School Year 2017-2018

Grafton Public Schools – Bus Fee Information & Application

Dear Parent or Guardian of Students Grade 7-12:

In order to register your child in grades 7-12 for a school bus pass for the 2017-2018 school year, please complete this Bus Transportation Application. The application is also available on the school web site.

Bus fees are $200.00 per student with a family cap of $400.00. Please complete a form for all students in grades 7-12. If you are receiving free or reduced lunch, the fee is waived, but this form is required.

The application and fee for bus passes is due by July 14, 2017 if you wish to have bus transportation for the 2017-2018 school year. This is in order to facilitate our summer planning of bus routes. After July 14, 2017 a late fee of $25.00 per family will be assessed. Any transportation requests received after that date will be subject to availability of space on an existing bus route.

In addition to paying by check or money order we also offer an online payment option through Unibank using a credit card or debit through your bank account. Please see our website for a link to this option.

In order to eliminate postage expenses, bus passes for 2017-2018 school year will be available for pick-up during the weeks of August 14-August 25, 2017.

Grafton Middle School student bus passes may be picked up at the Grafton Middle School, 22 Providence Road from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm each day.

Grafton High School student bus passes may be picked up at the Grafton High School, 24 Providence Road from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm each day. Passes will not be mailed out.

Please visit the district website at for any updates to the bus fee program and bus schedules. Questions by email may be sent to . Thank you in advance for your attention and cooperation.

Please use this form to arrange bus transportation for your child/children to and from school for the 2017-2018 school year. We do not offer reduced fee for one-way transportation. In order to honor the family cap of $400 you must list ALL of your children in Grades 7-12 on this form.

Parent/Guardian Name: Phone:
Student Name: / GRADE 2016-2017

☐Fee-based transportation ($200.00 per child – NON-REFUNDABLE) Enclosed $______Check# ______

☐Currently receive Free or Reduced lunch. (If not approved, you will be notified of the balance due for the bus pass.)

Check or Money Order should be made payable to: GRAFTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS-BUS FEE

Mail Applications and payments to: Grafton Public Schools, Attn. Bus Fee, 30 Providence Rd. Grafton, MA. 01519