Sheet 23 Q2 practical

Extra Options on paragraph panel

Example: Roman hanging Punctuation

1-  From the paragraph tab , open the menu by clicking the upright button

2-  Choose Roman hanging Punctuation
This will allow things like commas , apostrophes , Quotation marks to hung in the column as opposed to flush with the edge of the characters

Note : we also have other options like :
Adobe single line composer
Adobe every- line composer

Sheet 23 Q3 practical

Type on a path

1-  Select the Coffee cup layer then choose the free form pen tool

2-  Click and drag quickly to do your form

3-  Choose the horizontal type tool , Then choose your formatting for the text

4-  Click on the path to make it a text path

5-  Select a text you write it before in one of text programs like word , copy it , then paste

6-  Change the Font size until the text become suitable to the path

7-  Add some Filters
convert it to smart object layer to add your Filters to the layer nondestructively.
(From the layers panel menu è choose convert to smart object
Note : This means we still can edit the text But we can't do it in this document anymore .

That's How smart objects work

if we want to edit the text , Then we have to :
A) Double click the smart object thumbnail , Press Ok to the dialog box
B) Open up the text in a separate document
C) Make our changes , Then save it ( Ctrl +S) and close the smart object tab
D) Come back and Photoshop will updates automatically inside of this document

8-  From filter è distort è Sphererize

9-  Choose the amount : 100%

10-  Apply a gradient to the text using a layer mask
click the layer mask Icon to add a layer mask to your smart object

11-  Choose the gradient tool icon and choose your color ( copper is fine )
( make sure as you are working with masks , your foreground is black , Your background is white )

12-  Click and Drag

13-  Click the smart Object thumbnail to make sure that you left the mask thumbnail

14-  From filter è Blur è Gaussian Blur
Radius : 2.9

Sheet 23 Q4
Filling type with an image

Clipping Mask

1-  Place the image above a white background ( default background )
A) select all (ctrl +A)
B) Layer è new èLayer via cut ( ctrl+shift +J)

2-  Hide the image layer

3-  Click the white background layer , Choose the "T" Icon, Then choose any thick , Bold Font in order to see the sky image inside of the text from the font family , Size : 188

4-  Click the" character and paragraph Panel " Icon from the optional panel

5-  In the character tab
A) In auto kerning Option ( space between letters ) è choose optical , to allow Photoshop to decide the space between kerning
B) change the scaling amount expand the height of the letter : 122
C) shrink the horizontal of the letter : 85
D) Make it all Caps

6-  Type the word " DREAM "

7-  Show the image layer

8-  Create a clipping mask , By hover your cursor in between the two layers that you want to group together , Then (click + Alt )
Note : It is nondestructive , this is a kind of vector mask , we call it ( Vector clipping mask )
To remove it : Click again in between the two layers + Alt

Sheet 23 Q8

Refine edge

Note : using refine edge along with your selection tool offers better edge detection and masking result in far less time

1-  Select the lady using quick selection too

2-  Click refine edge

3-  Choose the white background
Note :
Black background : if you are going to move her in a darker image
Overlay : like the quick mask mode
Marching ants : The Photoshop technical term
Black and white : Like a channel
On a layer : new in Photoshop CS5
Reveal layer : New in Photoshop CS5
Letter "F" will cycle your views

4-  Radius : 47.5 , when I choose a high radius , it magically picked up more of her hair

5-  Smooth : 51 , feather : Zero , Contrast : 41 , shift edge : -31
Try each one slider to see the difference if it is higher or lower

6-  Output to : New layer with layer mask
Instate of save selection , make a new layer and create your own mask , Photoshop handles all of that for you now .

7-  Move the lady to the other picture