around Cato's face and body. It can be hard to get a nice, smooth line. Practice makes perfect. Then add some white pencil to lighten up certain areas, and thicker white paint for the final, strong, white highlights -- like the dots in her eyes, lips, etc. Now you're done! Don't forget to sign your drawing before you show it to family and friends.