Quality Impact Assessment Tool inclusive of Equality Impact Assessment References
RATING / The assessment suggests that thisWeak / Will have a detrimental impact on the quality of services the Trust delivers
Poor / May have a negative impact on the quality of services the Trust delivers
Neutral / Will not result in a perceived reduction in the quality of services the Trust delivers.
Fair / Will have a fair impact on the quality of services the Trust delivers.
Good / Will have a positive impact on the quality of services the Trust delivers.
Excellent / Will have an excellent impact on the quality of services the Trust delivers.
PROMPTS (against Quality Priority Areas)
Access / Promotes the principle of Right Care, Right Place, Right TimeSupports fair access and the principles of the Equality Delivery system
Results in a more accessible service
Improves the timeliness of any stage of the service user pathway
Supports delivery of service performance
Listening to and Involving / Involves and engages service users, staff, public and other stakeholders
The identified change/improvement has been co-produced
Care and Care Planning / Promotes a more positive service user experience
Supports a clear clinical need
Supports the delivery of national or local clinical quality indicators and/or standards
Contributes to an improvement in the outcome for the patient
Recording & Evaluating Care / Contributes to the measurement of service user experience to effect change
Promotes the reporting of adverse incidents/issues/concerns
Evidence base or expert consensus demonstrates benefits
Sound data/evidence can be demonstrated to have informed the decision
Robust plans for the evaluation of the development are in place
Working in Partnership / Improves communication and delivery across care pathway boundaries
Fit and Well to Care / Supports staff in understanding their role in improving the service user experience
Supports staff development
Safeguarding / Improves the environment in which service users are treated
Promotes a safe approach to service user care and/or helps to prevent harm to service users
Supports a risk management and safety culture
The duty of ‘due regard’ has been fully considered (please refer to Equality Impact Assessment for detail)
An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) has been completed, reviewed or updated against each area being Quality Impact Assessed.
If ‘no’ please refer to the EIA process or contact the Equality and Inclusion Development Manager
Note- Failing to complete an EIA could expose the Trust to future challenge / YES COMPLETELY / YES IN PART / NO