ESL Practical Writing
Fall,2017 Syllabus
Stephanie Parkerson
Room CM 131


School website:

School phone number: 281-245-3000

Conference times: Monday through Friday 7:20 am -8:13 am

Course Description:

This course emphasizes skill in the use of conventions and mechanics of written English, the appropriate and effective application of English grammar, and the effective use of vocabulary. Students are expected to understand the writing process.

Required Supplies

one binder lined paper pencils blue or black pens one composition book index cards

one flash drive Post-its


Classroom Rules

Respect others and their property

Come prepared to learn with all your supplies (pens, paper, etc.)

NO Foul language, rude gestures, or disruptive behavior

Obey all school rules

Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings

No eating, drinking, or gum chewing allowed

Discipline Procedures

  1. Teacher / student conference
  2. Parent/teacher conference
  3. Detention and/or an office referral

Tardy Policy

Implemented each grading cycle

1st tardy= a warning

2nd tardy= a teacher conference

3rd tardy=a call to parent

5th tardy= a teacher referral

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phone use is not permitted unless directed by the teacher. A violation of this policy will result in the phone being taken and submitted to the office.

Grading Policy

Major grades will comprise 50% of the nine week average.

Daily grades will comprise 50% of the nine week average. Daily grade categories include classwork, homework, notebooks, quizzes, and other similar assignments.

Make-Up Work Students will be allowed to make up work missed during their absence. Work missed during an absence is to be made up as soon as possible upon your return to school (within three days). Make-up work will not be completed in class, unless it is a major assignment.

Late Work

As per the Alvin ISD secondary grading policy, late work will be dealt with as follows—

The assignment is considered late if it is not turned in at the time it is due. Unless stated otherwise in department procedures, all late work will receive a grade penalty.

The following reflects the maximum percentage of the possible grade the student is to receive in a regular class for late assignments:

One day: 85%

Two days: 70%

Three days: no credit


I will be available for students on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 pmuntil 3:30 pm in room CM 131.

Power Hour/Monday and Wednesday 11:47 am-12:17 pm


Plagiarism will not be tolerated, and plagiarized work will result in a 0.

I look forward to working with you and your child this school year.

Parents please fill out the information below. Your child should return this form the next class period.

Class period ______

I have read and understand the classroom rules, procedures, and requirements.

Student’s name ______

(print name)

Student’s signature______

Parent’s name

(print name)

Parent’s signature ______

Parent’s email address (print) ______

Home phone number ______

Cell phone number ______

Do I have your permission to send text messages to the cell number above? Yes or No

Work phone number ______

Please inform me of anything I need to be aware of for your child to be successful.