1. College : Engineering and Architecture

2. Department : Electrical and Computer Engineering

3. Semester : Spring 2016/2017

4. Course Code : ELEC 203 , ELEC 221

5. Course Name : Electronics I

6. Time Table

7. Faculty Name : Dr Ali Titinchi

8. Office No. : 5D-43

9. Tele Ext. : 517

10. E-mail :

11. Time for office hours

Sun / 9:00-10:00 / 1:00-2:00
Mon / 10:00-11:00
Tue / 11:00-12:00 / 1:00-2:00
Wed / 10:00-11:00 / 12:30-2:00
Thu / 12:00- 1:00

12. Text Book & References :

Text Book / References
Electronic Devices and Circuit and Circuit
By R.L.Boylestad and L Nashelsky
9th Edition 2006 Prentice Hall / Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits ,Devices and Applications
7TH Edition 2007 , Pearson International Edition
Analog electronic circuits
By A.P. Godse and U.A.Bakshi
1St Edition 2007 Technical Publications Pune

13. Course Description

To introduce the principles of electronics and its applications in the field of rectifications and signal amplification. The course includes semiconductor diode circuit’s analysis, rectification and regulation circuits, Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) amplifier with different configurations, and Field Effect Transistors (FET) amplifier with different configurations.

14. Learning Outcomes

At completing this course students are able to

1. / Analyze an electronics circuits and synthesize solutions
2. / Build a regulated power supply with different output voltage
3. / Analyze and design BJT audio amplifier
4. / Analyze and design FET audio amplifier
6. / Use the BJT and MOSFET transistors as a switch and buffer circuits
Operational amplifier and it's applications

15. Assessment Policy

Assessment process takes direct and indirect measurements to ensure that learning outcomes and program objectives have been achieved. The assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and discussions. The type of assessment is indicated in the weekly plan table and the assessment details are as follows:

Assessment Details:

Assessment / Percentage % / Due
Assignments/Project / 10% / Monday
Quizzes / 10% / Monday
In semester Exam -1 / 20% / Week 6
In semester Exam -2 / 20% / Week 12
Final Exam / 40% / Week 16 & or 17

16. Plagiarism policy

As per the University Policy UoN-STC-CR-1-2009, the following actions(not limited to), without proper attribution (quoting and/or referencing), will attract stringent penalties:
1.  copy the work of another student;
2.  directly copy any part of another person’s work;
3.  summaries another person’s work;
4.  use or develop an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work; or
5.  use experimental results or data obtained or gathers by another person.
6.  cheating during exam

17. Attendance policy

As per the University Absentee Regulations Uon-RR-AP-1-2009, Absentee warning notice will be issued to the student according to:
1.  “Absentee Warning 1” has to be issued to student who has missed 5% of course contact hours.
2.  “Absentee Warning 2” has to be issued to student who has missed 10% of course contact hours.
3.  “Drop one Grade” has to be issued to student who has missed 15% of course contact hours.
4.  “Barred from Examination” has to be issued to student who has missed 25% of course contact hours.

18. Weekly Teaching & Assessment Plan:

Week No. / Title / Course Outcome / Assessment of Outcomes
1 / Semiconductor Diodes principles and diode applications / Analyze an electronics circuits and synthesize solutions
2 / Half wave and Full wave Rectification , centre- tapped transformer and bridge rectifier
3 / RC filtering circuit for half wave and full wave rectifier.
Zener diode regulator / Build a regulated power supply with different output voltage / Assignment # 1
4 / Clippers and Clampers diode circuits / Quiz # 1
5 / Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT) characteristics and Models / Analysis and design of BJT audio amplifier
6 / BJT Amplifier biasing
-fixed base bias
-emitter base bias
-voltage divider bias / In semester Exam 1
7 / d.c. and a.c. load lines and Q-point location
8 / Analysis of Common Emitter Amplifier (CE), voltage and current gains, input and output resistances / Assignment #2
9 / Analysis Common Collector Amplifier (CC) and Common Base Amplifier (CB), voltage and current gains, input and output resistances
10  / BJT amplifier Design
11  / JFET and MOSFET structure and characteristics
FET equivalent circuit / Analysis and design of FET audio amplifier (JFET and MOSFET)
Analysis and design of FET audio amplifier (JFET and MOSFET) / Quiz # 2
12  / FET biasing circuit in order to locate the Q-point
-gate biasing
-voltage divider biasing
-source resistor biasing / In semester Exam 2
13  / JFET and MOSFET Amplifier circuits analysis: voltage and current gains, input and output resistances for
-Common Source (CS) amplifier
-Common Drain (CD) amplifier / Quiz # 3
14  / FET and MOSTFET as amplifier and switch circuits
15  / Operational amplifier and some applications such as amplifier,integrator, summing,…etc. / Use of the 741 operational amplifier for different applications.
16  / Final Exam Week / All outcomes / Final Exam