Elgin Board of Education Regular

January 28, 2013

The January 28, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Elgin Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 pm by Board President Carson Wasserbeck at the Elgin High School.

Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation – Carson Wasserbeck

Roll Call:

Mr. Wasserbeck Present

Mrs. Buchanan Present

Mrs. Hafer Present

Mrs. Lauer Furlong Present

Mr. John Metcalf Present

Also present were Superintendent Bruce Gast and Treasurer/CFO Kim Reynolds

Resolution No.14-13 - Agenda

Mrs. Buchanan moved and Mrs. Hafer seconded the motion to approve the agenda for the January 28, 2013 regular board meeting with the following changes:

Change discussion items B&C to Item # 9 and change the order of number sequence.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Buchanan, Hafer, Lauer Furlong, Metcalf, Wasserbeck Motion Carried

Noes: None

Recognition of Guests

Connie Dunn Kevin Bowers John Trumble

Matt Brent Michael Strawser Teresa Vermillion

Bob Imbody Kirsten Dyer Fred Saull

Chad Cunningham Mickey Malcom

Public Input

·  Connie Dunn spoke about the Music Boosters and their available budgets. She stated this budget is for extra activities, not for items for regular curriculum classroom use. The Classic Car Cruise in is April 27th, which is the Music Boosters main fundraiser.

Presentation – John Trumble- Safety- NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, Owner/Operator of Ohio Carry Conceal. Group would like the school board to authorize specific individuals to obtain a carry/conceal license. This program will pay all costs; it is not about money but protecting our children. All were invited to tour his facility - it is very professional with in-depth training, which includes laser training. There are numerous schools to contact as a reference that are doing this currently. The Ohio Revised Code is being worded to allow school boards to make the decision; the revision will take place on March 13th. The program also includes first aide training.

Presentation - Kay Jean Lauer Furlong - Calendar/Promotion of Activities – First, Mrs. Lauer Furlong wanted to make sure there is an alternate school calendar for next year if the new K-12 building is not ready. Mrs. Lauer Furlong spoke about putting together a district hard copy calendar to promote the school and all school activities. She presented samples from other districts; all have a theme for the year. It is time to educate our communities and what great things are going on within the district.

Principal Reports/ Board Recognition Month - Discipline reports were handed out for the first semester of this school year. Each principal thanked the Board and discussed items that had been approved to better each building and the students of Elgin. Handouts were given from each Principal.

Resolution No. 15-13 - Regular Board Minutes

Mrs. Lauer Furlong moved and Mr. Metcalf seconded the motion to approve the December 17, 2012 regular board meeting minutes.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Lauer Furlong, Metcalf, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Hafer Motion Carried

Noes: None

December Bill List

December Financials

Resolution No.16-12 - Appropriation Modifications

Mrs. Hafer moved and Mrs. Lauer Furlong seconded the motion to approve the general fund appropriation modification:

·  Fund 001 – Appropriation from $11,500,000.00 to $11,750,000.00

Roll Call:

Ayes: Hafer, Lauer Furlong, Metcalf, Wasserbeck, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No.17-13 - 412 Certificates

Mr. Metcalf moved and Mrs. Buchanan seconded the motion to approve the following 412 certificates:

·  Valley Electrical Consolidated, Inc.

·  Fire Fighter Sales & Services, Inc.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Metcalf, Buchanan, Hafer, Lauer Furlong, Wasserbeck Motion Carried


Noes: None

Resolution No.18-13 - 2014 French Trip

Mr. Metcalf moved and Mrs. Buchanan seconded the motion to approve the Elgin High School French class trip to Paris, France, London and England in 2014.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Metcalf, Buchanan, Hafer, Lauer Furlong, Wasserbeck Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No.19-13 - Employment

Mrs. Buchanan moved and Mrs. Hafer seconded the motion to approve employing the following classified substitutes:

·  Kelsey Rinehart Substitute Aide $7.85 per hour

·  Lois Partipilo Substitute Custodian $7.85 per hour

·  Shannon Stoner Substitute Bus Driver $14.37 per hour

Roll Call:

Ayes: Buchanan, Hafer, Lauer Furlong, Metcalf, Wasserbeck Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No.20-13 - Resignation

Mrs. Hafer moved and Mrs. Buchanan seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Amanda Reuter; Junior Class Advisor.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Hafer, Buchanan, Lauer Furlong, Metcalf, Wasserbeck Motion Carried

Noes: None

Discussion Items

Building Update - Mr. Gast and Mrs. Lauer Furlong updated the Board on what was discussed at the last CORE meeting.

·  The first shipment of windows came in and will be installed soon.

·  Mr. Cunningham attended the CORE team meeting to ask questions about science lab equipment; the district will need to move these items to the new facility.

·  Mr. Hix asked about score boards and Cynthia Gilbert also attended to discuss the upcoming technology work being done.

·  Roofing corrections are almost complete

·  There are primary coats of paint on the wall, and grid ceilings are being installed.

·  Loose furnishings will be bid the beginning of March.

·  There was a meeting with Terracon about further soil testing at current sites.

·  Documents will begin on demolition with the list from the villages.

·  Mr. Gilliam would like to purchase the Genesis coating for all tile flooring.

·  The sewer parts have come in and will be installed.

·  Security of the building will be state of the art.

·  There was a meeting with Tom Schiffer about the existing high school.

·  The Board will be setting a tour of the new facility mid February or early March; possibly February 26th after the CORE meeting, 3:30 to 5:00 pm.

Resolution No.21-2013 - Executive Session

Mr. Metcalf moved and Mrs. Lauer Furlong seconded the motion to move into executive session at 8:30pm for the purpose of discussing the employment of public personnel.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Metcalf, Lauer Furlong, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Hafer Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No.22-13 - Adjournment

Mr. Metcalf moved and Mrs. Hafer seconded the motion to adjourn the January 28, 2013 regular board meeting at 8:51pm.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Metcalf, Hafer, Lauer Furlong, Wasserbeck Motion Carried

Noes: None



