Halacha Talk

Cleanliness Is Next to G-dliness


This Is the Way We Wash Our Hands

By Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff

Question #1: I know that after clipping my nails, I must wash my hands. What happens if I hear someone recite a bracha before I have a chance to wash them? Do I answer Amen to the bracha?

Question #2: At what age should I have my baby wash negel vasser? Must a caterer insist that his non-Jewish employees wash negel vasser before beginning work?

One is required to perform a ritual washing after the completion of certain activities, includingupon arising in the morning, before eating bread, shaving, haircutting, clipping one’s nails, getting dressed, exiting the lavatory, scratching one’s scalp, taking one’s shoes off and on.

However, the procedure followed for these different washings is not the same. Some situationsrequire washing each hand once whereas othersrequire washing each handthree times. In certain instances one is only required to wash the fingers, in other cases water is not necessary, as along as the hands have been cleaned. Some require a bracha, others do not. Sometimes one may wash by holding one’s hands under the faucet, and sometimes one must pour with a cup.

What are all these washings about? Why are there so many differences among them?

We can categorize the different types of ablutionunder three general headings:

1. Those that Chazalinstituted so that one’s hands should be clean.

2. Those that create kedusha.

3. Those that remove ruach ra, a spiritual contaminant that might have a negative affect on a person if not removed.

As I will explain, sometimes we wash for a combination of the reasons mentioned above.


One must wash one’s hands after scratching one’s scalp, combing out lice, or touching dirt, mud, shoes, feet, or any other parts of the bodythat are either sweaty or are usually covered (Shulchan Aruchand commentaries:Orach Chayim4:18, 92:7;Yoreh Deah 116:4, 5). However, scratching the exposed parts of one’s hands or face is not considered dirtying one’s hands and does not require ablution (Shulchan Aruch4:21).

Ablution after performing any of the activities just listed does not require washing three times or pouring the water from a vessel, -- as a matter of fact one does not even require water – all that is required is cleaning one’s hands properly(Magen Avraham 92:5; Machatzis HaShekel 4:17; Chida, quoted by Kaf HaChayim 4:61). This is because our only concern in these cases is that the hands become clean, and thereforeany method that cleans them is acceptable.

Someone who touched the parts of his body that are sweaty or usually covered, or whose hands are dirty may not recite a brachaor learn Torah until he cleans his hands (Magen Avraham227:2). However, if he will not be davening, or studying Torah,he need not wash his hands as quickly as possible (Mishnah Berurah 4:41). (Concerning some of the other washingsmentioned earlier, the halacha is different, as we will see.)


Another example of a wash whose purpose is cleanliness is mayim acharonim.Because of certain specific safety concerns, Chazalinstituted a special takanah of washing mayim acharonim immediately prior to benching. This takanah has very specific halachoswhich I hope to discuss in a later article. (It should be noted that some poskimrule that one is not required to washmayim acharonimunlessoneused salt from the area of Sodom for one’s meal,and that many people follow this approach.SeeShulchan AruchOrach Chayim181:10.)


A second category of ablutions are those performed to create more kedusha. Before performing any service in the Beis HaMikdash, the Torah requires the cohen to wash his hands and feet in a specially prescribed fashion. Similarly, the cohen washes his hands until his wrists before duchening. These two ablutions are so important that they both supersede Yom Kippur!Thus, the levi pours water on a cohen’s hand until the wrist even on Yom Kippur (and Tisha B’Av afternoon in Eretz Yisroel), notwithstanding that otherwise washing one’s hands past the knuckles is prohibited on these days.

Similarly, a cohen was required to wash his hands before he ate terumah or the special challah portion. An extension of this concept of kedushais that every individual must wash his hands before eating regular bread, which I hope to explain in a future article.

According to some opinions, one is required to wash one’s hands before every prayer (shmoneh esrei) and even to recite a brachaon this washing (Maasei Rav). Although we do not rule this way, one should still wash one’s hands immediately before davening, preferably by pouring water from a cup (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 233:2).


Several of the washings that we perform are to remove ruach ra, spiritual contaminants that may be harmful if not removed properly. These include:

A. After clipping one’s fingernails or toe nails, or giving or receiving a haircut.

B. Upon leaving the lavatory, bathhouse, or mikveh.

C. After contact with a meis, such as visiting a cemetery or attending a funeral.

D. Upon awaking in the morning.

In all of these instances, one should try to wash one’s hands as soon as possible (see Magen Avraham 4:18 and Pri Megadim;Eliyahu Rabbah4:12; Kaf HaChayim 4:63).One should be extremely careful not to touch food without first washing away the ruach ra.However, touching food prior to washing does not prohibit it (Shu’t Shvus Yaakov 2:105; Artzos HaChayim in Eretz Yehudah 4:30; Darchei Teshuvah 116:35).If one has only enough water to wash once, he may touch the food afterwards. This is true even if they washed only one hand (Artzos HaChayim; Biyur Halacha 4:2 s.v. yedakdeik)- that is, he may touch food with that hand.

If no cup is accessible, one may wash negel vasser without a cup. When he later locvates a cup, he/she should wash again three times using a cup (Shulchan Aruch 4:7).

There are different types of ruach ra, some more powerful than others, and for this reason some activities require pouring water three times on each hand whereas others require pouring only once on each hand (Chida, quoted by Kaf HaChayim 4:61). When the ruach ra requires more than one pouring, one should wash one’s hands alternativelyto remove the ruach ra(Kaf HaChayim 4:62, Ben Ish Chai Tolados 16) --that is, one wash the right hand first, then one’s left, then one’s right, and so on until each hand has been washed three times. One should follow this procedure whether one is right handed or left handed(Mishnah Berurah 4:22).

Leaving a bathhouse or mikveh, clippingnails,and giving or receiving a haircut require only one washing (Eliyahu Rabbah4:12).One who clips someone else’s nails does not need to wash his hands (Kaf HaChayim 4:92=). However, the person whose nails were clipped should wash his hands. Thus, someone who clips a child’s nails should wash the child’s hands if thechild is old enough to touch food (Kaf HaChayim 4:92).The barber needs to wash his hands after giving someone a haircut since he touches people’s hair (Kaf HaChayim 4:92).

The poskim dispute concerning whether leaving the bathroom requires washing three times or only once (Magen Avraham 7:1; Eliyahu Rabbah 4:12). There is also a dispute whether one is required to wash one’s hands after leaving our modern bathrooms. Some poskim are lenient since our bathrooms are much cleaner than old-time outhouses (Shu’t Zakan Aharon 1:1; Shu’t Minchas Yitzchok 1:60). Others contend that we should treat our bathroom as a beis hakisei, the bathroom of antiquity(see Shu’t Yechaveh Daas 3:1). Both the Chazon Ish (Orach Chayim 17:4) and Rav Moshe Feinstein (Shu’t Igros Moshe, Even HaEzer 1:114) rule that we should treat our bathrooms as a safek (questionable) beis hakisei. The universal practice is not to recite brachosin the bathroom, but some people are lenient to wash their hands there. Rav Moshe rules that one may not wash for bread in our bathrooms, but one may wash his hands there before davening, although one should dry one’s hands outside the bathroom.

According to those who contend that our bathrooms should be treated the same as those of antiquity, one should wash one’s hands upon leaving the bathroom even if one only entered the room to retrieve something (Pri Megadim, Mishbetzos Zahav 613:2), and even if only one’s hand was inside the room (Kaf HaChayim 4:65).


After attending a funeral, one should wash both hands three times in the above-described manner (Machatzis HaShekel 4:17).The custom recorded by early poskim is that one does not to enter a building after touching or escorting a meis without first washing netilas yadayim (Rama, Yoreh Deah 376:5). When washing after attending a funeral, the custom is that after washing, one turns the cup upside down and places it down rather than hand the cup to another person (Eliyahu Rabbah 224:7; Chochmas Odom 158:30; Rabbi Akiva Eiger,Comments toYoreh Deah 376). None of these sources cite a reason for this practice.

In many places the custom was not to dry one’s hands after washing after a funeral, although the poskim are uncertain as to the origin or reason for this practice (Keneses HaGedolah, Yoreh Deah 376:14=; Kaf HaChayim 4:78). Many poskimrule that one who was never within four amos (about seven feet) of the meis does not need to wash one’s hands (Pri Megadim,Aishel Avrohom4:21; Kaf HaChayim 4:77) The custom is to wash anyway since the earlier poskim do not make this distinction.It would also seem that all poskim would agree that being in the same room as the meis requires one to wash his hands three times.


When one wakes up in the morning, one washes for all three reasons:

To be clean: Because a person touches private and sweaty parts of his body while sleeping.

For kedusha: Every morning a person is like a cohen who must wash from the Holy Laver before he begins doing his daily service (Shu’t Rashba #191).

To remove ruach ra:According to the Zohar, (Parshas VaYeisheiv)a ruach tumah descends upon a person while he sleeps that remains on his hands until he washes it off with three rinses.

Before presenting the unique features of this morning washing, usually called negel vasser,I need to explain the halachic differences that result from the different types of washing.


There are several halachic differences between ruach rawashings and cleanliness washings:

(a) Whereas one may not recite a bracha, learn Torah, or daven when one is dirty, one may recite a bracha or daven after coming in contact with ruach ra. For this reason, Magen Avraham(227:2)rules that one who entered a bathroom without using the facilities or touching private body parts may recite a brachaeven though he should wash his hands as soon as possible because he has been contaminated by the ruach raof the bathroom. (It should be noted that some contemporary poskim contend that the modern bathroom does not contain ruach ra.)Similarly, someone who clipped his nails, took a haircut, exited a mikveh or was in contact with a meis,may recite a bracha even though he or she has not yet washed his or her hands.

(b) Removing ruach ra requires washing specifically with water. It is uncertain whether one removes ruach raby placing one’s hands into water, or whether is it removed only by pouring the water over one’s hands. Someone who cannot pour water onto his hands may immerse his hands into water and then daven, learn Torah or recite brachos(Shulchan Aruch 4:12). Furthermore, someone who has no water to wash afterruach ra should wipe his hands clean so that he can recite brachosand learn Torah. However, he should wash his hands at the first available opportunity (Pri Megadim, Aishel Avraham4:17).


We do not recite a brachaal netilas yadayimwhen washing one’s hands to remove ruach ra. The reason for this is that washing away ruach rais considered a protection, and that just as one does not recite a brachawhen fastening one’s seatbelt or when washing mayim acharonim, one does not recite abracha upon removing a dangerous contaminant from one’s hands.

Of all the numerous times that we wash our hands, washing with a brachaal netilas yadayimis restricted to only two occasions:

1. Before eating bread. I hope to explain the reason for this halacha in a future article.

2. When washing our hands in the morning upon arising


As I explained before, when washing one’s hand to remove either dirt or ruach ra, one does not recite a bracha. Why then do we recite a bracha when washing our hands in the morning? The Rishonimdispute the reason for this practice:

The Roshcontends that since when someone is sleepingand his hands may have touched his body, he must wash his hands with a brachabefore he may daven (Rosh,Berachos 9:23). According to this reason, someone who was awake all night or slept wearing gloves does not recite a bracha when he washes his hands in the morning. On the other hand, someone who slept in the daytime should recite a bracha upon awaking since he may have touched his body while he slept.

The Rashba disagrees, explaining that a person is considered a new creation every morning and washes his hands similar to a cohen washing his hands before performing the daily service in the Beis HaMikdash. According to this reason, someone who was awake all night or slept wearing gloves recites a bracha when he washes his hands in the morning.Furthermore, someone who woke up before halachic daybreak (alos hashachar)should wash again after halachic daybreak since the primary reason to wash is because the day began.

However according to the Rashba, someone who slept in the daytime should not recite a bracha upon washing his hands when he awakes. Thus, we have several cases in which these Rishonim dispute whether someone is required to wash his hands and whether he should recite a bracha.


The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chayim 4:13, 14, 15) concludes that in all of these disputed casesone should wash one’s hands, but not recite a bracha(see also Artzos HaChayimandBiyur Halacha 4:13 s.v. im). Therefore, someone who was awake all night, or slept during the daytime, or woke up early and washed negel vasser then, washes after halachic daybreak (alos hashachar) without a bracha.

According to most poskim, someone who relieved himself before daveningrecites a brachaal netilas yadayim when he washes even according to the Roshjust as one recites al netilas yadayim after sleeping (Mishnah Berurah 4:30; Biyur Halacha 4:13 s.v. kol). Others contend that one should preferably have someone be motzi him with the bracha al netilas yadayim, since someposkim(the Ari z”l) contend that one recites a brachaon netilas yadayim only if one slept (Rav Moshe Sternbuch,Hilchos Gra Uminhagav,pg. 7).

A child who might touch food should have his hands washed with negel vasser three times (Pri Megadim, Mishbetzos Zahav 4:7; Mishnah Berurah 4:10). One does not need to be concerned about a gentile who touches food, since there is no ruach raon a gentile’s hands (Mishnah Berurah 4:10).

Negel vassermust be poured into a vessel of some type (Shulchan Aruch 4:8), because the ruach ra remains on the water (Be’er Heiteiv 4:8). For this reason, one may not receive any benefit from this water (Shulchan Aruch 4:9). Some have the practice not to recite a bracha or learn Torah while facing the negel vasser (Shaarei Teshuvah 4:8).

After washing negel vasser one should be careful not to pour the water out where people may walk. According to the Zohar,one should be careful to dispose of the water used for negel vasser carefully because it could damage people. This is different from the water used for cleaning, for netilas yadayimbefore eating a meal, or for mayim acharonim, all of which one may pour onto the floor. Therefore, when camping one should pour the negel vasser onto a slope or onto earth that will absorb it (Mishnah Berurah 4:21).

Mostposkimrule that one does not need to dry one’s hands after washing negel vasser. Therefore, one may recite thebracha before one dries one’s hands. This is different from the halacha regarding washing before eating where one is required to dry one’s hands afterwards, as I hope to explain in a subsequent article.

We can now address our original questions:

Question #1: I know that after clipping my nails, I must wash my hands. What happens if I hear someone recite a bracha before I have a chance to wash them? Do I answer amen to the bracha?