Neighbourhood Management

Programme Highlight Report


Programme Details: / Programme Status Dashboard
Programme Name: / Neighbourhood Management / Programme ID: / ID: NM / Previous / CURRENT / Future
Red / Red / Red
Senior Responsible Officer: / Sarah McGill
Red/Amber / Red/Amber / Red/Amber
Amber/Green / Amber/Green / Amber/Green
This reporting period: / Apr-June / Next Period: / July-Sept
Green / Green / Green
Overview of Neighbourhood Management:
ID / Neighbourhood Areas within this Programme: / Neighbourhood SRO / Current RAG status
ID: NM.N / Cardiff North / - Tracey Thomas, OM- People Services (CC) ()
- Lynne Topham, Locality Manager, Cardiff & Vale UHB()
Neighbourhood Indicators :
Neighbourhood chairsand neighbourhood management officers to agree which issues need to be escalated to the attention of the Neighbourhood Management programme lead. This will be done where negative trends are evidenced or a number of red/red amber RAG status are being identified throughout the neighbourhood action plans.
Issues: Alcohol Consumption / Issues: Anti-Social Behaviour
Story and context for current trend / Story and context for current trend
Levels of Alcohol consumption is one of the Health concerns being addressed at a Neighbourhood Level through the Cardiff North Neighbourhood Management Team.
In Cardiff and the Vale during the period 2006-2008 around 7,520 people were admitted to hospital each year due to alcohol, and each year around 150 of these people died. The majority of the admissions and deaths were amongst males. Recent reports have also highlighted the hidden issue of alcohol misuse in older people. Local prevalence data are not available, but overall in Wales around one third of men and just under one fifth of women aged 65 and over drink above the recommended limits. (25% overall, WHS 09)
Although the Cardiff wide data is continuing a downward trend since 2009, it still represents a marked increase from relatively low levels both locally across Cardiffin 2002/03
The continuation of this downward trend is being supported locally through a number of actions. A Health related task group is currently being developed by the Cardiff North Neighbourhood Team to take forward work identified in the Action Plan and Public Health are offering brief intervention training to local partners who have one on one contact with members of the public / The first quarter of 2012/13 has seen a decrease in the total number of ASB incidents within the Cardiff North Neighbourhood from 1073 last year to 594 this year which is a decrease of 479 incidents or 44.6%.
In order to establish if this is a true reflection of the ASB picture in Cardiff North contact was made by the Senior Partnership Analyst with various agencies within South Wales Police such as IT, Performance Management and the Communities & Partnership Dept. These agencies could not supply any evidence as to the reason for this reduction. Further analysis was undertakenand revealed that overall incidents recorded by South Wales Police fell by only 8%
A number of factors need to be taken into account whilst considering this decrease:
  • South Wales Police Call handlers have recently received advice on the classification of incidents from the force Crime Registry
  • weather conditions over the last 3 months have not been conducive with the enactment of ASBhistorically adverse weather has a significant impact on incidents of ASB
  • the multi agency approach which is now being taken in respect of ASB with the Council ASB team working closely with their police colleagues
  • Centralisation of the 101 call handling centre to police HQ Bridgend.

Issue: Unemployment / Issues
Story and context for current trend / Story and context for current trend
Unemployment for Cardiff North as a whole is below the Cardiff average. This is reflected within all the wards with the exception of one; Pentwyn. This is concurrent with the other indicators of deprivation which are prevalent within the Pentwyn ward. A number of LSOA’s (2, 3, 5 & 8) will be included within the Cardiff East & Pentwyn Communities First cluster from September 2012 to provide additional support to these areas.
The issue of unemployment within the ward is further compounded by the lack of an enterprise centre within the Cardiff North Neighbourhood, meaning that people have to travel to receive support in gaining employment or training. This is a particular problem for people who rely on public transport, as it is difficult to move on a direct route across the city from East to West given the current system with routes focusing on the city centre.
As such, unemployment has been identified as an area of need to be supported by the Cardiff North Neighbourhood team and a task group is being established to take this work forward.
Milestones Achieved / Milestones Not Achieved
ID / Milestones Achieved in this reporting period / ID / Milestones Not achieved (including those with Red or Red Amber Status) / Comment
ASB Review to be a set item in Agenda / Waste data to be mapped to identify hotspot areas / Established with Senior Partnership Analyst that this is possible – Data required from waste
Workstreams to be discussed and agreed with MNT
Operation Perception to continue
Next Reporting Period:
ID / Key milestones for Next Reporting Period: / Baseline delivery date / Status
Delete as appropriate
Establishing thematic tasking groups for:
  • Health
  • Anti-Social Behaviour & Crime
  • NEET’s, Employment & Skills
/ 17.09.2012
Significant Current Neighbourhood Management Risks:
ID / Date Raised / Description (clearly highlight impact) / Owner Initials / Countermeasure(s)/Contingency / Status
Delete as appropriate
25/4/12 / Engagement of Education and Schools with Neighbourhood Management Process / TT / Identification of individuals within Schools cluster which can be worked with
Author Sign-Off and Assurance:
Report Author: / Tracey Thomas / Report Sign-off SRO: / Sarah McGill