Arkansas Department of Education
Child Nutrition Unit
Nutrition Education and Training (NET) Program
Part I: District Data
Mailing Address:
School District (S.D.)
Superintendents NameTelephone No.
(S.D.) Grant Contact PersonTelephone No.
Only one grant application for the Nifty Nutrition Program should be submitted per school district. This program requires:
(1) Implementation over a 2 year period with grade clusters of K-3, or 4-6. Districts may apply for only one grade level. A K-6 one year implementation must have prior approval by Jerry Swope, NET Coordinator (501) 324-9502.
(2) Approval for Nifty Program must be given by district Child Nutrition/Food Service Director since food and supplies for classroom food experiences need to be furnished by the district lunch and breakfast program. Grant money is not available for food/supplies, only equipment.
(3) Classroom teachers elect to teach Nifty Program after discussion of the program with instructional supervisor.
(4) All classroom teachers and foodservice managers attend a minimum of 3 hours inservice prior to program implementation.
(5) Equipment money will be requested only once/building. NET schools previously receiving money for this purpose shall not apply for equipment money. Each building within a school campus which houses Nifty classrooms may apply. The pool of small equipment is to be used be all teachers in the building as additional grade levels are implemented . Equipment must be purchased from approved list of equipment. (See list attached)
Submitted for:
Estimated SY 99-2000 EnrollmentSchool / Principal / Telephone / K - 3
Grade Clusters
K 1 2 3 / 4 - 6
Grade Clusters
4 5 6 / Total Est. Enrollment in Nifty
District Totals
Mark if additional schools are listed on separate sheet .
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Part II: District Instructional Materials, Equipment Request, Inservice Training
School District:
Instructions: If grant request is for more than one school, compile the number of teacher curriculum guides needed
for those schools and record totals on this form. Schools will receive classroom curriculum and materials valued at $56.00/kindergarten classroom, and $50.50/classroom, grades 1-6. The dollar amount of the Nifty Nutrition Grant Warrant is determined by the districts equipment needs. Teacher guides will be delivered at time of inservice. Equipment funds can only be used to purchase equipment from the approved list. (Attachment #1)
A. TEACHER GUIDE REQUESTS / B. EQUIPMENT REQUEST$400 /Building (one time only)
(A)+ / (B)= / (C) / (D) / (E) / (F)
Grade Level / 1 copy per
classroom / 1 copy/grade level for Sch.
Food Ser. Mgr. / total no. copies requested / Name of School / # of bldgs. x $400 / Amount Requested by School
First Grade / Column E
Total Equipment / $
Second Grade
Total of Equipment Warrant $ ______
Total Value Teacher Guides $ ______
Total Value of Curriculum Materials
& Equipment Requested $ ______
Sub Total:
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Sub Total:
Inservice for classroom teachers and school food service manager or director is required for a minimum of 3 hours prior
to implementation of program. Locations of inservice training will be provided to ensure as little travel as possible
for participants. Training schedule with dates and locations will be provided by April 1, 1999. Please indicate the
Education Service Cooperative closest to each school in the application.
School / Education Service CooperativeMark X if additional schools are listed on separate sheet ______.
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Please compile requests for teacher curriculum equipment money from all schools. If some of your schools have already started Nifty you may have different schools in different stages. Be sure to clearly communicate all information to the district Child Nutrition director by giving the director a copy of the application and coordinating the number of copies of material needed by child nutrition/food service staff and the inservice date requested.
Curriculum will be delivered at inservice training. It is recommended that all NIFTY NUTRITION curriculum materials be placed in school library or media center to be checked out each year by teachers. As teachers change grade levels or leave districts this provides a mechanism for materials to be available for teachers new to a grade level. Please copy and distribute the updated SAT9 Skills Matrix and Skill Integration Activities to any grade levels already implemented.
After this application has been approved, a grant agreement will be sent to the superintendent/grant contact person for appropriate signatures. When the agreement is completed and returned, a warrant will be requested for the equipment funds. All equipment money must be expended by September 1, 1999.
Food and disposable supplies for NIFTY NUTRITION food experiences will be supplied as an allowable expenditure of the district food service program. The cafeteria and instructional staff will work collaboratively to provide cafeteria/classroom learning experiences for students.
The curriculum materials and equipment will be utilized for student instruction for a minimum of three school years beginning SY99-2000.
Signature - Principal Signature - Food Service Director
Signature - Classroom Teacher Representative Signature - District Curriculum Supervisor
Signature - District Contact Person Signature - Superintendent
Please retain a copy of this grant application for future reference. If you have additional questions please call Jerry Swope, (501) 324-9502.