Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Board of Commissioner’s Building
205 NW 5th Street, Corvallis, Oregon

9:00 a.m., Board Room

Present:Anne Schuster, Chair;Annabelle Jaramillo,Commissioner;Xanthippe Augerot, Commissioner; Dennis Aloia, Chief Operating Officer;Vance Croney, County Counsel

Staff:Lili’a Neville, Public Information Officer; Kevin Perkins, BOC Recorder; Jaime Sarabia, Board of Commissioners Office; Lori Starha, Natural Areas and Parks

Guests:Bennett Hall, Gazette-Times; Debra Higbee-Sudyka, John Luna, Janet Napack, Environmental Issues Advisory Committee

Chair Schuster called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.

A. Introductions
B. Announcements

There were no announcements.

II.Comments from the Public

No comments were offered.

III.Review and Approve Agenda

The following items were added to the agenda:

5.1Human Resources Update – Tracy Martineau, Human Resources

IV.Work Session

4.1Discussion with Environmental Issues Advisory Committee Regarding Hollingsworth and Voss Emission Issue – Laurie Starha, Public Works

Starha stated that the Environmental Issues Advisory Committee (EIAC)has discussed the issues surrounding the Hollingsworth and Voss (H&V) facility in south Corvallis and request input from the Commissioners.

Naypack stated that the air emissions permit for the facility is duefor renewal and a constituent had asked the committee to look into the matter. She distributed a summary of the work completed by the committee. The gist of the summary is that there is a “watchdog” group of community members, local government staff and other officials who are monitoring the situation.

Higbee-Sudyka stated that this was one of the issues that came to the committee from the community with a request for an examination of the issue by the EIAC. Senator Gelser has also become involved and H&V has held two separate public forums to discuss the community’s concerns. As a result, a new type of test scrubber will be installed at the facility that will not add to the wastewater ponds already at the site.

Jaramillo clarified that the oversight of the plant is under the City of Corvallis. She wants to be sure also that if there is some opposition to any actions taken by EIAC or other agencies that those viewpoints are heard.

Augerot said that she has lived in the neighborhood and been involved in the issue for a long time. H&V is making some very positive efforts in increasing transparency and making improvements at the site. While the County does not have any regulatory authority in the arena, people still expect some involvement and she would like the EIAC to continue to monitor the situation.

In response to a question from Schuster, Starha stated that the committee has not decided on a recommendation, they wanted to bring this to the Board before undertaking any further work. The Title V permit is up for review and could be examined for issues that relate to the County.

Aloia stated that he has met with Health Department staff who have been monitoring the situation, attending meetings and they will continue those efforts. One of the concerns is that the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has not aggressively addressed some of the environmental issues; the state health department is looking at their responsibilities and seeing where they can increase their monitoring or enforcement efforts. Aloia added that some concerns have also been voiced about internal air quality for H&V employees.

The Board and staff discussed suggestions for future work including landfill items/plans, collaborating with other committees and other topical issues.

4.2Review Proposed Budget Amendments – Pat Cochran, Budget Manager

Cochran reviewed the proposed amendments contained in the meeting materials.

MOTION:Jaramillo moved to place this item on the May 16, 2017 agenda. Augerot seconded the motion, which carried (3-0)

4.3LEAD Rotation Update – Jaime Sarabia, BOC Staff

Sarabia discussed the projects underway as part of the LEAD program, including developing an internship program with OSU, continuing a study of diversity efforts, and other items that have come up in his tenure with the Board’s office.


6.1Human Resources Update –Tracy Martineau, Human Resources

Schuster recessed the regular session of the Board of Commissioners at 11:01a.m. to convene an Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(a) Employment of a Public Officer or Staff.

Executive Session was adjourned at 11:36a.m. and the regular session immediately reconvened. No actions or motions resulted from discussion.

Schuster adjourned the meeting at 11:38 a.m.

AnneSchuster, ChairKevin Perkins, Recorder

* NOTE: Items denoted with an asterisk do NOT have accompanying written materials in the meeting packet.


Minutes of the BOC MeetingPage 1 of 3May 2, 2017