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P10217: Robot Integration and Testing

Detailed Design Review

KGCOE Multidisciplinary Senior Design

Patrick Arrigo
Adam Spirer
Aaron Zimmerman
Wes Coleman
Vernon Vantucci
Steven Guenther

12 February 2010
8:00-10:00 AM
9-2580, Xerox Auditorium


Project Description (Official)

The Wandering Campus Ambassador projects will develop a robot-like system to raise awareness of self-sustaining energy and showcase student's creative and technical abilities. The idea is to create curiosity through a robot like device with a living, growing and self-sustaining plant. It will wander around in a nice, slow, autonomous fashion, searching out the best sun, water, fellow plants and friendly passers-by. Act as a great (yet very quiet) spokesperson/plant for the KGCOE MSD, GCCIS Software Engineering Senior Projects, CIAS Industrial Design Senior Projects and even the new sustainability programs being created at RIT. Just think what a great news story or YouTube episode it would make. If you think along the environmentally friendly side a little, you could consider some replenishable power sources for both the robotic-like device and its plant which are not only along-for-the-ride but may guide the robotic's autonomous decisions in search of being able to sustain the plant (i.e. water, sun, temperature, food).

Team Objectives

Preceding (and current) team P10215 and P10216 have been developing the Locomotion and Navigation platforms respectively. The job of P10217, the Integration and Field Testing team, will be to evaluate and test the designs implemented by Locomotion and Navigation. In addition, Integration will be working in parallel with P10218 who will be developing high-level Applications for the robot. Integration’s specific objectives are to do the following:

·  Assemble robot completely, with aesthetic requirements satisfactory for customer

·  Verify functionality of electrical components (sensors, Wi-Fi, GPS, sonar, IR, etc.)

·  Verify functionality of locomotion platform (motors, movement, obstacle detection, etc.)

·  Verify integration of high-level applications is successful


·  Fully assembled and system-integrated robot including aesthetic designs, in line with specifications provided by customer (MSD II)

·  Documentation of any changes and revisions to original designs and why they have been changed (MSD I)

·  Demonstration of all robot functionality in designated operating areas, and proof of potential for extended operation (MSD II)

·  Documentation of testing procedure methodology (MSD I) and field testing results (MSD II)

Project Benefits

·  Reinforcement of RIT’s devotion to sustainability and “green” projects

·  Excellent demonstration of successful, efficient testing procedures for integrated systems of its kind; methodologies can be evaluated for use in future projects

·  Support of Multidisciplinary Senior Design projects through potential ImagineRIT presentation

ProjectedTeam Goal

The Integration Team’s goal within the Wandering Campus Ambassador Project is to spearhead the process of integrating the work completed by the Locomotion and Plant Team (P10215) and the Navigation Team (P10216) who have developed motion, intelligence, and plant care subsystems for the robot platform. The Integration team will focus on the integration of the locomotion components and ensuring proper harnessing of electrical subsystems. In addition, Integration will design and produce the outer robot shell housing. Integration will work closely with the Applications team, ensuring smooth implementation of high-level functionality. Field testing of the robot will likely take place in MSD II.

Team Members

Patrick Arrigo Mechanical Engineering, Team Lead

Adam Spirer Electrical Engineering

Aaron Zimmerman Mechanical Engineering

Wes Coleman Mechanical Engineering

Vernon Vantucci Computer Engineering

Steven Guenther Electrical Engineering


The remaining budget for this project, which is shared with the Applications team (P10218): ~$1700.00 as of 5 February 2010.

Shell Parts
3 / EACH / .75x.75x.06 steel tube / McMaster-Carr / 6527k12 / 13.28 / 39.84
2 / EACH / 1x1x.06 steel tube / McMaster-Carr / 6527k13 / 17.76 / 35.52
11 / YARD / 10 oz e glass fiberglass cloth / USComposites / FG-C1038 / 5.55 / 61.05
1 / EACH / 3:1 Epoxy resin kit, 1 Gal+42.6 oz / USComposites / EPOX-635314 / 61.00 / 61.00
1 / EACH / Resin pump kit / USComposites / EPX-P31 / 6.25 / 6.25
9 / EACH / 2x24x96 Owens Corning Foamular 150 / Home Depot / 528022 / 14.47 / 130.23
TOTAL / 333.89

Mechanical Integration

Shell Design

Fiberglass was chosen because of its lightweight properties and also its ability to mold into some of the complex curves required. A scale model of a portion of the shell was made as a proof of concept, and the decision was made to remain with fiberglass. In addition, the number of individual pieces that make up the whole shell, and the number of mounting points to the frame, was reduced.

Mounting To Frame

Hood pins will be used to mount the fiberglass shell pieces to the frame, via antlers that will extend out from the frame to appropriate mounting points on the shell. The choice to use hood pins was based on the desire to allow disassembly without the use of tools (a strong customer preference).


Since the robot will be operating outdoors, reasonable weatherproofing is required to guarantee successful robot operation. The shell will be completely sealed except for the undercarriage and access panels. Access panels will use rubber weatherstripping materials to seal panel edges, though watertightnes is not explicitly required. The idea is to keep the electronics and mechanical components dry while still allowing for moisture and humidity to escape. Undercarriage not being sealed means that there is likely to be some water kickup when it is raining, so electronics will be housed in a splashproof plastic box high towards the top of the robot, away from the ground. The wiring interface to the box will be placed out of potential splash zones. Motors will be sealed from water kickup as well via splash “guards” similar to the electronics casing if needed.

Testing and Verification

The test plan is designed to provide all verification needed to ensure a successful deployment of the robot. All subsystems in both mechanical and electrical areas will be tested independently and then as an integrated system. This includes sensors, motors, and softwareapplications.


Testing will take place in multiple locations around campus. In addition to testing in the final locations (which are outdoor), the 4th floor design center will also be used as testing grounds for more isolated subsystem testing that requires the use of more equipment for analysis (oscilloscopes, meters, etc.).The following is a brief description of each location:

Field House Front Entrance – Concrete stairway landing area in front of the entrance to the Gordon Field House.

Simone Circle – Open area in front of the Student Alumni Union and George Eastman Building. The Sentinel sculpture is present in the center of this area.

Kodak Quad –Quad area in front of the Gannet and Eastman Buildings, populated heavily with students moving between classes.

4th Floor Design Center–Workarea designated for Multidisciplinary Senior Design students. Testing equipment is easily accessible in this location.

Each location presents its own obstacles and navigation challenges. The following table displays important comments related to each area.

Location / Comments / Indoor/
Outdoor / Final Location
Field House Front Entrance / Travel Surface: Concrete sidewalk.
Borders: grass, descending stairs.
Obstacles: uneven concrete / Outdoor / Yes
Simone Circle (Sentinel) / Travel Surface: Concrete and brick walkways.
Borders: downward curb.
Obstacles: Sentinel sculpture / Outdoor / Yes
Kodak Quad (Building 7 Front) / Travel Surface: Concrete and brick walkways.
Borders: upward curb, stairs, grass.
Obstacles: uneven walkways, inclines. / Outdoor / Yes
4th Floor Design Center / Indoor location for testing preliminary operation and isolated elements, such as individual sensor responses. Also for troubleshooting issues encountered in outdoor final locations / Indoor / No; testing only

Note: The roaming capabilities of the robot are customizable; the robot can be programmed to wander in any given area if new areas are needed in the future.


Test procedures can be broken down into categories based on subsystem and operation types. Initialization and shutdown procedures will test the robot’s ability to power up and power down successfully under all required circumstances. Procedures will also be in place to test electrical systems including sensors and processors; as well as application systems (wireless connectivity and location services); mechanical systems including motors, motion, and plant care; and the frame/shell and harnessing mechanisms. The following subsystems as targets for testing procedures are as follows:

Motors – Locomotion platform components for motion

Plant – Systems dedicated to plant care, water tank, and the plant itself

Frame – Chassis-related components, mounting brackets, wiring harnesses

Shell – Robot outer housing

The following test categories have been identified, with description and associated subsystem:

Category / Description / Subsystem
Speed / Does robot move at required translational speed range? / Motors
Rotation / Turning radius, rotational speed range / Motors
Motion / Forward and reverse locomotion / Motors
Obstacle detection / Awareness of operating environment, avoidance of obstacles / Sensors
Plant care / Ivy plant is watered and cared for appropriately / Plant
Manual operation / Moving robot to appropriate operating environments / Frame
Weatherproofing / Resistance of internal components to rain, etc. / Shell


The following are guidelines for writing Test Procedures:

·  All Test Procedures will use the Test Procedure Template found on EDGE
·  Case 0 and the last case for all test procedures will be the same (Initialization, Shutdown) unless the Initialization or Shutdown procedures themselves are being tested
·  All Test Procedures will include which mode the robot must be in for the test
·  All Test Procedures will terminate with shutting the robot off.
·  All Test Procedures which are updated/changed will have their Revision Histories updated
·  The Requirements section shall take requirements only from the derived specifications
·  All Test Procedures will be given a Test Number based on the numbering scheme found below
·  All Test Procedures shall be saved on the Header Page with the active cell being the Procedure Name
·  All Test Procedures will be looked over by the rest of the Team before accepted

Test Procedures will be enumerated according to the following method:

·  The first two numbers will be the Assigned Number of the Major Category being tested as listed below
·  The third number will be a place holder 0
·  The last two numbers will be incremented as multiple procedures are written for One category
·  For example, if the test for Average Velocity is written as the 7th test under the category of Speed, its number would be: 02007


The following is a general testing procedure which includes steps for debugging and reworking failed tests. In addition a flowchart for individual test execution steps is described.

# / Step / Description
1 / Obtain Test Procedure / Get the test procedure for the test to be run
2 / Power on Robot / Enable power to the robot
3 / Run Test / Run the desired test as outlined in the procedure
4 / Fill out Procedure / Fill out Test Results and Notes area of procedure
5 / Fill out master list / Fill out master list of procedures
6 / Rework test / If test procedure is inadequat to cover specifications, rework the procedure
7a / Debug Robot / If test Fails, cause of failure needs to be determined and fixed
7b / Re-Run test / If procedure is valid and Test fails, test needs to be rerun to ensure a Pass
Notes: / If test passes and covers desired specifications, steps 6 and 7 may be skipped
If test was performed incorrectly, the test also needs to be re-run even if the test Passed
All test procedures will be located on the EDGE website as will be the master list of procedures
All Test Procedures need to be filled out correctly as multiple people will be running tests

Note: Although not shown in the flow chart above, if the Test Fails, the robot will still go through the shutdown procedure

Preliminary Requirements

Requirement # / Source (Engr. Spec #) / Source (Cust. Need) / Requirement (description) / Comments/Status
RQ1 / ES3 / CN2 / Charging Time of Battery shall be between 0 and 16 hours (ideal = 5 hrs) / Charger is integrated in robot. Robot can be charged with any 120v plug.
RQ2 / ES9 / CN5 / Robot will stop ALL movement between 0 and 5 inches (ideal = 2 inches)
RQ3 / ES10 / CN5 / The Torque required to achieve min. movement shall be between 5 and 15 in-lbs
RQ4 / ES11 / CN5 / Robot will be capable of turning in a radius of less than 12 inches
RQ5 / ES14 / CN10 & CN12 / Solar panel output shall be greater than 10 Watts / Reconsider Moving this to Charging Station, Increasing Marginal Value to 80 Watts
RQ6 / ES15 / CN11 / Automatic Drip
RQ7 / ES18 / CN15 & CN16 / ALL parts will be capable of being changed out in less than 1days time (24 hours) / Speed of switching out parts
RQ8 / ES19A / CN17 / Robot shall rotate at a speed of more than 3 degrees/sec
RQ9 / ES19B / CN17 / Robot shall have a translational speed of between 10 and 20 in/min
RQ10 / ES22 / CN21 / Water shall drain at a rate of 1 to 6 inches/hour (ideal = 6 in/hr)
RQ11 / ES39 / CN23 / Robot's center-of-gravity shall be between 14 and 16 inches
RQ12 / ES29 / Robot shall have a weight of no more than 150 lbs (Total Combined Weight) / From Combined Customer Interviews
RQ13 / ES30 / Motor will draw a maximum of 40 amps (peak) current
RQ14 / ES34 / Motor, Full Load Rise Time
RQ15 / ES35 / Motor, Full Load Brake Time (passive) / We may add an active braking spec if necessary
RQ16 / ES41 / Robotbattery will last more than 6 hours (ideal = 9 hours)
RQ17 / ES48 / Robot battery will be considered "dead" for output voltages of less than 10 volts / This will effectively determine when the battery is "dead"

Electrical Integration
