Grouard-McLennan DIOCESAN NEWSLETTER (February 23, 2002) [web version]
The Catholic Women's League of Canada
Grouard-McLennan Archdiocese
You are the salt of the earth ...You are the light of the world. (Mt5:13-14)
Greetings once again from your Diocesan Executive.
From the President's Desk
Dear Parish Presidents:
Please share the information in this newsletter/envelope with the members of your councils. I am hearing that committee chairpersons are not getting any information from Diocesan and Provincial. This information comes in this envelope. Please take the letter apart, give it to your respective committees, and share the information at meetings.
Thank you very much.
Donna C.
Inclusions in this letter:
- Call to Convention
- Communications letter from Joan Martineau
- 2 newsletters from SPIRITUS ( organization
- Information on the Catholic Conference ( March 8-10th, 2002 in Edmonton. An impressive list of speakers including 3 archbishops, including our own Archbishop Guimond, and 6 bishops and Mark Mallett singing!!
- Newspaper from the Catholic Schools Trustees Association (
- Spiritual Development
- a) suggestion for your council for a yearly plan for a spiritual program.
- b) shortcut to bible reading to use at meetings
- Minutes of the Nov. 3/01 executive meeting
- Organization Communiqué from Val B.
- Christian Family Life Communiqué from Glenda B.
- Community Life Communiqué from Alice C.
Membership Fee Reminder
Note: Please send in your instructed vote to the Diocesan president regarding raising of Diocesan per capita fees as soon as possible. The Diocesan portion of the per capita fee for 2002 will be $3.00.
National - $8.00
Provincial -$4.00
Diocesan -$3.00
Total $15.00
A MOTION has been made at the Diocesan executive meeting to raise the Diocesan portion of the fee to $8.00.
So if this motion passes, starting in 2003, the per capita fee will be a total of $20.00.
National -$8.00
Provincial -$4.00
Diocesan -$8.00
Thank you to those councils that have already voted on this notice of motion. The only Diocese in Alberta with fees less than ours is Edmonton and they have 4500 members.
Upcoming Dates
April 27, 2002 Diocesan Convention in Spirit River, co-hosted by Rycroft and Spirit River CWL Councils
Report forms
Reminder to send in new council rosters to the secretary immediately.
Provincial Highlights
Provincial President Connie McB. and Secretary Mary-Lou V. met with Archbishop Collins in an attempt to open communication between CWL and the Bishops of Alberta. As a result, League members were invited to attend the regular meetings of the Alberta Bishops in December. The main focus of the bishops this year is World Youth Day. They asked the CWL to encourage more registrations for the spiritual experience, but also to help cover costs of the event, and to push for the April collection for WYD. One-third of this collection stays in the diocese in which it was collected.
World Youth Day 2002 - July 18-28, 2002 (
The WYD fund is growing. We have now got $1958.89. But as you can see, this is very far from our goal of $5000. To this date, seven (7) councils have contributed. Please have your final contributions in to the treasurer before the April Convention. The $5000 has already been assigned to 10 travellers going to WYD. Perhaps a one time fund raiser could be done by your council: A pancake breakfast after mass?? Thank you to all who purchased WYD candles at more than cost. They are all sold and the extra money goes to our WYD bursary fund.
"Life is a pilgrimage of discovery. This voyage of discovery is most evident in the time of youth, it is
a voyage that never ends. The world needs young people who have drunk deeply at the sources of
truth. You must form in yourselves a deep sense of responsibility."
- Pope John Paul II, a message to the young people of the world.
Grouard-McLennan Spring Workshop
I trust everyone came away from the Spiritual Workshop uplifted. Thank you to Valleyview for hosting us, thank you to those that organized the making of the rosaries, and to those who lead us in prayer in different languages. And a big thank you to Mark Mallett for coming and lifting us up in song.
Welcoming Kit
Ask for the Welcoming Kit from National to give to new members. This will give your new members something to work with to learn about The League.