Tennessee Tech University
Revised Spring 2011
Tennessee Tech University
Name: Amanda Bailey
Date: March 5, 2013
Grade/Level: Kindergarten
Lesson Title: Pocket Charts Rhyming Word App
Revised Spring 2011
Tennessee Tech University
Curriculum Standards / Central Focus/Big Idea/Goal / Rationale/Theoretical ReasoningCCSS.R.2
Phonological Awareness
2. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes)
a. Recognize and produce rhyming words / · Central Focus: How do you know that words rhyme?
· Big Idea: The learner will have the ability to match words together that rhyme.
· Goal: The learner will recognize words that rhyme. Students will be able to complete 16 pages of rhyming words by using the Pocket Charts Rhyming Word app. / Benjamin Bloom (1956) created a taxonomy of questions that will promote higher order thinking in students. When using Bloom’s Taxonomy the students are asked higher level questions to promote learning beyond the content given to them.
I will use Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) throughout my lesson by asking my students’ higher order questions such as How can you recognize rhyming words? I will explain to the students that you can recognize rhyming words by the spelling and sound of the word.
Robert Gagnē (the Gagnē Assumption) 1962 is responsible for five categories of learning (Intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, verbal information, motor skills, and attitudes) which focuses on retention. I will be implementing cognitive strategies during my lesson by giving the students a chance to learn and think about rhyming words.
B.F. Skinner (1968) believed that children learn language through stimulus, response, and reinforcement. I will implement this in my lesson by giving students incentive by the use of the iPad, responding to any questions, and giving very much reinforcement.
During my lesson I will use Howard Gardner’s (1993) theory of multiple intelligences. I will include multiple intelligences such as visual by using the iPad. Students will be able to visually see the pictures of the rhyming words. I will use Intrapersonal by allowing the small group of students work individually on their own iPad.
Scriven (1967) introduced what is known as formative (informal) and summative (formal) assessments. I will be using a formative assessment during my lesson to see what level each student is on by watching the students match the rhyming words together. I will be using a summative assessment to see what my students have mastered during my lesson. If the student completes all 16 pages of the iPad app they have mastered the lesson.
Lesson Objective(s)
· The learner will identify rhyming words.
· The learner will hear the rhyming words.
· The learner will match words together that rhyme.
Vocabulary/ Academic Language (Language Function)
· Rhyming
· Identify
· Match
Formative (Informal):
· The teacher will ask the students higher order thinking questions about rhyming words such as If words have a different spelling at the end can they still rhyme? By asking higher order thinking questions, the teacher will get an idea of what the students already know about rhyming words.
· Students will click on the picture and listen to the sound of the words. The students will then choose a word that rhymes with the picture and match them together. The teacher will get an idea of how much the student knows about rhyming words by watching the students match the rhyming words together. Teacher assistance will be given as needed.
Summative (Formal):
If each student participates in the Pocket Chart Rhyming Word iPad app and completes all 16 pages then the student has mastered the lesson. Teacher assistance will be given as needed.
The teacher will explain to the students that they will be using an iPad app to help them work on rhyming words. The teacher will remind the students about rhyming words and how they can recognize words that rhyme by listening to the ending sound. The iPad app will help students to understand rhyming words and how to match rhyming words together.
Instructional Procedures/Learning Task:
The teacher will have iPads set up in the classroom ready for students to use in a small group of 4-5. The teacher will open the application for the students and demonstrate how to use the Pocket Charts Rhyming Word app to the students. The teacher will explain procedures for using the iPads and allow the students to begin working on their own iPad. The teacher will assist students as needed. After each student has completed all 16 pages then the student has mastered the lesson.
Questions and/or activities for higher order thinking:
· What are rhyming words?
· If words have a different spelling at the end can they still rhyme?
· What are some examples of rhyming words?
· How can you recognize rhyming words?
If time permits, students may go through the iPad app a second time to help practice rhyming words. The teacher will ask students about their experience with the Pocket Charts Rhyming Word app.
4-5 iPads
Pocket Charts Rhyming Word App
Adaptations to Meet Individual Needs:
If some students are having difficulty mastering the rhyming word app the teacher will assist the individual students through the Pocket Charts Rhyming Word iPad lesson. If there are ELL students in the classroom the teacher will help them by pointing out the pictures that go along with the rhyming words. When using the iPad app, each student will work on small motor skills. If some students finish quicker than other students they can go through the iPad app a second time for extra practice.
Management/Safety Issues:
Students must know how to properly use the iPads. The teacher will stress the importance of following directions when using the iPads. The teacher will closely monitor the students to make sure that procedures are being followed correctly.
Reflections/Future Modifications:
Reflection: Overall, I think that my lesson went well. The lesson ended up being short so if I were going to teach this lesson again I would add another app to the lesson so that it would last longer, keep the students’ attention, and give them extra practice with rhyming words. I would give more instruction at the beginning of my lesson and explain the iPad app to them which I didn’t do during my lesson. I would also like to add a vocabulary game to my lesson to teach the students the vocabulary words before the lesson begins. I think that the students did great with the lesson. I had 100% mastery during my pocket charts rhyming word lesson. I would make sure that I addressed how to get the students to move away from the iPad quicker than what they did. It was very hard for them to switch centers when they were playing on the iPads. I would explain to them that everyone has to take turns and that they already had their turn using the iPad.
Future Modifications: If I was going to teach this lesson again, I would modify a few things throughout the lesson. I would create “I Can” statements to introduce to the students and hang them up in the classroom at the beginning of the lesson. An example of an “I Can” statement that I would use is I can recognize and produce rhyming words. I would create a vocabulary game such as memory match to introduce the vocabulary to the students. I would make sure that each student understood the meaning of the vocabulary words given before proceeding with the lesson. The iPad lesson only lasted about 10 minutes. I would like to add another rhyming word iPad app to the lesson to help keep students attention and to help the lesson last a little longer. I would add the Rhyming Bee app to my lesson to give the students more experience with rhyming words and this would help to keep the students more interested in the iPad apps.
Revised Spring 2011
Tennessee Tech University
Revised Spring 2011
Tennessee Tech University
Student Teacher Signature/Date
Revised Spring 2011
Tennessee Tech University
Revised Spring 2011