International Tournament in Kyokushin Karate
The document represents an official invitation to
the international tournament
On the 4-5November2016 Georgian Kyokushinkai Karate-do Federation holds an international tournament among children and adults.
1. Tournament Goals
1.1. Popularizing Kyokushin Karate in the region;
1.2.Strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between athletes of different ages and nationalities engaged in Kyokushin Karate.
1.3.Enhancingthe skill level of athletes, identifying the strongest fighters;
1.4.Attractingchildrenandadultstoengage in sport and healthy life style.
2. Tournament Schedule
2.1 04.11.2016 – 10.00 – Reception and accommodation of teams
12.00 – 15:00 – Mandate committee, and weighing;
Add.: 5,Beliashvili Str. (Judo Academy), Tbilisi, Georgia
16.00 – Judge seminar;
2.2 05.11.2016 - 09.00 – Seminar for judges;
10.00–Start of the "Kata" competition;
11.00 - Preliminary matches;
16.00 - Semi-final and final fights;
18.00 - Award ceremony and closing of the tournament;
3. Addmission to the tournament
3.1. Healthcertificate, confirming that the athlete is allowed to participate in full-contactkarate competitions.
3.2. All participants must provide their birth certificate or a passport.
3.3. The trainer’s application about participant sportsmen;
3.4. Fulfilled Attached Applications (Personal Application and Parent Declaration).
3.4. CleanDoji, neat haircut, short nails and protective guards are obligatory: Thegroinguardandlightshields on shin are mandatory for all categories; Thehelmetandlighthand glovesarerequiredforallcategories;
Incaseofviolation theterms above, the sportsman will not be allowed to the tournament.
4. Ageandweightcategories (Kumite)
4.1. Tournament participants are divided into the following age groups:
10-11; 12 –13; 14-15; 16-17 yearsold(the participant must achieve a given age not later that the day of the tournament);
All age groups in KUMITE will be divided into four weight categories.
Agegroup «children», 10-11 years old Age group «children», 12-13 years old
under 30kg
under 40kg
over 40 kg / juniors of age 12-13
under 30kg
under 35 kg
under 45kg
Agegroup «juniors», 14-15 years old Age group «juniors», 16-17 years old
juniors of age 14-15under45kg
over55kg / juniorsof age 16-17
under60 kg
under 65 kg
under 70 kg
over 70 kg
4.2.The tournament organizers reserve the right to change the weight classes after holding the mandate committee.
4.3. Girls will be divided after weighing.
5. Kata (Categories and Rules)
5.1. Participants in KATA will be divided into two age categories: 10-13 age category and 14-17 age category.
5.2. MandatoryProgram: Kata to choose from – Pinan (II-V), Tsuki-no.
Free Program: Gekisai-sho, Gekisai-dai, Saifa, Seichin,Yantsu.
In case of equal pointsintheprogram, a new Kata, different from performedearlier, is added.
5.3. The first circle will be estimated by points, after first circle eight participants will be selected, after the first circle, new draw will be made and the second circle will be estimated by flags (as Kumite rules).
6. Tournament rules
6.1 The tournament will be held according to the international rules of Kyokushin Karate.
6.2. Duration:
Preliminary match:
- age 10-11 : 2 min + 1 min + weighing ( difference 2kg/absolute – 5kg) + 1 min
- age12-13 : 2 min + 1 min + weighing(difference2 kg/ absolute – 5kg) + 1 min
- age14-15 : 2 min +1min + weighing (difference3kg/ absolute – 5kg) + 1 min
- age16-17 : 2 min + 1min + weighing(difference3 kg/ absolute – 5kg) + 1 min
Semi-Final and Finalmatches:
- age10-11: 2 min + 1 min + weighing(difference 2kg /absolute – 5kg) + 1 min
- age12-13: 2 min + 1 min + weighing(difference2 kg/ absolute – 5kg) + 1 min
- age14-15: 2 min+1 min+1 min+weighing(difference3kg/absolute – 5kg) + 1 min
- age16-17: 2 min+1 min+1 min+weighing(difference3 kg/absolute – 5kg) + 1 min
6.3. Notice: ifnotmorethan 3 participantsareinoneweightcategory, thematcheswillbeconducted round robin.
7. Judging
7.1.Thetournamentwillbejudgedbythejudges assigned by the organizing committee of the tournament (The main referee – Mikheil Tsiklauri).
7.2. The uniform of Judge – blue shirt, white bow, black trousers.
8. Awards
8.1 Athletes who take first, second and third places, will be awarded with diplomas, medals, cups and special prizes.
9. Financing the tournament
9.1. All costs associated with orginizing the tournament will be covered by Georgian Kyokushinkai Karate-do Federation.
9.2. Organizers will cover accommodation (hotel with breakfast ) for each team (only directed memmbers): 2 fighters in each weight category + 1 coach + 1 judge + 1 country representative.
9.3. Transfers from airport-hotel, hotel- arena, arena-hotel and hotel-airport will be covered by organizers.
9.4. There is no entry fee for participation in tournament.
10. The organizing committee
10.1. Organizer of Tournament – Georgian Kyokushinkai Karate-do Federation
(President: Anzor Chubinidze).
10.2. Contactphones:
(+995 591) 444141 Mariam Chubinidze (Speaks English)
(+995 595) 01 56 55 Mikheil Tsiklauri (Speaks Russian)
(+995 599) 268232 Gia Gvenetadze (Speaks Russian)
10.2. Preliminary Applicationsfor participating mustbesent not later than 9.10.2016.
10.3. Deadline for final applications – 23.10.2016